thermae oor Kroaties


springs or baths of warm or hot water

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


The inscriptions also show the existence of curia , thermae , sanctuaries etc.
Natpisi pokazuju da je u gradu postojala kurija , gradske terme i svetiŠta brojnih boĐanstava .




public facilities for bathing in Ancient Rome
The inscriptions also show the existence of curia , thermae , sanctuaries etc.
Natpisi pokazuju da je u gradu postojala kurija , gradske terme i svetiŠta brojnih boĐanstava .

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Throughout these busy months, I am ashamed to say, we neglected Sthenius of Thermae.
Tijekom tih burnih mjeseci, sram me reći, ali zapostavili smo Stenija iz Termi.Literature Literature
The city had the typical Roman architecture , multi-storey buildings , water tanks , thermae and cobbled narrow streets very similar to the streets in old towns of the cities of Dalmatia , including Murter .
Grad je imao tipičnu antičku arhitekturu , kuće podignute na kat , cisterne za vodu , terme i uske ulice popločane kamenim pločama vrlo slične današnjim ulicama u starim dijelovima dalmatinskih gradova , pa i starom dijelu Murtera .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The inscriptions also show the existence of curia , thermae , sanctuaries etc.
Natpisi pokazuju da je u gradu postojala kurija , gradske terme i svetiŠta brojnih boĐanstava .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The complex included palaces, several thermae, theatre, temples, libraries, state rooms, and quarters for courtiers, praetorians, and slaves.
Kompleks sadržava palaču, nekoliko termi, kazalište, hramove, knjižnice, državničke prostorije i odaje za dvorjane, pretorijansku gardu i robove.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The city was founded around 315 BC by the King Cassander of Macedon, on or near the site of the ancient town of Therma and 26 other local villages.
Kr. osnovao Kasander, kralj Makedonije (Μακεδών) na ili blizu mjesta starog grada Terme i na 26 drugih okolnih sela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We had stayed with him twice in Thermae, when Cicero heard cases in the town.
Dvaput smo bili kod njega u Termama, kad je Ciceron tamo imao parnice.Literature Literature
Under the reorganization of Diocletian, Rouen was the chief city of the divided province Gallia Lugdunensis II and reached the apogee of its Roman development, with an amphitheatre and thermae of which foundations remain.
Za vrijeme Dioklecijanove reorganizacije, Rouen je bio poglavarski grad podijeljene pokrajine Gallia Lugdunensis II i postigao je procvat u razvoju za vrijeme rimskog perioda, s amfiteatrom i termama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You can be the consul of Thermae and I can be the first lady.’
Možeš biti konzul u Termama, a ja ću biti prva dama.”Literature Literature
Still today , the peristyle of thermae is recognizable as a place where a bath with furnaces and dressing rooms as well as the Old Christian facilities , connected to the basilicas with activities of St. Dujam was situated .
I danas je prepoznatljiv peristil termi , prostor za kupelj s pećima i svlačionicama kao i starokršćanski objekti uz bazilike vezani uz djelatnost Sv . Dujma .hrenWaC hrenWaC
It is easy to forget the importance of behaviour in our own therma l lives.
Lako je zaboraviti koliko je ponašanje važno i za našu vlastitu toplinsku ravnotežu.Literature Literature
On the site of this ancient town preparations are being done to present the Hellenistic necropolis at Martvilo and the ancient Roman thermae at the foothills of Gradine close by the sea .
Na lokalitetu antičkog grada radi se na prezentaciji helenističke nekropole na Martvilu i rimskih termi pri dnu Gradine uz samo more .hrenWaC hrenWaC
“I call my first witness-Sthenius of Thermae.”
“Pozivam svog prvog svjedoka, Stenija iz Terma.”Literature Literature
It lies at the junction of three major glacial systems – the Bonar Glacier, which drains into the Waipara River, and the Volta and Therma Glaciers, which both drain into the Waitoto River.
Okružuju ga tri ledenjačka sustava, ledenjak Bonar koji se spušta u rijeku Waipara, te ledenjaci Volta i Therma koji se prazne u rijeku Waitoto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All significant stages of the history of England are represented within the city, from the Roman Baths (including their significant Celtic presence), to Bath Abbey and the Royal Crescent, to the more recent Thermae Bath Spa.
Sve značajne faze engleske povijesti su zastupljeni u gradu, od Rimskih termi (uključujući i stariju keltsku prisutnost), preko srednjovjekovne Opatije Bath i "Kraljesvkog polumjeseca" (Royal Crescent) iz 18. st., do terma Bath Spa iz 2000. god.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are historical remains from the period of roman emperor Diocletian like amphitheatre , empty church and the thermae .
U Solinu se nalaze povijesni ostaci iz doba cara Dioklecijana poput : amfiteatra , šuplje crkve , terma .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Over the past four years of archaeological research other remains have been found such as the church of St. Theodore with monastery from the 15th century , early medieval church of St. Lucy , early medieval and modern cemetery , luxurious Roman house from the 1st century BC , as well as the remains of Roman thermae .
Tijekom četiri godine koliko traju areheološka istraživanja na tom lokalitetu otkriveni su i crkva sv . Teodora sa samostanom iz 15 . stoljeća , ranosrednjovjekovna crkva sv . Lucije , ranosrednjovjekovno i novovjekovno groblje , raskošna rimska kuća iz 1 . stoljeća prije Krista te ostaci rimskih termi .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The town centre had a trapezoidal form , was enclosed by city walls and was fortified by towers . Within it was a complex of town basilicas , and a monumental cathedral with a baptistry and thermae were later constructed .
Gradska jezgra bila je trapezastog oblika opasana zidinama i utvrđena kulama , a sadržavala je kompleks gradskih bazilika , kasnije podignutu monumentalnu katedralu s krstionicom i terme .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The floor covering in the therma can not be made from materials of synthetic origin - for example, linoleum, since it can release harmful compounds to people, even with a slight increase in temperature.
Plošni pokrov u termi ne može biti izrađen od materijala sintetičkog podrijetla - na primjer, linoleum, budući da može pušiti štetne spojeve ljudima čak i uz blago povećanje temperature.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Immediately Maximian built several monuments, such as a large circus 470 m × 85 m (1,542 ft × 279 ft), the Thermae Herculeae, a large complex of imperial palaces and several other buildings.
Maksimijan je izgradio nekoliko divovskih spomenika, kao veliki cirkus (470 x 85 metara), Thermae Erculee, veliki kompleks carskih palača i druge zgrade.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Town hall, aqueduct, thermae (baths), temples (dedicated to Diana, Magna Mater, Cybele and Liber) and many other structures were built during this time as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds that were unearthed in the Senj area: stone monuments, sculptures of gods, buildings and cemeteries.
Izgrađeni su: gradska vijećnica, vodovod, terme (kupališta), hramovi (posvećeni božanstvima Dijani, Magni Mater/Kibeli i Liberu) i drugi objekti, o čemu svjedoče brojni arheološki nalazi kamenih spomenika, skulptura božanstava, arhitekture i groblja pronađenih na ovom području.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is not only interesting from the aesthetic side, but also gives the volume to the therma.
Ne samo da je zanimljiva s estetske strane, već i daje volumen na termi.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The centre of the new region became Tarsatika (today’ s old part of the town of Rijeka), where at the location of an early antique coastal trading town a mighty military camp with headquarters was built, and the bathes (thermae) were enlarged.
Središte nove regije postaje Tarsatika (današnji Stari grad u Rijeci), gdje se na mjestu ranoantičkog priobalnog trgovišta gradi moćan logor za prihvat vojnika, upravna zgrada zapovjedništva, proširuju se terme.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Early Christian basilica was built in the 5th century on the area known for the Roman thermae, with clear visible influence of different styles from the Roman and Gothic period to Renaissance and Baroque.
Ranokršćanska bazilika izrađena je na mjestu rimskih termi u 5. stoljeću, a na njoj se lako prepoznaje utjecaj raznih stilova, od romanike i gotike do renesanse i baroka.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Throughout history, the thermae, baths, Turkish baths, pools, and thermal spas were the places of social contacts, emphasizing the importance of socializing.
Terme, kupališta, hamami, bazeni, toplice nosili su kroz povijest atribut druženja i naglašavali važnost društvenog kontakta.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Daruvar thermae has developed special type of health tourism just because of these natural benefits. „Daruvarske toplice“ is specialised in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, medical rehabilitation, recreation and health tourism. It has also long tradition in the treatment of gynaecological diseases using natural healing factors – thermal water and mineral mud.
Daruvarske Toplice – Zbog svojih prirodnih blagodati Daruvar razvija poseban oblik zdravstvenog turizma. Daruvarske su toplice specijalizirane za lijecenje reumatskih bolesti, provođenje medicinske rehabilitacije, rekreacije i zdravstvenog turizma, te imaju dugu tradiciju u lijecenju uporabom prirodno ljekovitih čimbenika – termalne vode i mineralnog blata.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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