Wall-rue oor Hongaars


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He got a penknife out of his pocket and scratched it on the plaster of the wall - 16, Rue de la Verrerie.
Az anyja egy légiutaskisérő voltLiterature Literature
He gave up all idea of climbing by the pipe, and crawled along the wall to re-enter Rue Polonceau.
És a közönség őrjöngLiterature Literature
And he repeated to the inspector the dialogue between the long-haired man and the bearded man in the snow behind the wall of the Rue du Petit-Banquier.
A kozmetikai termékek, az aromaanyagok, az élelmiszer-adalékanyagok, az állati takarmányok és állatorvosi termékek, bizonyos orvostechnikai eszközök; a polgári légi közlekedésre és a közúti vagy vasúti fuvarozásra vonatkozó szabályok hatálya alá eső termékek, valamint a lőszerek (kivéve a pirotechnikai hatás elérése érdekében forgalomba hozott robbanóanyagokat, pl. tűzijátékokat) kívül esnek a rendelet hatályánhunglish hunglish
Rue du Temple, a wall plaque informed him at the corner, on a building looking as though it had been drawn by Dr.
A #/#/EK rendelet #. cikkében említett metaadatokat #. május #. előtt továbbítani kell az EurostatnakLiterature Literature
He gave up all idea of climbing by means of the drain-pipe, and crawled along the wall to get back into the Rue Polonceau.
De a legrosszabb az volt, hogy bejött az unokám és pizsamában volthunglish hunglish
Meanwhile Helene had turned the corner of the Rue Vineuse, keeping close to the wall for protection against the rain.
Mickey, ne mozdulj!Literature Literature
He had scaled the wall of the garden which formed the angle of the Rue Polonceau.
Az IgG májon keresztül történő kiválasztása magában foglalja a reticuloendothelialis rendszerben és az endothel sejtekben való lebontásthunglish hunglish
For, since evening, the two rows of houses in the Rue de la Chanvrerie had become two walls; savage walls.
Tudod, mindig arról álmodoztam, hogy majd visszatérek ide, és átveszemLiterature Literature
In the midst of this anguish, he suddenly saw, the street being still dark, a man who was gliding along the walls and coming from the Rue Pavee, halt in the recess above which Thenardier was, as it were, suspended.
Miért hagyott ott?hunglish hunglish
Beginning with these angles of the niche, the wall extended along the Rue Polonceau as far as a house which bore the number 49, and along the Rue Droit-Mur, where the fragment was much shorter, as far as the gloomy building which we have mentioned and whose gable it intersected, thus forming another retreating angle in the street.
Kiegészítő jegyzőkönyvhunglish hunglish
A linden-tree showed its crest above the niche, and the wall was covered with ivy on the side of the Rue Polonceau.
Üssék össze a kesztyűket!hunglish hunglish
The remainder of the trapezium formed the garden, which was much lower than the level of the Rue Polonceau, which caused the walls to be very much higher on the inside than on the outside.
Adjuk meg Jonesnak, amit kér, ezzel megcáfolva önmagunkat?hunglish hunglish
As he was on the point of mounting the staircase, he perceived, on the other side of the boulevard, near the deserted wall skirting the Rue De la Barriere-des-Gobelins, Jondrette, wrapped in the "philanthropist's" great-coat, engaged in conversation with one of those men of disquieting aspect who have been dubbed by common consent, prowlers of the barriers; people of equivocal face, of suspicious monologues, who present the air of having evil minds, and who generally sleep in the daytime, which suggests the supposition that they work by night.
Ettől mindig kikészülhunglish hunglish
Then there burst forth on that heap of paving-stones, in that Rue de la Chanvrerie, a battle worthy of a wall of Troy.
A PKI-szolgáltatásra vonatkozó információk a SWIFT által rendelkezésre bocsátott dokumentációban találhatókhunglish hunglish
He had brought his coffin, a relic of venerable age and luster, to the rear courtyard of the town house in the Rue Royale, a most secluded and high-walled place.
Az az importőr, aki e rendelet értelmében a számára felosztott mennyiség legalább # %-át felhasználta, újabb igénylést nyújthat be ugyanarra a kategóriára és származási országra, amennyiben a mennyiségek nem haladják meg az I. mellékletben meghatározott maximális mennyiségethunglish hunglish
A little street, the Rue du Chemin-Vert-Saint-Antoine, opened out between two timber-yards enclosed in walls.
Az EU válasza az állami befektetési alapok jelentette kihívásra (szavazáshunglish hunglish
We walked beneath the old porches, past the old solid green shutters; past the walls of peeling plaster and naked brick, and through the garish light of the Rue Bourbon and then I saw the St. Louis Cemetery up ahead, with its thick whitewashed walls.
Ezt nem kapja meg tőle?hunglish hunglish
In this manner, the barricade, walled on three streets, in front on the Rue de la Chanvrerie, to the left on the Rues du Cygne and de la Petite Truanderie, to the right on the Rue Mondetour, was really almost impregnable; it is true that they were fatally hemmed in there.
vázlat, szürkeárnyalatok (fekete festékkazettávalhunglish hunglish
Had Jean Valjean had any idea of all that we have here pointed out, he would speedily have perceived, merely by feeling the wall, that he was not in the subterranean gallery of the Rue Saint-Denis.
május #-i vélemény (a Hivatalos Lapban még nem tették közzéhunglish hunglish
A person coming from the Seine reached the extremity of the Rue Polonceau, and had on his right the Rue Droit-Mur, turning abruptly at a right angle, in front of him the wall of that street, and on his right a truncated prolongation of the Rue Droit-Mur, which had no issue and was called the Cul-de-Sac Genrot.
Felség, mindent megteszünk, hogy megtaláljukhunglish hunglish
Had he made use of the ladders and scaffoldings of the slaters to get from roof to roof, from enclosure to enclosure, from compartment to compartment, to the buildings of the Charlemagne court, then to the buildings of the Saint-Louis court, to the outer wall, and thence to the hut on the Rue du Roi-de-Sicile?
Tulajdonképpenhunglish hunglish
Quite near here, in the Rue Saint-Antoine, opposite the Rue des Nonamdieres, there is a cannon-ball incrusted in the wall of the third story of a house with this inscription: `July 28th, 1830.'
Köszönöm, őrnagy.- Én köszönöm, ezredes úrhunglish hunglish
Nevertheless, walls could be confusedly made out, which intersected as though there were more cultivated land beyond, and the low roofs of the Rue Polonceau.
Ezer éve, hogy... kajautalványt találtamhunglish hunglish
To this whole, let the reader add a courtyard, all sorts of varied angles formed by the interior buildings, prison walls, the long black line of roofs which bordered the other side of the Rue Polonceau for its sole perspective and neighborhood, and he will be able to form for himself a complete image of what the house of the Bernardines of the Petit-Picpus was forty years ago.
és # év közötti gyermekek, Javallat ahunglish hunglish
The rambler, if he risked himself outside the four decrepit walls of this Marche-aux-Chevaux; if he consented even to pass beyond the Rue du Petit-Banquier, after leaving on his right a garden protected by high walls; then a field in which tan-bark mills rose like gigantic beaver huts; then an enclosure encumbered with timber, with a heap of stumps, sawdust, and shavings, on which stood a large dog, barking; then a long, low, utterly dilapidated wall, with a little black door in mourning, laden with mosses, which were covered with flowers in the spring; then, in the most deserted spot, a frightful and decrepit building, on which ran the inscription in large letters: POST NO BILLS, - this daring rambler would have reached little known latitudes at the corner of the Rue des Vignes-Saint-Marcel.
Egy műanyag tartállyal védett patronban található, mely az OptiClik nevű inzulin injekciós toll eldobható részehunglish hunglish
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