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Epaminondas briefly returned to Arcadia, before marching south again, this time to Messenia, a region which the Spartans had conquered some 200 years before.
Nick, ő itt Elsie Chapman, a Nemzeti Paleontológiai IntézettőlWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In mere months, Epaminondas had created two new enemy states that opposed Sparta, shaken the foundations of Sparta's economy, and all but devastated Sparta's prestige.
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And that was Thebes, a pillar of the Greek world, the city of Oedipus and Epaminondas.
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The changes Epaminondas wrought on the Greek political order did not long outlive him, as the cycle of shifting hegemonies and alliances continued unabated.
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After the death of Epaminondas, Philip of Macedon was made captain of their soldiers by the Thebans, and after victory he took away their liberty.
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Epaminondas never married and as such was subject to criticism from countrymen who believed he was duty-bound to provide the country with the benefit of sons as great as himself.
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If Epaminondas was a man, if Achilles was a man, if Socrates was a man, then are we also men?
Igen a bérbeadások teszik azt, emberLiterature Literature
In order to accomplish all that he wished in the Peloponnesus, Epaminondas had persuaded his fellow Boeotarchs to remain in the field for several months after their term of office had expired.
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With the death of Epaminondas at Mantinea (362 BC) the city lost its greatest leader and his successors blundered into an ineffectual ten-year war with Phocis.
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The jury broke into laughter, the charges were dropped, and Epaminondas was re-elected as Boeotarch for the next year.
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In 382 BC, however, the Spartan commander Phoebidas committed an act that would ultimately turn Thebes against Sparta for good and pave the way for Epaminondas's rise to power.
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Epaminondas reshaped the political map of Greece, fragmented old alliances, created new ones, and supervised the construction of entire cities.
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His loss deprived Epaminondas of his greatest Theban political ally.
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Many of the tactical innovations that Epaminondas implemented would also be used by Philip of Macedon, who in his youth spent time as a hostage in Thebes and may have learned directly from Epaminondas himself.
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However, on the following day, Epaminondas caused a drastic break with Sparta when he insisted on signing not for the Thebans alone, but for all the Boeotians.
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Author: Ion Creangă Script: Doina Dejica Director: Doina Dejica Scenography: Epaminonda Tiotiu Music: Doina Dejica... READ MORE
Éves szabadság utazási költségeiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Roman orator Cicero called him "the first man of Greece", and Montaigne judged him one of the three "worthiest and most excellent men" that had ever lived,[1] but Epaminondas has fallen into relative obscurity in modern times.
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Some details of Epaminondas's life can be found in Plutarch's "Lives" of Pelopidas and Agesilaus II, who were contemporaries.
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The jury broke into laughter, the charges were dropped, and Epaminondas was re-elected as Boeotarch for the next year.
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The Theban hegemony thus established was short-lived; at the Battle of Mantinea in 362 BC, Thebes lost its key leader, Epaminondas, and much of its manpower, even though they were victorious in battle.
Igen.Hát, a középsulibanParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
According to Cornelius Nepos, in his defense Epaminondas merely requested that, if he be executed, the inscription regarding the verdict read: Epaminondas was punished by the Thebans with death, because he obliged them to overthrow the Lacedaemonians at Leuctra, whom, before he was general, none of the Boeotians durst look upon in the field, and because he not only, by one battle, rescued Thebes from destruction, but also secured liberty for all Greece, and brought the power of both people to such a condition, that the Thebans attacked Sparta, and the Lacedaemonians were content if they could save their lives; nor did he cease to prosecute the war, till, after settling Messene, he shut up Sparta with a close siege.
A mellékelt határozat végkövetkeztetése tehát az, hogy a bejelentett összefonódás valószínűleg jelentős mértékben korlátozza a hatékony versenyt, különösen azáltal, hogy egy domináns pozíciót hoz létre, emellett a három érintett piac tekintetében összeegyeztethetetlennek tűnik a közös piaccal és az EGT-Megállapodás érvényesülésévelParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The battle unfolded as Epaminondas had planned.
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With Epaminondas removed from the scene, the Thebans returned to their more traditional defensive policy, and within a few years, Athens had replaced them at the pinnacle of the Greek political system.
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Average price per night Mare Vista Hotel - Epaminondas 4-star hotel
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In matters of character, Epaminondas was above reproach in the eyes of the ancient historians who recorded his deeds.
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33 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.