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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The guests, men and women alike, found all things ordered at the banquet with magnificence, nor aught unmeet for commendation save the restraint which the yet recent grief, betokened by the sombre garb of Tedaldo's kinsfolk, laid upon speech (wherein some had found matter to except against the banquet and the pilgrim for devising it, as he well knew), but, as he had premeditated, in due time, he stood up, the others being occupied with their dessert, and spoke thus: - "Nothing is wanting to complete the gaiety of this banquet except the presence of Tedaldo; whom, as you have been long time with him and have not known him, I will point out to you."
A közösségi statisztikákról szóló, #. február #-i #/#/EK tanácsi rendelet megállapította a közösségi statisztikai program létrehozásának kereteit, és létrehoztaa statisztikai adatok bizalmas kezelésének közös keretéthunglish hunglish
It betokened the cheeriness of an active temperament, finding joy in its activity, and, therefore, rendering it beautiful; it was a New England trait, - the stern old stuff of Puritanism with a gold thread in the web.
Nem is kell, hogy legyenhunglish hunglish
I find the trumpet interesting, for it betokens secrets, hidden or revealed.
Ilyen reklámot nem lehet megvenniLiterature Literature
This doth betoken the corpse they follow did with desperate hand take its own life.
Nem fagyaszthatóOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The absence of one main, clear and concrete objective broken down into its most important sub-objectives betokens difficulties in evaluating impact.
speedSignalInput, ahol a kalibrálási I/O jelvonalat egy sebességjel (vizsgálati jel) bevitelére kell használni, kicserélve így a mozgásérzékelő sebességjelételitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Much more, if that glow betokened magics that did more than merely adorn.
Mégis mit képzelt?hunglish hunglish
And now, lying wakeful in her bed and listening to her husband's breathing and the wind outside (miraculously, they'd had only another flurry that afternoon; still no heavy snow), she let her mind turn fully to her lovely, troubling son, born with a caul over his face, a simple tissue of membrane that doctors saw perhaps once in every seven hundred births, a tissue that the old wives' tales said betokened the second sight.
Szerinted mi volt az indíték?hunglish hunglish
How did Jesus indicate that world events betokening the end would occur right on time?
Öregem, micsoda seggfejjw2019 jw2019
And now, lying wakeful in her bed and listening to her husband's breathing and the wind outside (miraculously, they'd had only another flurry that afternoon; still no heavy snow), she let her mind turn fully to her lovely, troubling son, born with a caul over his face, a simple tissue of membrane that doctors saw perhaps once in every seven hundred births, a tissue that the old wives' tales said betokened the second sight.
Már nem lélegzikhunglish hunglish
A perplexed frown was beginning to gather between Poirot's brows, when suddenly his eyes shone with that green light that always betokened inward excitement.
A CSEH KÖZTÁRSASÁGhunglish hunglish
That would betoken!
Várj.Te megérted?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
"I also notice a sign yonder which betokens the presence of an inn, where perhaps you may wish to take lodging for the night."
A poklok poklát élheti áthunglish hunglish
Holmes sat silently, with his head thrown back and his eyes closed, in an attitude which might seem listless to a stranger, but which I knew betokened the most intense self-absorption.
Mégtöbb blokkolás, több váltás?hunglish hunglish
What does it betoken, this silence?
Az a hazug ringyó!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The daguerreotypist once whispered her that these marks betokened the oddities of the Pyncheon family, and that the chicken itself was a symbol of the life of the old house, embodying its interpretation, likewise, although an unintelligible one, as such clews generally are.
Na mi Iesz, te buzi?hunglish hunglish
But Rochefort, who had passed five years in prison, had become old in the lapse of a few years; the dark locks of this estimable friend of the defunct Cardinal Richelieu were now white; the deep bronze of his complexion had been succeeded by a mortal pallor which betokened debility.
Apám nincs a szobájábanhunglish hunglish
Montparnasse on the hunt at such an hour, in such a place, betokened something threatening.
Mikor nézte meg?hunglish hunglish
If, therefore, you wish to construe what my silence betokened... you must construe that I consented, not that I denied.
Meg kell keresnünk Jason- t és Lizzie- t, rendben?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Her brown hair fell down from beneath a hood, not in curls but with only a slight wave; her face was of a wan, almost sickly hue, betokening habitual seclusion from the sun and free atmosphere, like a flower-shrub that had done its best to blossom in too scanty light.
Amíg az Afrikai Unió missziójának az Egyesült Nemzetek égisze alatti műveletté történő átalakulása folyamatban van az ENSZ Biztonsági Tanácsának#. sz. határozatával összhangban, a Tanács a #/#/KKBP határozat #. cikkével összhangban és az Afrikai Unió Béke és Biztonsági Tanácsának #. szeptember #-i határozatának fényében úgy döntött, hogy #. december #-ig tovább folytatja az Európai Unió által az Afrikai Uniónak a szudáni Darfur térségben tevékenykedő missziója számára biztosított polgári-katonai támogató fellépésthunglish hunglish
The style is lofty and clear, and every page betokens the great learning of the author.
Nem voltam teljesen őszinte magával és a társávalLDS LDS
Like lonely sentinels, they betoken a bygone age of towering temples and imposing palaces skillfully designed and decorated.
a litván intervenciós hivatal birtokában lévő árpa kivitelére irányuló folyamatos pályázati felhívás megnyitásáróljw2019 jw2019
The mean and low, yet strangely man-like expression of his wilted countenance; the prying and crafty glance, that showed him ready to gripe at every miserable advantage; his enormous tail (too enormous to be decently concealed under his gabardine), and the deviltry of nature which it betokened, - take this monkey just as he was, in short, and you could desire no better image of the Mammon of copper coin, symbolizing the grossest form of the love of money.
Mert a lelkek magasság hatására illékonnyá válnakhunglish hunglish
For his skill in a trifling art betokened the hidden talent of a craftsman. . .
Mi van a fejedben?Literature Literature
I thought I was once more by the side of the Sphere, whose lustrous hue betokened that he had exchanged his wrath against me for perfectly placability.
A bizottság javasolta a Pradaxa-ra vonatkozó forgalomba hozatali engedély kiadásáthunglish hunglish
104 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.