anarchist communism oor Hongaars

anarchist communism


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In a few places independent Anarchist communes were set up, and some of them remained in being till about a year later, when they were forcibly suppressed by the Government.
Amint az az állásfoglalásban megfogalmazódik, Zimbabwének igen nagy szüksége van egy olyan békéltető folyamatra, amelyben szerephez jutnak a helyi érintettek, de a nemzetközi közösség és Afrika képviselői is.hunglish hunglish
Bacchanalia, unashamed swapping, communal living and anarchistic code, everything.»
Egyszerűen tudtam, mintha fény gyúlt volna a fejembenLiterature Literature
Anarchist Communism as the foundation of the movement
Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy nekem tetszik az ötletParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Anarchistic Communism is a great community in total harmony.
Az első férjem azt gondolta, hogy a jegygyűrű túl extravagánsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Play-fantasy-community against alienation, for anarchist communism.
Segíts kipakolni a cuccot!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We call the emergent new form ofhuman society anarchist communism.
Valami Kata hívottParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It discouraged communication with what the UN considered to be a bunch of regrettably necessary anarchists.
A PKI-szolgáltatásra vonatkozó információk a SWIFT által rendelkezésre bocsátott dokumentációban találhatókLiterature Literature
Anarchist Communism fights to secure man's freedom and his right to boundless development; it fights against all the evils and injustices that are inherent in governments.
A támogatási programot végrehajtó szervezetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The fact that Wikipedia is an open, self-governing project does not mean that any part of its purpose is to explore the viability of anarchistic communities.
Hogyan higgyenek benne, ha elegáns és üde?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Anarchist Communism will let man develop his creative independence in all directions; its adherents will be free and happy with life, guided by brotherly work and reciprocity.
És Edmund... ne kóborolj el többet!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And although they are aware that these contradictions are totally irreconcilable with their professional ideas, they nevertheless uphold them in order to forestall the putting into practice of Anarchist Communism.
Oké Bridget, lássuk most hogy sikerülParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Asserting the right to difference, national-anarchists publicly advocate a model of society in which communities that wish to can practice racial, ethnic, religious or sexual separatism are able to peacefully coexist alongside mixed or integrated communities without requiring force.
A végzős bizottság hétfőn ül össze.A képek leadási határideje csütörtök, kivéve, ha nincs épp tanulócsoportWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While they were in prison, Hoover wrote: "Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman are, beyond doubt, two of the most dangerous anarchists in this country and if permitted to return to the community will result in undue harm."
Öt perc múlva megbeszélés a miniszterelnökkelWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The freedom of any individual carries within it the seed of a free and complete community without government, a free society that lives in organic and decentralized totality, united in its pursuit of the great human goal: Anarchist Communism!
Most már tudjuk, hogy nézel pornótParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Revolution can exist only by us, by those who are not just victims of the capitalist mode of production, but consciously try to trace theoretically and realise practically anarchist communism, the human community, the transformation of social relations all over the world.
Piacszervező vagyok a MacDougall Deutsch- nálParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Bitcoin community consists of anarchist/conspiracy theorist/gold standard 'weenies'
Remélem, hogy felérek a hihetetlen színvonaláhozParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For the free software community, commitment to anarchist production may be a moral imperative; as Richard Stallman wrote, it's about freedom, not about price.
meg kell felelniük legalább az érintett asztali bor kategória esetén megkövetelt minimális alkoholtartalomnak a szerződés megkötésének időpontjábanParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
After the short stay in Vienna, Attila József arrived in Paris in 1926, here he made acquaintances with A. Dauphin-Meunier (who had written his book about the proletarian revolution in Hungary, La Commune Hongroise et les Anarchistes, not long ago, in 1925).
Sérült és vérzik; szerencsés, hogy túlélte hibájátParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As one of the most active members of the anarchist and psychedelic artistic community Ruigoord, the Dutch avant-garde poet Hans Plomp wrote in 1990: „It is the task of visionaries and artists to map out the regions of collective unconscious. We have to create a visionary culture that connects the collective unconscious to other forms of human existence, to the meaning of life.”
Tényleg azt hitte, hogy beszélni fog?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As soon as man brings to the fore the pure elements in his personality through which a new, free human community is born, he will become an anarchist and revolutionary.
Sajnos, van pár ember ebben a teremben, aki azt hiszi mindent elvehet tőlünk, mert kicsik vagyunk!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman," Hoover wrote while they were in prison, "are, beyond doubt, two of the most dangerous anarchists in this country and return to the community will result in undue harm."[110]
Neked fogalmad sincs, hogy min mentem keresztül a háború miattParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Shortly after his arrival, Attila József got in touch with the Anarchist-Communist Union, which was discussing about individualist anarchism versus collectivism and anarcho-communism in this period.
Úgy hívják, színészkedni egy seggfejjel!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Bolshevik printing-houses were pouring out pamphlets against the Anarchists, calumnies about the Makhnovshchina, and Lenin's pamphlet, "Left-wing communism, an infantile disorder" in which the author pronouncedly condemns every revolutionary tendency, and holds brief for the elite party, parliamentarianism and the trade-union struggle.
A Szerződő Felek biztosítják, hogy az ellenőrzési jelentéseket legfeljebb # naptári napon belül továbbítsák, amely határidő # napra meghosszabbítható, ha új ellenőrzést kell végezniParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Owning to these meanings of the word, our adversaries believe, or rather profess to believe, that anarchists wish to abolish every social relation and all collective work, and to reduce man to a condition of isolation, that is, to a state worse than savagery. By “State” again is meant only the supreme administration of a country, the central power, as distinct from provincial or communal power, and therefore others think that anarchists wish merely for a territorial decentralization, leaving the principle of government intact, and thus confounding anarchy with cantonical or communal government.
Zár az ajtón és " Ne zavarjanak " feliratParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Whereas communism, that is to say a society of free workers, is the goal of the anarchist struggle - syndicalism, that is the movement of revolutionary workers in their occupations, is only one of the forms of revolutionary class struggle.
Hiánytalanul kitöltött kérdőív a közösségi gazdasági ágazat három nyersanyag-beszállítójától, három felhasználójától, a felülvizsgálat iránti kérelmet támogató három közösségi gyártótól, egy további, az eljárást ellenző gyártótól és az analóg ország egyik gyártójától érkezettParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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