utilitarianism oor Kroaties


(philosophy) A system of ethics based on the premise that something's value may be measured by its usefulness.

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ethical theory which holds that the right action is the one that maximizes aggregate well-being
One of the most fascinating and major alternatives to the categorical imperative - utilitarianism.
Jedna od najfascinantnijih i najvećih alternativa kategoričkom imperativu je utilitarizam.

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Articles with utilitarian functions are excluded, even if they have the design or ornamentation appropriate to a specific festivity.
Predmeti s uporabnom funkcijom ne razvrstavaju se u ovaj podbroj, čak i ako su dizajnom ili ukrašavanjem odgovaraju određenoj svečanosti.EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
And if utilitarian reasoning is found acceptable then it may well be the state is entirely justified.
A ako se utilitaristički način mišljenja smatra prihvatljivim, onda je i država u potpunosti opravdana.Literature Literature
That's a utilitarian moral framework.
To je utilitaristički moralni okvir.QED QED
Case C-833/18: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 11 June 2020 (request for a preliminary ruling from the tribunal de l’entreprise de Liège — Belgium) — SI, Brompton Bicycle Ltd v Chedech/Get2Get (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Intellectual and industrial property — Copyright and related rights — Directive 2001/29/EC — Articles 2 to 5 — Scope — Utilitarian object — Concept of work — Copyright protection of works — Conditions — Shape of a product which is necessary to obtain a technical result — Folding bicycle)
Predmet C-833/18: Presuda Suda (peto vijeće) od 11. lipnja 2020. (zahtjev za prethodnu odluku koji je uputio Tribunal de l'entreprise de Liège – Belgija) – SI, Brompton Bicycle Ltd protiv Chedech/Get2Get (Zahtjev za prethodnu odluku – Pravo intelektualnog i industrijskog vlasništva – Autorsko pravo i srodna prava – Direktiva 2001/29/EZ – Članci 2. do 5. – Područje primjene – Koristan predmet – Pojam djelo – Autorskopravna zaštita djela – Pretpostavke – Oblik proizvoda potreban za postizanje nekog tehničkog rezultata – Sklopivi bicikl)EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
And, it hardly needs to be said, so much the worse for utilitarian reasoning.
I nije potrebno reći da je to utoliko gore za utilitaristički način razmišljanja.Literature Literature
His message was short and utilitarian, and he left his information for a call back.
Poruka je bila kratka i svrhovita, a ostavio je i podatke da mu uzvrati poziv.Literature Literature
Small, with gray walls and cheap, utilitarian furniture.
Skučen, sivih zidova i jeftina, svrsishodna pokućstva.Literature Literature
The utilitarian will judge lying as bad in some circumstances and good in others, depending on its consequences.
Utilitarist će laganje prosuditi kao loše u nekim okolnostima, a kao dobro u drugim, ovisno o njegovim posljedicama.Literature Literature
The utilitarian roles that humans assume in society today are fundamentally technical by nature.
Uslužne uloge koju ljudi prihvate u društvu danas je u osnovi tehničke prirode.QED QED
Even a hedonistic utilitarian would say that there may be indirect reasons why it is worse to kill a person.
Čak bi i klasični utilitarist rekao da mogu postojati neizravni razlozi zbog kojih je gore ubiti osobu.Literature Literature
Textile articles that have a utilitarian function are excluded from Chapter 95, even when they have a festive design (see also the Harmonized System Explanatory Notes to heading 95.05, point (A), last paragraph).
Tekstilni proizvodi koji imaju uporabnu funkciju isključeni su iz poglavlja 95., čak i kad su svečanog izgleda (vidjeti također Napomene s objašnjenjem Harmoniziranog sustava uz tarifni broj 9505, točka (A), posljednji stavak).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
For the purposes of Chapter 94 the term ‘furniture’ means any ‘movable’ articles (not included under other more specific headings of the Nomenclature), which are constructed for placing on the floor or ground, and which are used, mainly with a utilitarian purpose, to equip private dwellings, hotels, theatres, etc.
Za potrebe poglavlja 94 pod pojmom „pokućstvo” podrazumijevaju se bilo koji „prenosivi” proizvodi (koji nisu razvrstani u detaljnije određene tarifne brojeve Nomenklature) koji su projektirani za postavljanje na pod ili tlo, i koji se koriste, uglavnom s uporabnom funkcijom, za opremanje privatnih stambenih objekata, hotela, kazališta itd.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(ij) ceramic articles having festive designs and utilitarian functions;
ij) keramički predmeti s prazničnim dizajnom i uporabnom funkcijom;Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The success of the indirect utilitarian argument seems vital for the defence of utilitarianism.
Uspjeh argumenta za indirektni utilitarizam ključan je za obranu utilitarizma.Literature Literature
His office was small and utilitarian — metal desk, metal chair, metal files, and the smell of oil.
Ured je bio malen i oskudno namješten – metalni stol, metalne stolice, metalni kabineti za spise.Literature Literature
But indirect utilitarianism, in Mill's view, does not extend to protection against economic competition.
Ali neizravni se utilitarizam, prema Millovu mišljenju, ne proteže na zaštitu od ekonomskoga natjecanja.Literature Literature
Utilitarians, from Jeremy We can go further.
Utilitaristi, od Jeremvja Benthama do J.Literature Literature
It was a far cry from the utilitarian waiting room he’d had when he’d been a practicing ophthalmologist.
Bilo je to jako daleko od svrsishodne čekaonice što ju je on imao dok je bio oftalmolog.Literature Literature
One has to be a tough-minded classical utilitarian to be untroubled by this oddness.
Čovjek treba biti smion klasični utilitarist da bi ostao neuznemiren ovom neobičnošću.Literature Literature
A good discussion of utilitarianism is J.
Dobra je rasprava o utilitarizmu J.Literature Literature
It does not show that utilitarianism can be deduced from the universal aspect of ethics.
To ne pokazuje da se utilitarizam može deducirati iz univerzalnog aspekta etike.Literature Literature
Until such reasons are produced, we have some grounds for remaining utilitarians.
Dokle god takvih razloga nema, imamo neke osnove ostati utilitaristi.Literature Literature
On the contrary, the utilitarian liberal saw in government the great agency for achieving happiness.
Naprotiv, m ilitaristički je liberal vidio u vladi veliko sredstvo za p ostizanje sreće.Literature Literature
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