wist oor Kroaties

Woorde met soortgelyke spelling: west, West, list, wish.
U kan ook belangstel om hierdie woorde na te gaan: wit.


(archaic) Simple past tense and past participle of wit.

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The mix of wistfulness and bitterness in her voice kills him.
- Mješavina sjete i ogorčenosti u njezinom glasu ga ubije.Literature Literature
She looked extremely wistful as she spoke, and I suddenly got what she was driving at.
Izgledala je neizmjerno čeznutljivo dok je to govorila, i iznenad sam osjetio na što cilja.Literature Literature
Only Colin, she thought, with an inexplicable wistfulness.
Samo Colina, pomislila je s neobjašnjivom melankolijom.Literature Literature
"""I love babies,"" she added with a wistful look at Zack."
„Volim bebe”, dodala je čeznutljivo pogledavši Zacka.Literature Literature
Some may feel wistful about those joyful days of working in the cafeteria.
Neki se možda s nostalgijom prisjećaju tih radosnih dana kad su za vrijeme kongresa radili u kuhinji.jw2019 jw2019
Or wist not, you called it to my attention.
Ili ja to nisam ni znao, tek si me ti doveo do toga da to opazim.Literature Literature
In a kind and wistful way
Na nježan i zagonetan nacinOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You can't talk about Mono Lake without being a little wistful.
Kada se govori o jezeru Mono uvijek se malo zamislite.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No wistful glances at places where she and Chester had fooled around and laughed and ate and slept.
Nije bilo čeznutljivih pogleda prema sobama u kojima su se ona i Chester zabavljali, smijali, jeli i spavali.Literature Literature
Heinz Auerswald, Wist was among those called on to testify.
Wist je bio čovjek kojeg su pozvali za svjedoka.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"“The day I got drunk,"" Nova said, with a wistful smile."
"""Onaj dan kad sam se napila"", rekla je Nova sa sjetnim smiješkom."Literature Literature
“Today’s earnings bring me a little closer, Tom,” Patrick suddenly declared in a faintly wistful voice.
“Tome, s današnjom zaradom još mi samo malo nedostaje”, iznenada izjavi Patrick sa sanjarskim prizvukom u glasu.Literature Literature
Her mother's and sister's example had taught her that she wouldn't get anywhere by following wistful dreams.
Od majke i sestre naučila je da je pusti snovi i prazne nade neće nikamo dovesti.Literature Literature
Anna looked at him with wistful, shining eyes, and said nothing.
Ana ga zamišljenim blistavim očima pogleda i ne reče ništa.Literature Literature
Only the worn out old men , the boys and women of all generations would stay behind , giving each place an atmosphere of expectation , wistfulness and yearning ; the image of women dressed in mourning comes easily to mind .
Na kopnu su ostajali umorni starci , dječaci i ženskadija svih uzrasta , što primorskim mjestima daje osobitu dimenziju .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Children in her class love her, fathers feel wistful, mothers maternal.
Djeca iz njezina razreda je vole, očevi je smatraju sjetnom, a majke majčinskim tipom žene.Literature Literature
It was a little wistful but mostly happy.
Pomalo sjetan, ali uglavnom radostan.Literature Literature
8 And it came to pass, as they understood they cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold, they asaw a Man bdescending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them; and the eyes of the whole multitude were turned upon him, and they durst not open their mouths, even one to another, and wist not what it meant, for they thought it was an angel that had appeared unto them.
8 I dogodi se, kad oni razumješe, svrnuše pogled svoj gore ponovno prema nebu; i gle, oni augledaše Čovjeka gdje silazi s neba; i on bijaše odjeven u bijelu haljinu; i on siđe i stade posred njih; a oči svega mnoštva bijahu upravljene prema njemu, i oni se ne usudiše otvoriti usta svojih, čak ni jedan drugomu, i ne znadoše što to znači, jer mišljahu da to bijaše anđeo koji im se ukazao.LDS LDS
But he has retained his humour, a wistful, mocking quality which saves him from self-pity.
Ali zadržao je svoj smisao za humor, onu pomalo sjetnu podrugljivost koja ga spašava od samosažaljenja.Literature Literature
Twain’s wistful remark no doubt strikes a responsive chord in many people.
Nema sumnje da te riječi mnogima djeluju poznato.jw2019 jw2019
For the first time, a note of doubt, wistfulness.
Prvi put prizvuk sumnje, čeznutljivosti.Literature Literature
Little more than thirty feet away, I could see the wistful smile on his thin lips.
Udaljen od njega malo više od deset metara, na tankim sam mu usnama mogao vidjeti zamišljen osmijeh.Literature Literature
“The day I got drunk,” Nova said, with a wistful smile.
"""Onaj dan kad sam se napila"", rekla je Nova sa sjetnim smiješkom."Literature Literature
Am I wrong in detecting a certain air of wistfulness in your efforts to find out about Mary, Mr. Palmer?
Varam li se ili nalazim tračak znatiželje u vašim naporima da saznate nešto više o Mary, gosp. Palmer?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This was filmed by one of Willy Wist's colleagues, who had new film stock in color, as well as his own personal camera.
Ovo je snimio jedan od kolega Willyja Wista, koji je imao novi film u boji kao i svoju vlastitu kameru.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
127 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.