traffic cover oor Kroaties

traffic cover

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Herrmann opened the thick file dealing with cross-border radio traffic covering the period of Wednesday to Friday.
Doktor Herrmann je otvorio debeli dosje o zagraničnom radioprometu, a koji je pokrivao razdoblje od srijede do petka.Literature Literature
Such data are traffic data covered by Article 6 of this Directive.
Takvi podaci su podaci o prometu pokriveni člankom 6. ove Direktive.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The road-safety-related traffic offences covered by this Directive are not subject to homogeneous treatment in the Member States.
Prometni prekršaji protiv sigurnosti prometa na cestama obuhvaćeni ovom Direktivom nemaju ujednačeni tretman u svim državama članicama.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The road safety related traffic offences covered by this Directive are not subject to homogeneous treatment in the Member States.
Prometni prekršaji vezani uz sigurnost prometa na cestama obuhvaćeni ovom Direktivom nemaju ujednačeni tretman u svim državama članicama.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The road safety related traffic offences covered by this Directive are not subject to homogeneous treatment in the Member States.
Prometni prekršaji protiv sigurnosti prometa na cestama obuhvaćeni ovom Direktivom nemaju ujednačeni tretman u svim državama članicama.not-set not-set
(9)The road safety related traffic offences covered by this Directive are not subject to homogeneous treatment in the Member States.
(9)Prometni prekršaji vezani uz sigurnost prometa na cestama obuhvaćeni ovom Direktivom nemaju ujednačen tretman u svim državama članicama.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(8) The road safety related traffic offences covered by this Directive are not subject to homogeneous treatment in the Member States.
(8) Prometni prekršaji vezani uz sigurnost prometa na cestama obuhvaćeni ovom Direktivom nemaju ujednačeni tretman u svim državama članicama.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The activities of the Scientific Council for Traffic comprise the areas covering road , railway , water , air and postal traffic .
Znanstveno vijeće za promet u svom djelovanju obuhvaća područja : cestovnog , željezničkog , vodnog , zračnog i PT prometa .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The annex on Air Traffic Management covers issues on which the EU has competence and on which relations with ICAO need to be maintained at the EU level.
Prilog o upravljanju zračnim prometom obuhvaća pitanja nad kojima EU ima nadležnost i u kojima se odnosi s ICAO-om trebaju održavati na razini EU-a.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is out of approximately 200 million road traffic offences covered by the CBE Directive (committed by residents and non-residents) which could have been detected in 2014.
Ti se podaci odnose na otprilike 200 milijuna prekršaja u cestovnom prometu obuhvaćenih Direktivom CBE (koje su počinili rezidenti i nerezidenti) koji su mogli biti otkriveni 2014.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
37 The RDE test is conducted on public roads in real traffic and covers a wide range of driving conditions experienced by drivers in the EU ( see Picture 3 ).
37 Ispitivanje RDE-a provodi se na javnim cestama u stvarnom prometu i obuhvaća širok raspon uvjeta vožnje koje vozači u EU-u mogu doživjeti ( vidi sliku 3. ).elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Clothing for protection against road accidents and To improve cyclist safety, devices for personal protection against traffic accidents, covers for protective helmets, protective sleeves (to be worn by users) for bicycle or motorcycle handlebars
Zaštitna odjeća za zaštitu od prometnih nesreća i Za jačanje sigurnosti biciklista, uređaji za osobnu zaštitu od prometnih nesreća, navlake za zaštitne kacige, zaštitne navlake (koje nose korisnici) za bočice za bicikliste ili motociklistetmClass tmClass
Alert thresholds for the cost-efficiency key performance indicator shall cover both traffic and costs evolution.
Granične vrijednosti upozoravanja za ključni pokazatelj performansi isplativosti moraju obuhvatiti razvoj prometa i troškova.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(1) With regard to Austria the part of the MFN exemption regarding traffic rights covers all countries with whom bilateral agreements on road transport or other arrangements relating to road transport exist or may be desirable.
(1) S obzirom na Austriju, dio izuzeća od načela najpovlaštenije države u vezi s pravima prometa obuhvaća sve zemlje s kojima dvostrani sporazumi o cestovnom prometu ili ostali aranžmani u vezi s cestovnim prometom postoje ili mogu biti poželjni.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Every single air traffic controller who was covering Avias 514 was either on vacation or sick.
Svi kontrolori koji su vodili Avias 514 su ili na odmoru ili na bolovanju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Danish authorities claim that even with these restrictions to the scope of the measure the absolute majority of vessels used in international traffic and larger vessels used in national traffic are covered by the tax reduction.
Danska nadležna tijela tvrde da su čak i s navedenim ograničenjima u pogledu područja primjene mjere apsolutna većina plovila koja se upotrebljavaju u međunarodnom prometu i veća plovila koja se upotrebljavaju u nacionalnom prometu obuhvaćena sniženjem poreza.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
— Pursuant to Article 18 (1), postal traffic shall not be covered by Community legislation relating to the ATA carnet.
— U skladu s člankom 18. stavkom 1., zakonodavstvo Zajednice koje se odnosi na karnet ATA ne obuhvaća poštanski promet.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
However, the STCW Convention does not cover maritime yacht traffic.
Međutim, STCW konvencija ne obuhvaća pomorski promet jahtama.not-set not-set
Nobody was happy driving in rainy rush-hour traffic, no matter what rubber covered their wheels.
Nitko nije sretan kad se vozi na kiši i u vrijeme špice, bez obzira na gume koje su na kotačima.Literature Literature
All road traffic incidents are, a fortiori, covered.
Sve prometne situacije su a fortiori pokrivene.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
For Table I4, Member States shall indicate which categories of traffic, if any, are not covered by the data.
Za Tablicu I4, države članice moraju navesti koje vrste prometa, ako ih ima, nisu obuhvaćene podacima.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
For Table A4, Member States shall indicate which categories of traffic, if any, are not covered by the data.
Za Tablicu A4, države članice moraju navesti koje vrste prometa, ako ih ima, nisu obuhvaćene podacima.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
For Table I4, Member States shall indicate which categories of traffic, if any, are not covered by the data.
Za tablicu I.4 države članice moraju navesti koje vrste prometa, ako ih ima, nisu obuhvaćene podacima.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
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