wisp oor Kroaties


/wɪsp/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A small bundle, as of straw or other like substance; any slender, flexible structure or group.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties


Let's have a couple wisps hang down here by the nape of the neck.
Hajde da imamo nekoliko pramena da visu ovde dole pored potiljka vrata.



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will o' the wisp
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Leuco is a ghost, a will-of-the-wisp.
Leuco je duh, pramičak izmaglice.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is merely out of the thinnest wisp of respect for Bo and her territory that I haven't had you dragged out of here by your hair this very second.
Napravio sam najmanje što sam mogao, zbog poštovanja prema Bo i njenoj teritoriji, time što te nisam odvukao za kosu odavde, ovog trenutka.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She held the faint wisps of my tender male ego in her hand, and I could only hope that she would caress them gently.
Držala je slabašne konce mog muškog ega u svojim rukama i mogao sam se samo nadati da će ih milovati nježno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A faint green glow had begun to spread around her—it almost seemed to come wisping up from her pores.
Blijedozeleni sjaj počeo se širiti oko nje—kao da je izlazio iz njezinih pora.Literature Literature
“That’s better,” she murmured calmly, as a wisp of vanilla scent trailed upward from the candle flame.
- Ovo je bolje - tiho je promrmljala, a u zraku se osjetio miris vanilije koji je dolazio od plamena svijeće.Literature Literature
Even with the door bolted, I fear every wisp in the wind.
Čak i uz zatvorena vrata, bojim se svakog šapta vjera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Meera, some part of him whispered, some wisp of the sleeping boy lost in the wolf dream.
Meera, šapne neki dio njega, neko zrnce usnu-log dječaka izgubljenog u vučjem snu.Literature Literature
The castle felt as if it was asleep, and when he glanced out of his window he saw a wan moon wreathed by wisps of cloud.
Činilo se da dvorac spava i, kad je provirio kroz prozor, vidio je blijedi Mjesec obavijen oblačićima.Literature Literature
Thin wisps of clouds wrapped around them, then blew away; the aircraft hit a few bumps in the air, jolting her.
Tanki su ih oblaci okružili, a zatim nestali; zrakoplov je prešao po nekoliko rupa u zraku, treskajući ju.Literature Literature
“I felt wisps of smoke form around me,” I said hesitantly.
"""Osjećam kako se oko mene stvaraju oblaci dima"", rekla sam oklijevajući."Literature Literature
Special effects like snow and soap bubbles bring a wisp of magic into the wedding and laser shows , a dash of glamour .
Specijalni efekti poput snijega i balončića od sapunice u vjenčanje će unijeti dašak čarolije , a laser show čisti glamur .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Morgan of Orris blew apart like a wisp of fog, and Jack’s painful eyes flew open.
Morgan od Orrisa nestao je kao izmaglica, a Jackove bolne oĉi su se otvorile.Literature Literature
Adie don't have no Night Wisp.
Adie nema Noćni šapat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Instead, after only a day, they had discovered that the killer was a frail wisp of a boy of sixteen.
Dan kasnije ustanovili su da je ubojica nježni dječak od šesnaest godina.Literature Literature
With a wisp of relief, as if her fingertip had just brushed the hidden heart of his anguish, Rodney said yes.
S trunkom olakšanja, kao da su vrškom prsta upravo okrznuli skriveno srce njegove tjeskobe, Rodney je rekao da.Literature Literature
Through the louver in the roof, above the thin wisps of issuing smoke, the sky showed pale and blue.
Kroz rešetkasti otvor na krovu, iznad tankih pramenova dima, vidjelo se nebo, blijedo i plavo.Literature Literature
The clouds have thinned to wisps, and the afternoon has grown close and warm.
Oblaci su se stanjili do čuperaka i poslijepodne je postalo sparno i toplo.Literature Literature
Maddy stared at the woman’s wisp of hair.
Maddy je zurila u pramen kose one žene.Literature Literature
«Yes,» I said, wisps of mist rising like smoke between us.
"""Da,"" rekoh, dok su se tračci magle dizali između nas, kao duhanski dim."Literature Literature
What we found out were that those faint wisps are actually fountains of ice rising up from the surface of this tiny moon.
Ono što smo pronašli jest da oni nejasni pramenovi su zapravo fontane leda koje se uzdižu sa površine malog mjeseca.QED QED
When I was... young..... l remember watching my... grandfather deteriorate from a powerful, intelligent figure to a... frail wisp of a man, who could barely make his own way home.
Kad sam bio mlad, gledao sam kako se moj djed od moćne i inteligentne osobe pretvara u krhka starčića... koji jedva da se zna vratiti kući.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even a wisp of smoke like that is better than-
Čak i takav pramičak dima je bolji od... "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There is nothing left of me but a bit of burnt wick and a wisp of smoke.
Nisam bila ništa više... od komada izgorjeloga fitilja i traga dima.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No, just the smallest wisp of a cloud floating across the moon...
Ne, samo mali tračak oblaka prelazi preko mjeseca...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What's beautiful is, you can probably see on the limb there some faint, sort of, wisps of almost smoke rising up from the limb.
Ono što je prelijepo, možete vjerojatno vidjeti onom ekstremitetu poput nejasnog, pramena dima koji se uzdiže iz ekstremiteta.QED QED
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