uniqueness constraint oor Kroaties

uniqueness constraint

A constraint that prohibits repetition of individual data or combinations of data.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

ograničenje jedinstvenosti

A constraint that prohibits repetition of individual data or combinations of data.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Unique Constraint Properties
Svojstva operacijaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The industry has thus had to develop tailored vehicles, designed to meet the unique constraints of relatively small national markets.
Industrija je zato morala razviti posebno prilagođena vozila kako bi zadovoljila jedinstvena ograničenja razmjerno malih nacionalnih tržišta.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
We' ve got some unique time constraints
Imamo unikatno vremensko ograničenjeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
This unique natural constraint gives ‘Csopak’/‘Csopaki’ wines their body.
To jedinstveno prirodno ograničenje daje puninu vinima „Csopak”/„Csopaki”.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
We've got some unique time constraints.
Imamo neka jedinstvena vremenska ograničenja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
likewise asks, with regard to the outermost regions, that the unique constraints which are their hallmark (namely their distance and isolation from the rest of European territory) be taken into account when devising and implementing European policies which contribute to their connections with the outside, by adapting these policies to their particular situation;
poziva također da se u slučaju najudaljenijih regija, pri oblikovanju i provedbi europskih politika koje doprinose njihovoj vanjskoj povezanosti, vodi računa o jedinstvenim ograničenjima koja ih obilježavaju (odnosno njihovoj velikoj udaljenosti i izoliranosti u odnosu na druge europske teritorije) na način da se te politike prilagode posebnim okolnostima u tim regijama;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
attempted integrity violations (where changed or inserted data does not match a referential, unique, or check constraint)
pokušaji povrede integriteta podataka (ako izmijenjeni ili uneseni podaci ne odgovaraju ograničenju vrijednosti, ograničenju jedinstvenosti ili referencijalnom ograničenju.)EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
calls for specific treatment for outermost regions to be envisaged as part of post-2020 cohesion policy, taking into account these regions’ particular constraints, unique in Europe.
poziva na to da se u okviru kohezijske politike nakon 2020. razmotri uspostava posebnog režima za najudaljenije regije kako bi se uzela u obzir njihova posebna ograničenja koja su jedinstvena na europskom području.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Each individual is different and must contend with his or her unique set of opportunities and constraints.
Svaki je pojedinac drugačiji i mora se zadovoljiti s vlastitim jedinstvenim skupom mogućnosti i ograničenja.Literature Literature
Whether we are dealing with wealthy individuals , corporations or institutional investors , our approach to managing their assets is rooted in first understanding their unique needs and constraints , and only then proceeding forward .
Bilo da su u pitanju imućniji pojedinci , korporacije ili institucionalni investitori , naš pristup upravljanju njihovom imovinom baziramo na razumijevanju klijenata , njihovih potreba i ograničenja .hrenWaC hrenWaC
The UPDATE statement has the following form: UPDATE table_name SET column_name = value For the UPDATE to be successful, the user must have data manipulation privileges (UPDATE privilege) on the table or column and the updated value must not conflict with all the applicable constraints (such as primary keys, unique indexes, CHECK constraints, and NOT NULL constraints).
Naredba UPDATE ima sljedeći oblik: UPDATE ime_tablice SET ime_stupca = vrijednost Da bi UPDATE bio uspješan, korisnik mora imati odgovarajuća prava (UPDATE privilegije) za tablicu ili stupac, nova vrijednost ne smije narušavati ograničenja (referencijalni integritet, primarni ključevi, unique indeksi, CHECK ograničenja, i NOT NULL ograničenja).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The characteristic of modern society is that companies and firms include in their business philosophy the responsibility for the development of the community in which they operate and participate in the creation of human relations and life measured by each individual , regardless of its uniqueness and any objective constraints .
Obilježje je modernog društva da tvrtke i kompanije u filozofiju svog poslovanja uključuju i odgovornost za razvoj društvene zajednice u kojoj djeluju te sudjeluju u stvaranju humanih odnosa i života po mjeri svakog pojedinca , bez obzira na njegovu posebnost i bilo kakva objektivna ograničenja .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Turan cited Ball's lack of constraint when writing the film as the reason for its uniqueness, in particular the script's subtle changes in tone.
Turan je istaknuo da je Ballov nedostatak ograničavanja tijekom pisanja scenarija bio razlog njegove jedinstvenosti, pogotovo u suptilnim promjenama tonaliteta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
existing competition, potential competition and the important competitive constraint Eurex and Liffe currently and uniquely exert upon each other, as closest competitors, as regards trading and clearing services in respect of each of the markets outlined above;
postojeću konkurenciju, potencijalnu konkurenciju i važan jedinstveni konkurentski pritisak koji Eurex i Liffe trenutačno vrše jedan na drugoga, kao najveći tržišni natjecatelji, u pogledu usluga trgovanja i poravnanja za svako prethodno opisano tržište;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
For the UPDATE to be successful, the user must have data manipulation privileges (UPDATE privilege) on the table or column and the updated value must not conflict with all the applicable constraints (such as primary keys, unique indexes, CHECK constraints, and NOT NULL constraints).
Da bi UPDATE bio uspješan, korisnik mora imati odgovarajuća prava (UPDATE privilegije) za tablicu ili stupac, nova vrijednost ne smije narušavati ograničenja (referencijalni integritet, primarni ključevi, unique indeksi, CHECK ograničenja, i NOT NULL ograničenja).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A circular economy in the forest supply chain will have to consider these constraints and develop unique ways to address them.
Kružno gospodarstvo u opskrbnom lancu šuma morati će uzeti u obzir ograničenja i razviti jedinstvene načine za njihovo rješavanje.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
185 First, the applicant attempts to demonstrate that its practices were not capable of restricting competition by arguing that, during the relevant period, AMD reaped the greatest commercial success in its history, reported uniquely rapid growth rates with the very OEMs deemed to be the target of abusive behaviour, faced manufacturing capacity constraints that hampered its ability to satisfy demand for its CPUs and grew its investments in research and development.
185 Kao prvo, nastojeći opovrgnuti mogućnost da njegove prakse ograničavaju tržišno natjecanje, tužitelj ističe da je AMD tijekom promatranog razdoblja ostvario najveći trgovinski uspjeh u svojoj povijesti, zabilježio stopu rasta nedostižnu OEM‐ovima za koje se tvrdi da su meta protupravnog postupanja, bio suočen s ograničenjima proizvodnog kapaciteta zbog kojih nije mogao odgovoriti na potražnju za CPU‐ovima i povećao svoja ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this charming talk, he explains the various ways he overcame financial and logistical constraints to produce his unique and inventive vision of the future.
U šarmantnom govoru, objašnjava na razne načine kako je nadišao financijska i logistička ograničenja kako bi producirao svoju jednistvenu i inventivnu viziju budućnosti.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In its creative and technical form of expression the panoramic photograph is unique, enabling us in a single view to obtain a glimpse of a scene that we are incapable, because of the physiological constraints imposed by the eye, of comprehending with a single look of our own eye.
Panoramske fotografije obično su uske i dugačke. "Panoramska fotografija" je u svojem kreativnom i tehničkom izričaju jedinstvena, ona omogućava da jednim pogledom oka dobijemo uvid u vedutu koju nismo mogli, zbog fizioloških ograničenja oka, sagledati jednim pogledom vlastitog oka.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The project is a unique process that consists of a series of controlled and coordinated activities which have an established start and end point. The project is undertaken to achieve goals in accordance with the specific requirements, including the constraints of time, cost and quality.
Organizacija i tehnologija građenja Sažetak Projekt je unikatan proces koji se sastoji od niza kontroliranih i koordiniranih aktivnosti s utvrđenim početkom i krajem, poduzet da se postigne cilj u skladu sa specifičnim zahtjevima, uključujući ograničenja vremena, troškova i kvalitete.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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