unwillingly oor Kroaties


In an unwilling or uncooperative manner.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


I have never desired your good opinion, and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly.
Nije mi stalo do Vašeg dobrog mišljenja o meni, a Vi ste ga uglavnom nerado davali.

protiv volje

Think about whether you have ever given something to someone or done something for someone grudgingly, or unwillingly.
Razmislite jeste li ikada nevoljko ili protiv volje nešto nekome dali ili učinili nešto za nekoga.

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I am afraid, Thomas, that I come here most unwillingly for I am ordered to deprive you of all your books and papers... and suchlike.
Plašim se, Thomas, da sam ovdje došao nevoljno jer mi je zapovjeđeno da vam oduzmem sve vaše knjige i dokumenta... i slično.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(Romans 6:23) It is worth noting that the “wages” (death) are something we have earned, albeit unwillingly, by our sinful nature.
Vrijedno je zapaziti da je “plata” (smrt) nešto što smo zaslužili, premda ne svojom voljom, svojom grešnom prirodom.jw2019 jw2019
Almost unwillingly, his eyes strayed to the legion list, cut into the white marble.
Gotovo mu je nehotice pogled odlutao do popisa legija, uklesana u bijeli mramor.Literature Literature
He was unwillingly fascinated by the delicate curve of wrist and palm.
Bio je protiv volje fasciniran delikatnim oblicima zapešća i dlana.Literature Literature
Nothing to say unwillingly, at first glance.
Na prvi pogled ne čini se da je bilo prisile.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Her beautiful eyes were intense and—when they flickered unwillingly to my face— furious.
Lijepe su joj oči bile napete i – kad su nehotice na trenutak pogledale mene – ljutite.Literature Literature
Reluctantly, almost unwillingly, Dale Stewart tore his eyes away from the center of the flesh-web far above.
Odsutno i gotovo nerado Dale Stewart je skrenuo pogled sa središta mreže.Literature Literature
I’d been in the grasslands, defying fate, stupidly but not unwillingly.
Bio sam u stepi prkoseći sudbini budalasto, ali ne i nevoljko.Literature Literature
"""But I am a werewolf,"" he said unwillingly."
“Ali ja jesam vukodlak”, nevoljko je rekao.Literature Literature
Chilo, who always parted with money unwillingly, squirmed; still he obeyed the command and went out.
Hilon, koji se uvijek nerado rastajao s novcem, opreci usnice, ali ipak posluša zapovijed i ode.Literature Literature
Her beautiful eyes were intense and — when they flickered unwillingly to my face — furious.
Lijepe su joj oči bile napete i – kad su nehotice na trenutak pogledale mene – ljutite.Literature Literature
We would not want him to come here reluctantly or unwillingly.
Ne želimo da dođe nerado ili nevoljko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hughie came in, his hair plastered unwillingly down, his fear and resentment sticking out all over him.
Hughie uđe, kose nevoljko začešljane unatrag, a strah i ogročenje kao da su stršali iz njega na sve strane.Literature Literature
Even if I did it unwillingly?
Pa i nevoljno?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Marrying unwillingly and under pressure.
Da se oženi nevoljko i pod pritiskom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Leimbach unwillingly confessed to having seen a woman in Syracuse two or three times.
Leimbach je preko volje priznao da se dva ili tri puta našao s nekom ženom iz Syracusea.Literature Literature
Without wishing to, Iris unwillingly let a picture of that evening flit across her mind.
Protiv svoje volje Iris je dopustila da pred njenim očima iskrsne slika one večeri.Literature Literature
For each ETS information considered sensitive, confidentiality (resp. integrity) aspect has to be considered from the potential impact at business level in case this information is disclosed (resp. unwillingly modified, partially or totally destroyed).
Za svaku informaciju u okviru ETS-a koja se smatra osjetljivom potrebno je razmotriti aspekt povjerljivosti (odnosno cjelovitosti) s obzirom na učinak koji bi mogao nastati na poslovnoj razini u slučaju da se ta informacija otkrije (odnosno neželjeno promijeni, djelomično ili u cijelosti uništi).eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Clearly, it is neither loving nor Christian to use authority to force others to do unwillingly what you ask of them.
Jasno je da nije kršćanski ni u duhu ljubavi ako svojim autoritetom primoravamo druge da protiv svoje volje čine ono što od njih tražimo.jw2019 jw2019
Then maybe he'll unwillingly take us to him.
Mozda nas onda nenamjerno odvede do njega.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mainichi Daily News explains that according to one expert, many modern families find themselves caring for their old relatives unwillingly and are not able to cope with the stress.
Mainichi Daily News objašnjava da se, prema riječima jednog stručnjaka, mnoge današnje obitelji nevoljko brinu o svojim ostarjelim rođacima i da nisu u stanju izlaziti na kraj sa stresom.jw2019 jw2019
Unwillingly she gave in, watched him crouch down to inspect the right wing.
Nerado je popustila i gledala ga kako je čučnuo da pregleda desno krilo.Literature Literature
The point is Colonel O'Neill is unwillingly speaking an alien language.
Pukovnik O'Neill protiv svoje volje govori tuđinskim jezikom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
* What difference does it make to obey willingly rather than unwillingly?
* U čemu je razlika ako smo svojevoljno poslušni od toga da smo poslušni protiv volje?LDS LDS
" The wristlets don't tinkle unwillingly. "
" Zglob ne zvecka rado. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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