toppling oor Kroaties


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Even his crusade to topple SBK is motivated purely by revenge.
Čak je i njegov križarski rat za obaranje SBK motiviran isključivo osvetom.

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In one stiff piece, the biker toppled out of the closet.
U jednom ukočenom komadu, bajker se strovalio iz ormara.Literature Literature
I thank those who toppled us from power on October # th, because in the meantime we 've learned a lot and realised all of our mistakes, " Dacic said
Zahvalan sam onima koji su nas skinuli s vlasti # listopada, zato što smo u međuvremenu dosta naučili i uvidjeli sve svoje pogreške ", rekao je DačićSetimes Setimes
The United States had to invade Panama in 1989 to topple its narco-dictator, Manuel A.
SAD su morale izvršiti invaziju na Panamu 1989. da bi se riješile narko-diktatora Manuela A.Literature Literature
They were going to invade and attempt to topple what was left of Rand once and for all.
Htjeli su izvršiti invaziju i pokušati srušiti ono što je ostalo od Randa jednom zauvijek.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The beast toppled slowly to its left, for I had removed all of the limbs on that side of its body.
Zvijer se polako prevrnula na lijevu stranu, jer odrezao sam joj sve udove na toj strani tijela.Literature Literature
The building's going to topple!
Zgrada će se srušiti!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then they'd topple, one after another.
Potom bi ta tijela samo počela padati, jedno za drugim.Literature Literature
Professor Kouwe had retrieved Nate’s toppled chair and now helped guide him down to his seat.
Profesor Kouwe je podigao Nateovu prevrnutu stolicu i ponudio mu da ponovno sjedne.Literature Literature
With the toppling of the Berlin Wall, however, he acquired new admirers in the unlikeliest places.
MeĎutim, s rušenjem Berlinskoga zida, Marx je stekao nove oboţavatelje na najneočekivanij im mjestima.Literature Literature
This toppling was going to happen
To obaranje vlade će se dogoditiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The past week in Serbia saw the opposition gain its first victory in its quest to topple the government and force early parliamentary elections
Prošlog tjedna Srbija je svjedočila prvoj pobjedi oporbe u pokušaju obaranja vlade i raspisivanja prijevremenih parlamentarnih izboraSetimes Setimes
My sister always said that someday it would fall into the ocean, just topple right over.”
Moja je sestra uvijek govorila da će se jednoga dana samo srušiti u ocean.""Literature Literature
She turned and was alarmed to see Rizzoli sitting on the floor next to the toppled chair.
Okrenula se i zabrinula kad je ugledala Rizzolijevu kako sjedi na podu pokraj prevrnutog stolca.Literature Literature
Yeah, you'd better topple.
Da, i bolje ti je da se okreneš.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Iranian and Nicaraguan Revolutions of 1979, the 1986 People Power Revolution in the Philippines and the 1989 Autumn of Nations in Europe saw multi-class coalitions topple seemingly powerful regimes amidst popular demonstrations and mass strikes in nonviolent revolutions.
Iranska revolucija i Nikaragvanska revolucija iz 1979. godine, Revolucija narodne moći na Filipinima 1986. godine i Jesen naroda 1989. godine u Europi su imale više-klasne koalicije koje su svrgnule naizgled moćne režime popularnim demonstracijama i masovnim štrajkovima u nenasilnim revolucijama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Marcie turned to run, but in her hurry, tripped backward over her fallen bar stool and toppled to the floor.
Marcie se okrenula da potrči, ali u žurbi se spotaknula na svoj prevrnuti barski stolac i zaplivala po podu.Literature Literature
Dropping the pencil, I toppled over and began twitching.
Ispustivši olovku, presavila sam se i počela grčiti.Literature Literature
This weapon has toppled empires, Asgardian.
Ovo oružje je rušilo carstva, Asgardianče.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He strained against her fingers and palms, threatening to spill out of her grip, to topple onto the floor.
Počela se odupirati o njezine prste i dlanove, prijeteći da će joj izmigoljiti iz stiska i pasti na pod.Literature Literature
They begin as liberators. 20 minutes later, they're as corrupt as the tyrants they topple.
Svi počnu kao osloboditelji, ali ubrzo postanu poput tirana koje su srušili.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Crowds gathered outside the parliament in Hungary and toppled the enormous statue of Stalin, even lynching secret police officers in the streets.
U Mađarskoj se masa okupila ispred parlamenta, srušila ogromni kip Stalina, čak i linčovala pripadnike tajne policije na ulicama.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Laugesen claims that you gave him the vouchers that toppled Hesselboe.
Laugesen tvrdi da ste mu dali račune koji su srušili Hesselboea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The army has toppled four governments since
Vojska je srušila četiri vlade od # godineSetimes Setimes
Following the Marxist–Leninist coup in Ethiopia in 1974 which toppled its ancient monarchy, the Ethiopians enjoyed Soviet Union support until the end of the 1980s, when glasnost and perestroika started to impact Moscow's foreign policies, resulting in a withdrawal of help.
Nakon marksističko-lenjinističkoga udara u Etiopiji 1974., koji je porušio staru monarhiju, Etiopljani su uživali podršku Sovjetskog Saveza do kraja 1980.-ih, kada je nakon politike glasnosti i perestrojke, službena Moskva prestala slati pomoć.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I'm going to topple off of the bed, Didi.
Past ću s kreveta, Didi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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