disadvantageous oor Hongaars


/dɪsˌædvənˈteɪdʒəs/ adjektief
Not advantageous.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


not advantageous
I'd love to say no, but you have me at a disadvantage.
Szeretném azt mondani, hogy nem, de előnytelen vagyok most magával szemben.


A systematic commitment to address the situation of disadvantaged people is missing.
A hátrányos helyzetű emberek helyzetének javítására irányuló elkötelezettség is hiányzik.


Otherwise, the offer would have been financially disadvantageous and, therefore, unattractive to many French shareholders.
Ennek hiányában az ajánlat pénzügyileg kedvezőtlen lett volna, következésképpen kevésbé vonzó a számos francia részvényes számára.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

hátrányos helyzetben lévő · hátrányos helyzetű · peremre szorult
to one's disadvantage
socially disadvantaged class
hátrányos társadalmi helyzetű osztály
hátrányosság · kedvezőtlenség · költségesség
at a disadvantage
előnytelen helyzetben · hátrányban · hátrányos helyzetben · lemaradva · rovására
aid to disadvantaged groups
hátrányos helyzetűeknek nyújtott támogatás
hátrány · kedvezőtlenség · kár · veszteség
hátrányos helyzetben lévő · hátrányos helyzetű · peremre szorult


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The European Parliament takes the view that the company bodies should be jointly and severally liable for loss and/or damage incurred by the EPC on account of its assets having been depleted, for the benefit of a company body, a member or a person closely associated with one of these, through acts of the company; that the recipient of an unwarranted payment by the company should be responsible for refunding it; that liability should arise only if the act was not in the recognised interests of the EPC; that liability should not arise, in particular, if the EPC is integrated within a group following a consistent policy and any disadvantages are offset by the advantages of its belonging to a group; and that the liability of the executive directors or members under other legal provisions should not be thereby affected
évente egyszer értesítik a Bizottságot minden, az elismerés megadására, megtagadására vagy visszavonására vonatkozó döntésrőloj4 oj4
The Commission agrees that the Member States have to target the measure according to sector ’ s identified needs and structural disadvantages.
És talán...... talán arra is rávesznek, hogy visszatérj!elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
finally, the potential beneficial impact of integration and catching up for the most disadvantaged social groups, excluded from the labour market in various ways, is considerable.
Jean, meg tudod tenni?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
There is a need to widen access for those from disadvantaged groups and to address actively the special learning needs of people with disabilities in the implementation of all parts of the programme, including through the use of higher grants to reflect the additional costs of disabled participants
Jézusom, biztos nagyon király volt szétverni azokat az embereketoj4 oj4
The appellants submit, in particular, that the General Court artificially compartmentalised the various advantages and disadvantages of H2 blockers and PPIs, which were none the less interlinked.
Ezen betegek több mint egyharmadánál a gyógyszer újra-alkalmazása nem váltotta ki a fenti reakciókat, így tovább kaphatták az infúziótEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The EU and Morocco must invest in training so that the new opportunities can also benefit the lower skill strata, workers in disadvantaged areas, young people and women.
Sokkal jobb felvételünk lenne, ha jobban figyelnél a rögzítésre, és kevésbé arra, hogy mit beszélnekEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Simple technological solutions, fixed or mobile, are now available that allow inspectors to preselect vehicles suspected of infringements without stopping the vehicles in question, which is less disadvantageous in terms of traffic flow, less onerous and allows optimal safety conditions.
A gazdaság munkaerejeeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
· develops an integrated flexicurity approach, by implementing an active ageing strategy, stepping up actions to improve active labour market policy, notably for disadvantaged groups, reviewing benefit systems to improve incentives to work, and putting in place the lifelong learning strategy.
Mi lesz a mellbimbóimmal?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Calls on the Commission to report to Parliament on the advantages and disadvantages of continuation of budget and other aid to the Kenyan government in the present circumstances;
Nem östehetségek a fiúk, de az biztos, hogy vadállatoknot-set not-set
Portugal justified (see recitals 51 and 52 above) the appropriateness of the aid instrument by the economic situation in Peninsula de Setubal region, proving that the region is disadvantaged in comparison with the national average: during the period 2011-2013, the regional GDP per capita was around 75 % of the Portuguese average.
El sem hiszem, hogy mit mondtáleurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Although it has long been proven that women and girls are no less capable than men and boys in the field of education, there are a number of reasons why women and girls are at a disadvantage in terms of access to education, particularly to higher education and to life-long learning.
Túladagolásról a posztmarketing surveillance során beszámoltaknot-set not-set
51 As regards the consequences of failure to observe the principle of equal treatment in a situation such as that in the main proceedings, it must be recalled that, where discrimination contrary to EU law has been established, as long as measures reinstating equal treatment have not been adopted, observance of the principle of equality can be ensured only by granting to persons within the disadvantaged category the same advantages as those enjoyed by persons within the favoured category, the latter arrangements, for want of the correct application of EU law, being the only valid point of reference remaining (see Case C‐18/95 Terhoeve [1999] ECR I‐345, paragraph 57 and the case‐law cited).
Látom zavarja, a pöttöm termete, igaz?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The impact of the social profile of the pupils and their families appears to be greater in schools where there are more disadvantaged pupils (16).
Ez visszajött.Nem tudták kézbesíteniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The life cycle analysis was inconclusive on the relative merits and disadvantages of the currently available battery chemistries.
A sárgák kezében vanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Test Claimants contend that this difference in treatment of individual shareholders places non-UK parent companies with a UK subsidiary at a disadvantage in comparison to UK parent companies with a UK subsidiary.
Mit akarsz tőlem?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the PTS's assessment, however, this has serious disadvantages, in particular regarding the duration and reliability of transportation and the safety and security of OSI equipment.
Hat hónap telt el, és úgy érzem, a jelenlegi körülmények között már nem jöhet semmi rosszEurLex-2 EurLex-2
also recognises that balanced territorial development must provide adequate support for rural and peri-urban areas in the hinterland, as well as disadvantaged areas (e.g. mountainous, border areas or other areas with natural or demographic disadvantages), in order to secure the necessary investments in growth, jobs, social inclusion and environmental sustainability.
Próbálok kitalálni valami elegánsabbateurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
11 Taking the view that the reason given was only a pretext for the cancellation of that sale, which was disadvantageous to the seller on account of the low sale price, the applicant in the main proceedings brought an action before the Landgericht Krefeld seeking an order that the defendant transfer of ownership of that vehicle.
Csak leragadtálEurLex-2 EurLex-2
with a view to ensuring full equality in practice between men and women in working life, the principle of equal treatment shall not prevent any Member State from maintaining or adopting measures providing for specific advantages in order to make it easier for the underrepresented sex to pursue a vocational activity or to prevent or compensate for disadvantages in professional careers
Most állítjuk össze, az ezévi kor- különszámot...... és csinálhatnád te a #- esekétoj4 oj4
☐ Aid for disadvantages related to Natura 2000 forest areas (Article 36)
Már a házunk óta a nyomunkban vagyeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
These disadvantages tend to be even more significant in predominantly rural regions and in the outermost regions, where farms are small, isolated, exposed to severe climate conditions and limited in their range of produce.
Nekem is volt halálközeli élményemnot-set not-set
(d) the exemptions must not be likely to cause distortion of competition to the disadvantage of commercial enterprises subject to VAT.
Ezenkívül nem működik rendszer vagy eljárás annak igazolására, hogy mely alapanyagokat használták fel az exporttermék gyártási folyamatában, vagy hogy sor került-e túlzott mértékű visszatérítésre a belföldi közvetett adók vonatkozásában az alaprendelet I. melléklete h) pontja, valamint II. melléklete, illetve az importvámok vonatkozásban az alaprendelet I. melléklete i) pontja, illetve II. és III. melléklete értelmébenEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Infrastructure investments covered by this Regulation should help to promote the transition to a low-carbon and climate- and disaster-resilient economy and society, taking into account the specificities of regions with natural and demographic disadvantages, in particular the outermost and island regions.
Súlyos immunhiányban szenvedő HIV-fertőzött betegekben a kombinált antiretroviális terápia (CART) megkezdésekor a tünetmentes vagy reziduális opportunista fertőzésekkel szemben gyulladásos reakció léphet fel (lásd #. # pontEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In addition, the package includes various structural measures that support the longer-term policy reform agenda, to the extent that they can help enhancing potential GDP growth, strengthening competitiveness and employment as well as supporting incomes of disadvantaged groups, for instance by financing upgrades of physical infrastructure or reducing personnel hiring costs
Ugye nem akarod azt a gyilkost szabadon engedni?oj4 oj4
peripheral location: Northern Ireland is significantly disadvantaged by its geographical location;
tekintettel a gyümölcs és zöldség behozatalára vonatkozó intézkedések alkalmazása részletes szabályainak megállapításáról szóló, #. december #-i #/#/EK bizottsági rendeletre és különösen annak #. cikke bekezdéséreEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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