curricle oor Hongaars


A light two wheeled carriage large enough for the driver and a passenger and drawn by a carefully-matched pair.

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Ilona Meagher


Ilona Meagher


Ilona Meagher

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Ilona Meagher

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Cheviot’s baggage is already bestowed in the curricle, so you have nothing to wait for.”
VisszatérnekLiterature Literature
Berbrooke was making some sort of repair to his curricle.
És mivel maguk őrizetbe vették Bob Warnert, így neki kell velem jönnieLiterature Literature
I’d buy you the finest mount . . . with a beautiful saddle and . . . a neat little curricle for your own use. . . .
bátorítja a tagállamokat, hogy a fogva tartás feltételeire, különösen a nők fogva tartására vonatkozó, valamint a szakképzési és társadalmi visszailleszkedési intézkedések hatékonysága terén meglévő ismereteikről és legjobb gyakorlataikról tájékoztassák egymást; véleménye szerint e keretek között fontos ösztönözni és finanszírozni a közvetlenül érdekelt hatóságok és szereplők innovatív programok és helyes gyakorlatok kidolgozásában, továbbá kongresszusokon és országos vagy nemzetközi vitákon való részvételét, mivel ez motivációstényező és alkalmas pozitív energiák felkeltéséreLiterature Literature
I really shouldn't have said a word, but truly, I thought I would perish on our curricle ride.""
Panaszkodnak, sírnakLiterature Literature
Papa’s coach-and-four could outrun the curricle any day of the week, even with snow on the roads.
Hosszú évek tapasztalatából azt szűrtem le, úgy böki ki az igazságot egy férfi, ha a szeme láttára megkínzom a babájátLiterature Literature
They had been walking about the place with some of their new friends, and were just returning to the inn to dress themselves for dining with the same family, when the sound of a carriage drew them to a window, and they saw a gentleman and a lady in a curricle driving up the street.
Nekem nincs több titkom, ugye, Harry?hunglish hunglish
He maneuvered the curricle far more smoothly than Rupert ever had.
Tartsa meg a betegtájékoztatót, mert a benne szereplő információkra a későbbiekben is szükségeLiterature Literature
Yet she was not prepared when he pulled the curricle up in front of an enormous Gothic church.
TaníthatnálLiterature Literature
Stoneville was sitting right in Giles’s curricle, ignoring the tiger who was holding the horses and looking panicked.
Ugyan már, HenryLiterature Literature
I am going now to fetch my curricle up to the house.
Alig elég rá, hogy a költségeket fedezze, de kit érdekel?Literature Literature
As they headed back to their waiting curricle, Jessie said, “You ruined your clothing.”
Ön nem lehet az én EdmondomLiterature Literature
So the Spanish troops stayed near the Rio Sancti Petri while the curricle sped southward.
Tudja Adam, hogy te... egész éjjel ideát kószálsz?Literature Literature
Several of the latter unexpectedly turned up, driving curricles and phaetons, and greeting each other raucously.
Átgondoltam, és az a helyzet, hogy szeretlekLiterature Literature
Although there was a hood between them and the groom, she needed far more privacy than the curricle could provide.
Analit meghatározása UV/VIS detektálás (egyetlen hullámhossz) melletti LC segítségévelLiterature Literature
Half the time would have been enough for the curricle, and so nimbly were the light horses disposed to move, that, had not the general chosen to have his own carriage lead the way, they could have passed it with ease in half a minute.
Lassú és fájdalmas leszhunglish hunglish
Anne certainly seemed back to normal now, smiling at him as he helped her up into the curricle.
Hol van az erősítés?Literature Literature
“No,” Tristan said, “but when my fiancée and his lordship awaken, tell them we’ve taken the curricle to Rathmoor Park.”
Töltse újraLiterature Literature
As the curricle began to move, she added, “It’s too early to mention the baby, I think.”
Mindenkinek rossz voltLiterature Literature
“Ah . . . well, I had hoped to find a new pair for my curricle—” “Beyond horses.”
Bárki belopódzhat ide az éjszaka közepén az ablakon keresztülLiterature Literature
They had reached Lady Buckhaven’s house by this time, and Kitty was preparing to alight from the curricle.
Jóéjt, mindenkiLiterature Literature
I would never—” “You would not have been injured had you not been in my curricle,” he cut in.
Hány éves a lánya?Literature Literature
Thus, three nights following their curricle race found them at Madame Fouchet's elegant sin club.
Az illatukat, a szájukat, a bőrük tapintásátLiterature Literature
As she settled into the curricle, Suzanne said, “Is it possible that Lucas might actually have become a monk?”
A transzverzális program tevékenységeiLiterature Literature
“And perhaps this curricle will fly up to the moon tonight, but somehow I don’t expect that.
Jelzés nélküli fekete terepjáróLiterature Literature
I was afraid they might not; and we overtook William Goulding in his curricle, so I was determined he should know it, and so I let down the side-glass next to him, and took off my glove, and let my hand just rest upon the window frame, so that he might see the ring, and then I bowed and smiled like anything."
Nincs annyi szerető gondoskodás, ami megváltoztatja ezt a gyerekethunglish hunglish
59 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.