vicious circle oor Kroaties

vicious circle

A situation in which the solution to one problem creates a chain of problems, each making it more difficult to solve the original one.

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glumačka uloga
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začarani krug
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(@1 : ar:دَوْر )
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Many teachers may simply be trapped in a vicious circle.
Mnogi su učitelji možda naprosto upali u jedan začarani krug.jw2019 jw2019
There is a vicious circle of complaints and more vehement causes for complaints.
Zatvoreni je to krug pritužaba i novih, još većih povoda za njih.Literature Literature
It's a vicious circle.
To je začarani krug.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I wanted to break the vicious circle of bad parenting in the family.’
Želio sam prekinuti taj zli krug lošeg roditeljstva u našoj obitelji.""Literature Literature
It's a vicious circle.
To ti je začarani krug.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The vicious circle did not stop there.
Taj začarani krug, međutim, ne staje na tome.Literature Literature
That the vicious circle continues: unrest creates unemployment, unemployment creates unrest.
Da se ukleti krug nastavlja: nemiri stvaraju nezaposlenost, nezaposlenost stvara nemire.Literature Literature
Often a vicious circle builds up between your thinking and the emotion: they feed each other.
Između razmišljanja i emocija nerijetko se stvara krug bez kraja: oni hrane jedno drugo.Literature Literature
The vicious circle I can't break free of.
Vrtim se u tom užasnom krugu iz kog ne znam izaći.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thus arises a vicious circle by our presupposing what, in reality, ought to have been proved.
Zbog toga nastaje pogreSan krug u dokazivanju, jer se tu pretpostavlja Sto se zapravo imalo dokazati.Literature Literature
So I think we go into a series of vicious circles
Dakle mislim da se vrtimo u nizu začaranih krugova;OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At all costs I must get outside the vicious circle of this milieu.
Moram po svaku cijenu izaći iz zatvorena kruga ove sredine.Literature Literature
Caught in a vicious circle, these victims dare not complain for fear of being repatriated.
Uvučeni su u začarani krug u kojem se ne usuđuju žaliti od straha da ne budu vraćeni u zemlju iz koje dolaze.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(2) Comprehensive action is required to reverse the vicious circle created by a lack of investment.
(2) Potrebno je sveobuhvatno djelovati kako bi se prekinuo začarani krug koji je nastao zbog nedostatnog ulaganja.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Gautama found that there was a way to exit this vicious circle.
Gautama je otkrio da iz tog začaranog kruga ipak postoji izlaz.Literature Literature
I didn't learn the language, it's just a vicious circle, it's all in your head.
Nisam naučio jezik, to je začarani krug, a sve je samo u vašoj glavi.QED QED
What's the vicious circle?
Koji je to " lančani proces "?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This contributes to a breeding ground for extremism, perpetuating a vicious circle of radicalisation, aggression, and violent responses.
Time se pridonosi stvaranju plodnog tla za ekstremizam, neprestanog začaranog kruga radikalizacije, agresije i nasilnih odgovora.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Yeah, I know it's a vicious circle.
Znam, to je začarani krug.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For these immigrants, learning a language is often a vicious circle.
Za te imigrante učenje jezika često predstavlja začarani krug.jw2019 jw2019
This, in turn, leads to further crime and corruption, so that a vicious circle is created
Ovo pak rezultira povećanjem kriminala i korupcije, čime se krug zatvaraSetimes Setimes
This in turn enhances the patient’s hyper-intention and the vicious circle is completed.
To zauzvrat samo pojačava pacijentovu hiper-intenciju i tako se zatvara začarani krug. 147 HIPER.Literature Literature
The fish farmers have, of course, wanted to escape from this vicious circle.
Uzgajivači ribe su, dakako, htjeli izaći iz tog začaranog kruga.jw2019 jw2019
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