touch and move oor Kroaties

touch and move

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We teach, touch and move.
Podučavamo, dodirujemo i pomičemo.QED QED
Well, I'm just touched and moved that you all went to all this trouble.
Dirnut sam i ganut što ste se svi potrudili doci.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is a form of tactile and kinesthetic communication which teaches student about their body organization through easy and gentle touching and moving .
To je oblik taktilne i kinestetske komunikacije kroz koju klijent uči o svojoj tjelesnoj organizaciji kroz nježne dodire i pokretanje .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Betty Raye found herself being touched and deeply moved by the real problems she read about.
Betty Raye je bila dirnuta i duboko potresena stvarnim problemima o kojima je ĉitala.Literature Literature
And our sacrifices touch God's heart and move his hand.
A naša žrtva je dodirnuti Božje srce i pomaknuti njegovu ruku.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What Zacchaeus saw and heard while in association with Jesus touched his heart and moved him to change his ways.
Ono što je Zahej vidio i čuo u Isusovom društvu dirnulo ga je u srce i potaknulo da se promijeni.jw2019 jw2019
But they never gave up, and little by little, the Bible’s truths touched my heart and moved me to change.”
No oni nisu odustajali te je biblijska istina malo-pomalo utjecala na moje srce i potaknula me da se počnem mijenjati.”jw2019 jw2019
He touched her shoulder and moved off, deciding to give her some privacy.
Dodirno joj je rame i odmaknuo se odlučivši joj dati malo privatnosti.Literature Literature
Touching our hearts and moving us.
Ponijet’ nas može, jačati.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, the truth may touch his heart and move him to action. —Romans 12:2.
Tada istina može doprijeti do njenog srca i potaknuti je na djela (Rimljanima 12:2).jw2019 jw2019
Everything she touched broke and every move she made became a catastrophe.
Sve što je taknula se slomilo, a svaki pokret je postao katastrofa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Again the control was touched and the door moved another few centimeters.
Ponovno je pokrenuo prekidač i vrata su se otvorila novih nekoliko centimetara.Literature Literature
13 Has your heart been touched and deeply moved by God’s way of justice and love in giving his only-begotten Son as a ransom for you?
13 Zar tvoje srce nije duboko dirnuto Božjim putem pravde i ljubavi koji se očituje u tome što je dao svog jedinorođenog Sina kao otkup za tebe?jw2019 jw2019
Again the control was touched and the door moved another few centimetres.
Ponovno je pokrenuo prekidač i vrata su se otvorila novih nekoliko centimetara.Literature Literature
And we were all kind of taken aback and moved and touched by it because it was this tremendous affection, this tremendous affection
Zdravo.Mogu li da dobijem raspored? Svakako moram da vidim Mejdželopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Only then will Bible truth touch his heart and move him to apply what he has learned. —Romans 12:2.
Tek tada će biblijska istina utjecati na njeno srce i potaknuti je da naučeno i primijeni (Rimljanima 12:2).jw2019 jw2019
What Esa learned from his study of the Bible touched his heart and moved him to dedicate his life to Jehovah.
Istina koju je saznao iz Božje Riječi na Esu je ostavila tako dubok dojam da je odlučio služiti Jehovi Bogu.jw2019 jw2019
“I won’t talk about anything I see or hear and won’t touch or move anything in any way.”
"""Nikome ništa neću reći o tome što vidim i čujem i neću ništa ni na koji način dirati niti pomicati."""Literature Literature
9 In a similar way, our regular study of God’s Word and meditation on it will touch our hearts and move us to ‘praise him’ —witness about Jehovah— frequently, even “seven times in the day.”
9 Slično tome, redovito će proučavanje Božje riječi i meditiranje o njoj dirnuti naša srca i potaknuti nas da ‘hvalimo’ Boga — da svjedočimo o Jehovi — često, čak “sedam puta na dan” (Rimljanima 10:10).jw2019 jw2019
Then if you touch someone, you can move into your hand totally and that touch will become transforming.
Ako nekoga tada dotaknete, mo`ete u}i potpuno u svoju ruku, a taj dodir }e tada biti prepora|aju}i.Literature Literature
The article touched my heart and moved me to meditate on Jesus’ promise found at Matthew 6:33 that Jehovah will care for those who seek first the Kingdom.
Članak me se duboko dojmio i potaknuo me na razmišljanje o riječima iz Mateja 6:33, gdje je zapisano Isusovo obećanje da će se Jehova brinuti o onima koji stave Kraljevstvo na prvo mjesto.jw2019 jw2019
He touched his talisman from Bethany and moved away from me with swift, impatient steps.
Dodirnuo je svoj betanijski talisman i odmaknuo se od mene brzim nestrpljivim koracima.Literature Literature
She reaches out to touch me, but I shudder and move away, sticking close to Dad’s side.
Ona pruža ruku da me dodirne, no ja zadrhtim i odmaknem se te se približim tati.Literature Literature
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