conflagration oor Hongaars


/kɒnflæɡˈɹeɪʃən/ naamwoord
A large fire extending to many objects, or over a large space; a general burning.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


great and destructive fire
It was like the opening of a crater, like the scattering of an immense conflagration.
Mintha egy kráter tűzokádó torka nyílt volna meg előttük, mintha egy óriási tűzvész tombolását látnák.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
El stared from one whirling conflagration to the other, sweat running down her face like water over rocks and dripping steadily from her chin.
Ebből nem zárhatunk ki egyetlen energiaforrást (szén, megújuló energia, nukleáris energia) sem, és az energiaszerkezetet a villamosenergia- és földgázpiac hatékony, végső soron ésszerű energiaárakat eredményező versenyére kell alapoznihunglish hunglish
The star of day, pale but nevertheless still splendid, was setting in the horizon, glorifying at once the heavens and the sea with bands of fire, and casting upon the towers and the old houses of the city a last ray of gold which made the windows sparkle like the reflection of a conflagration.
Bárcsak sosem hagytuk volna ott azt a hotelszobát Honey Groveban, mert tökéletes vagy, és mi tökéletesek vagyunk, és az az éjszaka... tökéletes volthunglish hunglish
Without the daily rains of the past week, the conflagration would have turned into a forest fire.
Oké, vége a gyereknapnakLiterature Literature
A small forest fire can easily spread and quickly become a great conflagration.
Hello, Filk.Ray Tierney vagyoktatoeba tatoeba
In addition to warning of “wars and reports of wars,” he foretold global conflagrations that would blaze up in which ‘nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.’
Hengerek számajw2019 jw2019
Such repairs would be at odds with Chalmun's nature, which is dictated by dis-trusl; deals are done at dusk, not under the fixed, un-miligated glare of Tatoo I and Tatoo II, conflagrations of eyes in the countenance of a galaxy that is, much as the Emperor's face, shrouded within a cowled hood.
Immunrendszeri betegségek és tünetek Endokrin betegségek és tünetekhunglish hunglish
So quickly that there could only be minutes before the Sleeper Service ran into it and far too quickly for the GSV to brake or turn and avoid the conflagration.
Oké, Anya, de tudod, mit?Sokkal jobbat fogok csinálnihunglish hunglish
Once they were scattered widely, there would be less risk of some spark igniting a conflagration and killing off the whole race.
Nem tudok meg tőled semmi, igaz?hunglish hunglish
'Thanks,' Blue Leader said quietly to the conflagration.
Oklahomában a számítások szerint...... az állam jelenleg #- ször annyit költ...... egy fehér gyermek tanítására, mintegy színesbőrű gyermekreLiterature Literature
Sleepy Hollow will be the epicenter of a conflagration of biblical proportions.
Komolyan, senkit sem érdekelOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then he attacked the vault of the house, or sanctuary, of El-berith and set it afire, and in the conflagration about a thousand of his previous collaborators, the landowners of the tower of Shechem who had taken refuge there, were burned to death.
Ennek ellenére azt láthatjuk, hogy a világ megoszlik azok között, akik védik az emberi jogokat, illetve akik könyörtelenül el akarják fojtani őket.jw2019 jw2019
The revolutions of 1848 were a Europe-wide conflagration affecting every major city.
Hány éves vagy?Literature Literature
Besides, precisely because we need to set a good example, I do believe we shall arrive at a European environmental foreign policy that serves to influence the search for answers to questions such as why these huge conflagrations break out across the globe, producing more CO2 than all of Europe's power stations put together.
A Kaszás Törzs nem átalakult...létrehoztákEuroparl8 Europarl8
Her face was brilliant and glowing; but this glow was not one of brightness; it suggested the fearful glow of a conflagration in the midst of a dark night.
Nekem kell hallgatnom miattad?hunglish hunglish
The conflagration was much larger now: "the whole City in dreadful flames near the water-side; all the houses from the Bridge, all Thames-street, and upwards towards Cheapside, down to the Three Cranes, were now consumed".
OlaszországWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He tore his gaze from it, peered upward past the garden to a sky become a conflagration - trails of rainbow dust shining in the silver sun.
Kirándulni?hunglish hunglish
While it is difficult to believe that anyone would dare to assume responsibility for initiating the appalling slaughter and destruction that war would bring in its wake, there is no denying that the conflagration could be started by some chance and unforeseen circumstance.
Mivel a záró érték alapvetően a [...] évtől kezdődő készpénzáramlások értéke [...] évnél diszkontálható, a magánbefektetőt arra kérnék, hogy fogadja el, hogy bár a beruházása [...] évig nem termel nyereséget, mindazonáltal jó beruházás a [...] évet követő kilátások alapjá
Some cite Bible texts that portend a divinely directed conflagration as retribution for man’s transgressions against the earth.
A békaevők, uram!jw2019 jw2019
It was our Santa Sofia, standing still after the horrid massacres and conflagrations of the Mongols who had laid waste our city and all her riches and all her wicked and worldly women and men.
Ellenálló képesség N-hexánnal szemben az ISO # szabvány szerint, a következő feltételek melletthunglish hunglish
History itself shows this; for, to pass over other instances, we find that, at the close of the last century, divorces were sanctioned by law in that upheaval or, rather, as it might be called, conflagration in France, when society was wholly degraded by the abandoning of God.
Farmakokinetikai tulajdonsá
Some scientists speak of the possibility of an accidental nuclear war —let alone a planned nuclear conflagration!
Takarodjak el?jw2019 jw2019
9. When wise men who are motivated by a desire for lasting peace meet to discuss such differences, they should certainly feel obliged to enter upon the ways of justice rather than the rash road of violence if they reflect upon the grave dangers of a war which may start as a tiny spark, but can burst into an enormous conflagration.
Én vagyok a söté
He had found that by adjusting the flow of oxygen and directing it through a nozzle he had designed and made himself, he could produce a fierce blaze, a dull red glow or any state of conflagration in between.
SIMPSON-jelentés A#-#/#- JOGALKOTÁSI ÁLLÁSFOGLALÁShunglish hunglish
The conflagration that had killed Buke's wife, mother and four children had been particularly ugly.
Az álom nem volt azLiterature Literature
Similarly to how Jeremiah and his secretary Baruch survived Jerusalem’s ordeal of sword, famine, pestilence and conflagration!
Ez nevetséges... ők voltak... kicsi, kék bőrűek, és...... ők mások voltakjw2019 jw2019
202 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.