to restrain oor Kroaties

to restrain

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It takes three men to restrain him and bring him back to our own.
Trebalo je trojica da ga obuzdaju i odvuku odatle.

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They said I might have to restrain her at night.
Rekli su da ću je možda morati smiriti preko noći.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I had to restrain myself from launching the stern lecture I had replayed many times the previous evening.
Morao sam se sustezati kako mu ne bih održao strogo predavanje koje sam u sebi prethodne večeri ponovio nebrojeno puta.Literature Literature
He was weak and distracted; Miriamele was able to restrain him with little difficulty.
Bio je slab i smućen; Miriamele gaje uspjela obuzdati bez puno muke.Literature Literature
Does it not call for self-discipline to restrain the eye from focusing on improper sights?
Ne treba li nam samosvladavanje kako se ne bismo zagledali u nepristojne slike?jw2019 jw2019
Rasmussen also urged all parties to continue the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and to restrain from violence
Rasmussen je također pozvao sve strane na nastavak dijaloga Kosovo- Srbija i suzdržavanje od nasiljaSetimes Setimes
This means he wasn't trying to restrain her.
To znači da nije pokušao da je savlada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The naked and invisible aeronaut tried to restrain and control herself, but her hands shook with impatience.
Gola i nevidljiva letačica suzdržavala se i svladavala, njezine su se ruke tresle od nestrpljivosti.Literature Literature
And, by the way, please don't feel you have to restrain yourself here.
Ovdje se ne morate ustručavati.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It may be necessary to restrain me
Možda će me biti potrebno obuzdatiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
You're supposed to restrain the victim before you throw acid in his face.
Trebao bi prvo vezati žrtvu prije nego što mu baciš kiselinu u lice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nick was doing everything he could to restrain himself, his muscles tensed, his blood racing.""
Nick se svim silama nastojao suspregnuti, krv mu je jurila, mišići se napinjali.Literature Literature
We're going to have to restrain him.
Morat ćemo ga vezati.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sanger raised his hands, as much to calm the watching mourners as to restrain the young Swede.
Sanger je podigao ruke koliko da umiri prisutne žalobnike toliko i da obuzda mladog Šveđanina.Literature Literature
Without him to restrain the other Regents, this whole country will go back to anarchy again.”
Da on ne obuzdava ostale regente, ova bi cijela zemlja opet zapala u bezvlašće. — Da, istina je, zapovjedniče!Literature Literature
You are going to have to restrain yourself, sir.
Gospodine, kontrolirajte se!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jack found himself barely able to restrain an impulse to stand and scream at them.
Jack se uhvatio kako jedva suzdrţava potrebu da ustane i poĉne vrištati na njih.Literature Literature
At the last moment, God sent an angel to restrain Abraham. —Genesis 22:9-14.
Bog je u posljednjem trenutku poslao anđela da zaustavi Abrahama (1. Mojsijeva 22:9-14).jw2019 jw2019
Marv knows I’ll have to restrain myself from saying something.
Marv zna da ću morati pregristi jezik da mu nešto ne odbrusim.Literature Literature
Joshua, Moses’ assistant, wanted to restrain them.
Jošua, Mojsijev pomoćnik, želio im je to zabraniti.jw2019 jw2019
Our sentries were posted outward, they’d no orders to restrain movement within the camp.
Naša straža bila je postavljena na rubovima i nije im bilo zapovjeđeno da ograničavaju kretanje unutar tabora.Literature Literature
I think he needed it to restrain any snippy remarks, and honestly, I didn't begrudge him it.
Mislim da mu je trebalo kako bi obuzdao bilo kakve oštre primjedbe, a iskreno, nisam mu zavidjela na tome.Literature Literature
We' re going to have to restrain him
Morat ćemo ga vezatiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The attendants final y managed to restrain him; otherwise he would have kil ed the guy.
Stražari su ga uspjeli smiriti, u suprotnom bi ga bio ubio.Literature Literature
It has been using her to restrain the others.
Koristi se njome da zauzda ostale.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We need to restrain you so no one gets hurt while Richard and I work with the Sword.
Moramo vas ostaviti na sigurnom, da se nitko ne ozlijedi... dok Richard i ja radimo sa mačem.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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