crewel oor Hongaars


Worsted yarn, slackly twisted, used for embroidery.

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worsted yarn, slackly twisted, used for embroidery

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When the Crewel leech left my mother to die of a disease he could not cure, Lady Leonie saved her.
Amikor a creweli felcser a sorsra hagyta az anymat, hogy meghaljon, mert nem tudta meggygytani, Lady Leonie megmentette.Literature Literature
It suited Wilda to have the servants at Crewel think Rolfe d'Ambert had beaten his wife on their wedding night.
Wildnak nagyon is megfelelt, hogy a creweli szolgk azt hiszik, Rolfe d’Ambert megverte a felesgt a nszjszakjn.Literature Literature
The fact that Lady Amelia was still sharing your chamber when I was brought back to Crewel proves it.""
A puszta tny, hogy Lady Amelia a szobjban lakott, amikor engem visszavitetett Crewelbe, bizonytja.Literature Literature
Crewel was not like Pershwick at all.
Crewel egyltaln nem hasonltott Pershwickhez.Literature Literature
Chapter 9 LEONIE instantly recognized the woman who waited in the large hall of Crewel to greet the wedding party.
KILENCEDIK FEJEZET Leonie nyomban felismerte a nőt, aki Crewel nagyter-nben vrta az eskvőre rkezőket.Literature Literature
She was treated with respect, almost as if she were the lady of Crewel Keep.
Tisztelettel bntak vele, majdnem akkora tisztelettel, mintha Crewel rnője volna.Literature Literature
Sir Richard told her that her husband had charged them with seeing her safely to Crewel.
Sir Richard felvilgostotta, hogy Sir Rolfe-tl azt a parancsot kaptk, hogy őt biztonsgban Crewelbe ksrjk.Literature Literature
“Then you will not object to having your quarters searched before you are turned out of Crewel, will you?”
–Akkor nincs ellenre, hogy tkutassk a szobjt, mielőtt kiebrudalom Crewelből, ugye?Literature Literature
She hadn't spoken to Mildred in the week she had been at Crewel, though she knew Wilda had made friends with her.
Leonie nem beszlt Mildreddel a ht alatt, amelyet Crewelben tlttt, br tudta, hogy Wilda sszebartkozott az asszonnyal.Literature Literature
Evarard allowed Leonie to leave Crewel, however much his sour countenance spoke of his reluctance.
Evarard megengedte Leonie-nak, hogy elhagyja Crewelt, savany arca azonban arrl rulkodott, hogy csak vonakodva teszi.Literature Literature
After all, he had denied her any responsibilities at Crewel—until that moment.
Vgl is megtagadott tőle minden feladatot itt Crewelben... egszen eddig a pillanatig.Literature Literature
There was an old tower at Crewel.
Volt egy rgi torony Crewelben.Literature Literature
She saw that she had not been firm enough in warning her people against causing more trouble with the Crewel serfs.
Ltta, nem volt elg hatrozott, amikor figyelmeztette az embereit, hogy ne okozzanak tbb bajt Crewel szolginak.Literature Literature
13 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.