unwieldy oor Kroaties


/ˌʌnˈwɪəl.di/ adjektief
(obsolete) lacking strength; weak

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


The entire idea of including sunglasses in the actual hat... is ridiculous and unwieldy in execution.
Cijela ideja uključivanja sunčanica u taj šešir... je smiješna i nezgrapno izvedena.

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Help me with the tofu, it's getting unwieldy!
Pomozi mi sa tofuom, postaje glomazan!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was thankful the Falcron line was not heavy or bulky, which would have made it too unwieldy.
Bio je sretan što Falcron nije težak niti debeo, što bi ga učinilo nepogodnim za rukovanje.Literature Literature
While the world often confronts us with an unwieldy array of choices (How should you invest your retirement savings?
I dok nam svijet nerijetko nudi neprikladnu lepezu mogućnosti (Kako uložiti sredstva koja štedite za mirovinu?Literature Literature
The following year, this unwieldy and confusing system was replaced by the current system in which an actress is nominated for a specific performance in a single film.
Za 4. dodjelu je ovaj zbunjujući sustav zamijenjen današnjim u kojem je glumac nominiran za izvedbu u jednom filmu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Proportionate to his size, the blade was as large as a machete—scary to look at, but unwieldy.
Razmjerna njegovoj veličini, oštrica je bila velika kao mačeta strašna za gledanje, ali nezgrapna.Literature Literature
Edward entered an unwieldy figure clasping pillows, trailing blankets.
Edward uđe, nezgrapni lik, držeći jastuk, vukući deke.Literature Literature
unwieldy or difficult to grasp,
nespretan ili težak za obuhvatiti,Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Her progress was slow and unwieldy, thanks to all the chairs and people in the way.
Napredovala je polako i nespretno zbog svih stolaca i ljudi koji su joj stajali na putu.Literature Literature
Then she picked up one of the helmets by the guard’s feet and slipped the unwieldy thing over her head.
Zatim je podigla jednu od kaciga koje su ležale pokraj stražarevih nogu i stavila tu neprikladnu stvar na glavu.Literature Literature
She practised with Helmut at the tennis courts, trying to control her unwieldy, big-elbowed game.
Vježbala je s Helmutom na teniskim terenima, u pokušaju da stekne kontrolu nad svojom nespretnom i razbacanom igrom.Literature Literature
Fick's lens was large and unwieldy, and could be worn only for a couple of hours at a time.
Fickove leće su bile velike, nespretne, i mogle su biti nošene samo nekoliko sati.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But it's rather unwieldy, though.
No, to je prilično nezgrapan, ipak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The overloaded and unwieldy sled forged ahead, Buck and his mates struggling frantically under the rain of blows.
Pretovarene i nezgrapne saonice krenuše s mjesta, a Buck i njegovi drugovi počeše pomamno juriti pod kišom udaraca.Literature Literature
But old folks, many feign as they were dead; Unwieldy, slow, heavy and pale as lead.
No, stari ljudi, mnogi predstavljati jer su mrtvi, nezgrapan, spor, težak i blijedo kao olovo.QED QED
When Member States implement the provisions of this Directive, they should endeavour to refrain from adopting measures that could impose unnecessarily bureaucratic and unwieldy obligations on the market participants concerned, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises.
Kad provode odredbe ove Direktive, države članice trebaju nastojati ne donositi mjere kojima bi se dotičnim sudionicima na tržištu, a posebno malim i srednjim poduzećima, nepotrebno nametale otežavajuće administrativne obveze.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The heavy and unwieldy media, such as stone, are time binders.
Teški i nezgrapni mediji, poput kamena, pred stavljaju vremenske spone.Literature Literature
Yet according to recital 25 in the preamble to Directive 2010/30, it is appropriate to refrain from adopting measures that could impose unnecessarily bureaucratic and unwieldy obligations on the market participants concerned, in particular SMEs.
Međutim, prema uvodnoj izjavi 25. Direktive 2010/30 treba izbjeći donošenje mjera kojima bi se predmetnim sudionicima na tržištu, a posebno MSP‐ima, nepotrebno nametale otežavajuće administrativne obveze.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Quinns were, by all reports, a large, complex and unwieldy family.
Quinnovi su, prema svim pričama, velika, kompleksna, svojeglava obitelj.Literature Literature
Therefore, an aircraft carrier is generally accompanied by a number of other ships to provide protection for the relatively unwieldy carrier, to carry supplies and perform other support services, and to provide additional offensive capabilities.
Nosači zrakoplova praćeni su većim brojem vojnih brodova raznih namjena koji štite veliki nosač relativno slabih manevarskih mogućnosti, prevoze dodatnu opremu i izvršavaju druga vojnih djelovanja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But if it were to give us every detail about every event mentioned, it would be a huge, unwieldy library, rather than the handy, easy-to-carry volume that we have today.
Ali, ako bi nam pružala svaku pojedinost svih spomenutih događaja, bila bi opsežna i glomazna zbirka knjiga, umjesto priručne knjige koju danas možemo u svako vrijeme imati kod sebe.jw2019 jw2019
That's a bit unwieldy for the job at hand, don't you think?
To je pomalo glomazno za taj posao, zar ne?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tearing the scab off that ugly event would be easy, but it was an unwieldy way to get at Starling.
Skidanje kraste s tog ruznog događaja bilo bi lako, ali to bi bio neprikladan način za uklanjanje Sterlinice.Literature Literature
Vaux-le-Vicomte is too big, too unwieldy.
Vaux-le-Vicomte je prevelika, pretjerana.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Human organizations can be as unwieldy as freight trains.
Ljudske organizacije mogu biti trome poput teretnih vlakova.jw2019 jw2019
If documents are voluminous or unwieldy, the applicant may be asked to consult the documents on the spot.
Ako su dokumenti opsežni ili nepraktičan za rukovanje, podnositelja zahtjeva može se pozvati da pogleda dokumente na licu mjesta.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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