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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties

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Fred Klein sat in the presidential bedroom, chewing again on the stem of his unlit pipe.
Fred Klein je sjedio u predsjedničkoj spavaćoj sobi, grickajući kamiš svoje nezapaljene lule.Literature Literature
At first he thought it was deserted, but then he saw his friend step out from an unlit doorway and beckon to him.
Isprva je pomislio da je pusta, ali tada je vidio prijatelja kako izlazi iz neosvijetljena ulaza i daje mu znak.Literature Literature
the greatest distance at which lights in the vicinity of 1 000 candelas can be seen and identified against an unlit background;
najveća udaljenost na kojoj se svjetla jakosti oko 1 000 kandela mogu vidjeti i raspoznati u odnosu na neosvijetljenu pozadinu;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
They drove through a neighborhood on the edge of town along a web of unpaved, unlit streets.
Prođoše kroz prigradsku četvrt po mreži neasfaltiranih ulica bez električne rasvjete.Literature Literature
In his mouth was an unlit Cuban cigar.
U ustima je imao nezapaljenu kubansku cigaru.Literature Literature
Unlit streetlamps curled above us like question marks.
Ugašene ulične svjetiljke svijale su se nad nama poput upitnika.Literature Literature
Okay everybody, keep your eyes peeled for an unlit mile post marked " 23 " or " 36 " or something.
Ok svatko, držati tvoj oči peeled za neosvijetljenu milja postu označen " 23 " ili " 36 " ili tako nešto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The air on the other side of the doorway was much sweeter but the passageway was unlit.
Zrak s druge strane bio je mnogo svježiji, no prolaz nije bilo osvijetljen.Literature Literature
He returns to discover that Caitlin had sex with a dead man in the unlit bathroom, having mistaken the man for Dante (the man had earlier entered the bathroom with a pornographic magazine and had suffered a fatal heart attack while masturbating).
Nakon što se vrati iz garderobe, Dante otkriva da je Caitlin imala spolni odnos s mrtvim čovjekom u zahodu trgovine, misleći za njega da je Dante (čovjek starije životne dobi ušao je tokom dana u zahod s pornografskim časopisom te je pretrpio srčani udar dok je masturbirao).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I couldsee up through the windows – see the top of the walls and the ceiling, the unlit chandelier that hung there.
Vidio sam uvis kroz prozore - razaznavao vrhove zidova i strop, ugašeni luster koji ondje visi.Literature Literature
You will observe this cigarette is unlit.
Promatrat čete gašenje ove cigarete.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He puts an unlit cigarette in his mouth, combs his hair in the mirror behind the bar, and fits on his porkpie hat.
Stavlja nezapaljenu cigaretu u usta, ĉešlja kosu gledajući se u ogledalo iza šanka, i stavlja svoj šešir s obodom.Literature Literature
She stood at the foot of Ricky’s bed with an unlit cigarette in her trembling hand.
Stajala je pri dnu Rickyjeva kreveta s nezapaljenom cigaretom u drhtavoj ruci.Literature Literature
This equipment is modern and of high quality , which allows the Croatian crew helicopters safer and more efficient flying at night , and the possibility of landing on the unlit terrain .
Riječ je o suvremenoj i kvalitetnoj opremi , koja hrvatskim posadama helikoptera omogućava sigurnije i efikasnije letenje noću , kao i mogućnost slijetanja na neosvijetljene terene .hrenWaC hrenWaC
I went after him into a low unlit passage, at the back of which a ladder-like staircase rose into obscurity.
Ušao sam za njim u niski neosvijetljen prolaz, udno koga su se dizale u pomrčini stepenice slične ljestvicama.Literature Literature
Without a response, Dellray sniffed his unlit cigarette, tucked it behind his ear and took another call.
Ne obazirući se, Dellray je onjušio nezapaljenu cigaretu, zataknuo je iza uha i obavio još jedan telefonski razgovor.Literature Literature
He'd been toying with the unlit cigarette so long that tobacco crumbs were beginning to spill from it.
Toliko se dugo igrao nezapaljenom cigaretom da se duhan počeo prosipati iz nje.Literature Literature
The next taxi was unlit and deserted, while the third in line emitted a sluggish blink from its broken headlights.
Idući taksi bio je taman i napušten,no treći u nizu tromo im je žmignuo napuklim prednjim farom.Literature Literature
Glued to his lower lip was an unlit cigarette that bobbed up and down as he breathed through his open mouth.
Nezapaljena cigareta visjela mu je s donje usne i pomicala se gore-dolje dok je di-sao kroz otvorena usta.Literature Literature
This is what spies do all the time, he thought, as he advanced on the unlit corner house.
Tako špijuni uvijek rade, mislio je približavajući se neosvijetljenoj kući na uglu.Literature Literature
(b) the greatest distance at which lights in the vicinity of 1 000 candelas can be seen and identified against an unlit background;
(b) najveće udaljenosti na kojoj se svjetla jakosti oko 1000 kandela mogu vidjeti i raspoznati u odnosu na neosvijetljenu pozadinu;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
There was a narrow bed that sagged in the middle, a stool, an unlit lamp.
Bio je tu uzan krevet koji se udubio u sredini, stolac, neupaljena svjetiljka.Literature Literature
They drove along backstreets, some unlit, to Mickey Bittner's office on the edge of the city.
Vozili su se pokrajnjim ulicama, od kojih neke nisu imale ni javne rasvjete, do ureda Mickeyja Bittnera na rubu grada.Literature Literature
The bed chamber must be unlit on the wedding night.
Spavaonica mora biti neosvijetljena prvu bračnu noć.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
105 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.