tenuous oor Kroaties


Thin in substance or consistency.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


The police are gonna trace everyone remotely connected with Harry Merrill, and your connection isn't exactly tenuous.
Policija će ući u trag svakome imalo povezanim sa Harryem Merrillom, a tvoja veza nije baš beznačajna.


We got her back, but her heart's still tenuous.
Povratili smo je, ali je srce i dalje slabo.


We interviewed him two years ago but his connection to Carla was only tenuous.
Pričali smo s njim prije 2 godine, ali povezanost sa Carlom je bila tanka.

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It seems like you have a tenuous grasp on the English language in general.
Čini se da ti je znanje engleskog jezika općenito vrlo tanko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I mean, all I have so far is a series of tenuous connections between a journal from 1790, my intern's secret tattoo, and unconfirmed reports of hell as a place that offers up not only emotional turmoil, but ancient mystical runes.
Mislim, sve što do sada imam je niz slabih veza između dnevnika iz 1790-te, tetovaže moje stažistice, i i neprovjerena izvješća pakla kao mjesta koje nudi ne samo emocionalno mučenje, nego i drevne mistične rune.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Very tenuous.
Vrlo slab.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
94 Having regard to those considerations, the answer to the third question is that Article 17(1) of Regulation No 1215/2012 must be interpreted as meaning that a debtor who has entered into a credit agreement in order to have renovation work carried out in an immovable property which is his domicile with the intention, in particular, of providing tourist accommodation services cannot be regarded as a ‘consumer’ within the meaning of that provision, unless, in the light of the context of the transaction, regarded as a whole, for which the contract has been concluded, that contract has such a tenuous link to that professional activity that it appears clear that the contract is essentially for private purposes, which is a matter for the referring court to ascertain.
94 S obzirom na ta razmatranja, na treće pitanje valja odgovoriti da članak 17. stavak 1. Uredbe br. 1215/2012 treba tumačiti na način da se dužnik koji je sklopio ugovor o kreditu radi izvođenja radova obnove nekretnine u kojoj živi u cilju, među ostalim, da u njoj pruža usluge turističkog smještaja, ne može smatrati „potrošačem” u smislu te odredbe, osim ako je s obzirom na kontekst transakcije za koju je taj ugovor sklopljen, promatrane u cjelini, veza između tog ugovora i te profesionalne djelatnosti tako slaba da je očito da se navedenim ugovorom u biti ostvaruju privatne svrhe, a što je na sudu koji je uputio zahtjev da provjeri.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Except via her—but that was much too tenuous.
Osim preko nje, ali to je silno neuvjerljivo.Literature Literature
Instead of two married couples and me, there are just three of us, with tenuous ties to one another.
Umjesto dva bračna para, sad nas je samo troje međusobno povezanih slabašnim vezama.Literature Literature
‘It’ was a tenuous hunch that Emmett Sprague set Lee and I up to kill Georgie Tilden.
To je bio nejasan predosjećaj daje Emmett Sprague htio namjestiti Leeju i meni da ubijemo Georgieja Tildena.Literature Literature
Article 17(1) of Regulation No 1215/2012 must be interpreted as meaning that a debtor who has entered into a credit agreement in order to have renovation work carried out in an immovable property which is his domicile with the intention, in particular, of providing tourist accommodation services cannot be regarded as a ‘consumer’ within the meaning of that provision, unless, in the light of the context of the transaction, regarded as a whole, for which the contract has been concluded, that contract has such a tenuous link to that professional activity that it appears clear that the contract is essentially for private purposes, which is a matter for the referring court to ascertain.
Članak 17. stavak 1. Uredbe br. 1215/2012 treba tumačiti na način da se dužnik koji je sklopio ugovor o kreditu radi izvođenja radova obnove nekretnine u kojoj živi u cilju, među ostalim, da u njoj pruža usluge turističkog smještaja, ne može smatrati „potrošačem” u smislu te odredbe, osim ako je s obzirom na kontekst transakcije za koju je taj ugovor sklopljen, promatrane u cjelini, veza između tog ugovora i te profesionalne djelatnosti tako slaba da je očito da se navedenim ugovorom u biti ostvaruju privatne svrhe, a što je na sudu koji je uputio zahtjev da provjeri.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
And we talk about how women have such strong perceptions, because of our tenuous position and our role as tradition-keepers, that we can have the great potential to be change-agents.
I pričale smo o tome kako žene imaju snažne percepcije, zbog naše slabe pozicije i naše uloge kao zaštitnica tradicije, da bismo mogle imati veliki potencijal da postanemo agenti promjena.ted2019 ted2019
If there is any connection between the crook and the scientist, it must be extremely tenuous.
Ako postoji veza između lopova i znanstvenice, mora biti jako prikrivena.Literature Literature
Phone contact is tenuous and undesirable - the natives cherish privacy.
Telefonski kontakt je naporan i nepoželjan - domoroci vole privatnost.Literature Literature
Number one: Did you know that 70 percent of the people in the world who have land have a tenuous title to it?
Broj jedan: Jeste li znali kako 70 posto ljudi na svijetu koji imaju zemlju imaju tanko pravo vlasništva?ted2019 ted2019
Because our lives have suddenly become so very tenuous.
Jer su naši životi iznenada postali vrlo nesigurni.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the same vein, the sale of Mr Wullems’ device does not provide direct but indirect access to that content, so that the link or connection between Mr Wullems and the making available to the public of the protected works is tenuous and forms part of a more extensive chain of broadcasting.
F. Wullemsa ne pruža izravni, nego neizravni pristup navedenim sadržajima, tako da je slaba veza, odnosno, linija povezanosti između njega i stavljanja zaštićenih djela na raspolaganje javnosti, kao dijela šireg lanca prijenosa.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The moment is fragile and his trust is tenuous.
Trenutak je vrlo škakljiv, a njegovo je povjerenje krhkoLiterature Literature
I needed to know if he had a connection to the guy in the ski mask, no matter how tenuous.
Trebala sam saznati ima li on ikakve veze s čovjekom sa skijaškim naočalama, bez obzira koliko tanke.Literature Literature
Guided by a tenuous set of truths.
Vođeni slabašnom snagom istine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yeah, your analogy is tenuous at best.
Da, tvoja analogija je najbolja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Having Seth there would be nice – a link, however tenuous, to my missing best man.
Bit će dobro što je i Seth tamo - kao spona, ma koliko labava, s djeverom koji mi nedostaje.Literature Literature
Tenuous, but points for effort.
Ne, ali svaka čast na trudu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Karamanlis and his government might be more amenable to a compromise if the party 's grip on power were less tenuous
Karamanlis i njegova vlada mogli bi biti skloniji kompromisu da stranka čvršće drži vlastSetimes Setimes
You're acting rather cavalier for a man in your tenuous position.
Ponašaš se vrlo kavalirski za čovjeka u nezgodnoj poziciji.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He even threatened her tenuous hold on reality, which had recently been stretched very thin.
Ugrozio je čak i njezinu slabu vezu sa stvarnošću koja je u posljednje vrijeme postajala sve slabija.Literature Literature
I've decided I'm not going to scour the Caribbean for some tenuous Internet fantasy.
Odlučio sam da neću pretraživati Karibe zbog neke internetske maštarije.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Your Honor, that connection is ridiculously tenuous.
Časni sude, ta poveznica je smiješno beznačajna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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