everlasting bliss oor Hongaars

everlasting bliss

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everlasting happiness/joy
Ilona Meagher

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the everlasting bliss we all dream of.
The state of absolute wisdom and everlasting bliss known as Enlightenment.
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Many adherents thus believe that even before a person is born, God has already determined whether he is destined for everlasting bliss in Paradise or he will receive everlasting doom.
Amikor a tagállamok elfogadják ezeket az intézkedéseket, azokban hivatkozni kell erre az irányelvre, vagy azokhoz hivatalos kihirdetésük alkalmával ilyen hivatkozást kell fűznijw2019 jw2019
Our religion is more comprehensive than that of the world; it does not prompt its [members] with the desire to “sit and sing themselves away to everlasting bliss,” but it embraces all the interests of humanity in every conceivable phase, and every truth in the world comes within its scope.10
Ha kész lesz, kifüggesztek egy Piros SzerencsezászlótLDS LDS
He argued that even as water has different names in different languages, so “Sat-chit-ananda, the everlasting-intelligent-bliss, is invoked by some as God, by some as Allah, by some as Jehovah, by some as Hari, and by others as Brahman.”
Nem, azt hiszem, jobb, ha megyek, édesemjw2019 jw2019
According to dualism, the good god created pure and everlasting souls that lived in a blissful world of spirit.
Mi más választásom volt?Literature Literature
Christendom’s churches teach that the ultimate destiny of man is either eternal bliss in heaven or everlasting punishment in “hell.”
Sawyer megölte a jegesmedvétjw2019 jw2019
Shall we become absorbed in serving the world, serving ourselves, and lose eternal life and the everlasting bliss of heaven?
De ha háborút akar, megkapjaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He is not a teacher only, or a bright example merely; but one whose death is the source of our salvation, and whose resurrection and eternal glory are the guarantee and foretaste of our everlasting bliss.
És te kirúgtálParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
May all sentient beings, without missing one single of them, accomplish the everlasting great bliss of perfect liberation and ultimate auspiciousness.
Le lenne nyűgözve, ha egy olyanban látnaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Master spoke about his teaching upon the divine essence of all religions – the practice of universal loving heart and the supreme wisdom of enlightenment – which ultimately purifies ignorance, ego-attachment, fear and suffering forever, and accomplishes the everlasting bliss of great liberation.
Szia, drágám.MegjöttemParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Uncorrupted by the idle indulgence of an enervating vanity, her affection moving steadily toward its object, she hopes to become his, and to realise, in an everlasting union with him, all that happiness which she sought, all that bliss for which she longed.
Hát, akkor most nagyban fújják az orrukathunglish hunglish
By practising universal loving heart and the divine wisdom of enlightenment we are all free to purify ignorance, ego-attachment and all the obstacles, and we are all free to realise and accomplish our divine nature, our divine truth, our divine essence, and our divine qualities, and we are all free to achieve the everlasting bliss of great liberation."
Azt mondta:Jó, hogy kiderült. Már torkig volt a bujkálássalParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
August 8, 2014 Master Guru Karma Acharya introduced and taught to the participants how to use chod bell and damaru in the right rhythm with the traditional melody of the chod prayer and practice of cutting off dualism and ego-attachment for accomplishing the everlasting great bliss of fearlessness.
Egy félreértés miatt!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Master said only the fortunate spiritual people who are guided by an authentic spiritual master and who practice meditation, and who – during lifetime – experience and realize the universal divine nature of the mind of the great bliss of enlightenment, can spontaneously recognize and rest in that divine state of everlasting great bliss, and absolutely reach enlightenment and achieve great liberation.
Igen, de már nem sokáig lesznek élők, ha elfogy az időnkParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
May we transform all the three worlds of the circle of existence of delusion (samsara) into the pure realm of peace where everyone follows the divine technique of enlightenment and achieve this perfect auspiciousness. May all sentient beings, without missing one single of them, accomplish the everlasting great bliss of perfect liberation and ultimate auspiciousness.
Az eurórendszer tartalékkezelési szolgáltatásainak listájaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
May all of us wake up in the divine heart of peace, the divine heart of love, and the divine heart of the great bliss of everlasting freedom.
Egyes halászati termékek Kanári-szigetekre irányuló behozatalára vonatkozó autonóm közösségi vámkontingensek *ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Master gave intensive teaching emphasizing the divine practice of universal loving heart and the supreme wisdom of enlightenment, the ultimate remedies that absolutely purify the darkness of ignorance, the poison of ego attachment, all the negative emotions and the fear and suffering of samsara, and directly lead to greatest transformation, realization, and the accomplishment of the everlasting great bliss of liberation.
Hiszen magát Gotham Fehér Lovagjaként ismerikParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Master powerfully blessed all the young participants by introducing the divine truth, the divine essence, or the divine nature of the nature of the mind of everyone by saying: "The nature of our mind is by nature forever universal everlasting peace and harmony nature; the nature of our mind is by nature forever universal everlasting freedom nature; the nature of our mind is by nature forever universal everlasting loving nature; and the nature of our mind is by nature forever universal everlasting great bliss of enlightenment nature."
Az össze- és szétszerelés a szűkös hely, valamint az eszközök állandóan növekvő mérete és súlya miatt a termelékenység minden további növelésének gátjaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Mystic Dove proclaimeth from its blissful bower, in the everlasting Paradise: “The source of all bounty is derived, in this Day, from God, the One, the Forgiving!”
Most már képes vagy szétverni őtParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Mystic Dove proclaimeth from its blissful bower, in the everlasting Paradise: "The source of all bounty is derived, in this Day, from God, the One, the Forgiving!"
A szegmenseket a referenciatengelyhez viszonyítva kell meghatározniParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Master Guru Karma Acharya will kindly introduce the supreme yoga practice of the divine OM AH HUNG mantra for the purification, healing and ultimate transformation of our ordinary body, speech and mind into the divine body of universal everlasting peace and harmony, into the divine speech of universal everlasting freedom and into the divine nature of the mind of universal loving heart and the great bliss of enlightenment.
Tudod, tök jó lehetnék benne, mert a fejemen mindenféle dolgokat lehet széttörniParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They taught that the coming kingdom was not of this world, that the world was approaching its certain end, and that “a new heaven and a new earth” were to usher in the establishment of the kingdom of God; that this kingdom was to be an everlasting dominion, that sin was to be ended, and that the citizens of the new kingdom were to become immortal in their enjoyment of this endless bliss.
Ennek következtében a tisztességes munkát (az ILO definíciója szerint) és a társadalmi párbeszédet, amely a munkajogok érvényesítésének és védelmének elengedhetetlen feltétele, annak rendje és módja szerint kell elismerni az EIDHR prioritásai közöttParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They taught that the coming kingdom was not of this world, that the world was approaching its certain end, and that “a new heaven and a new earth” were to usher in the establishment of the kingdom of God; that this kingdom was to be an everlasting dominion, that sin was to be ended, and that the citizens of the new kingdom were to become immortal in their enjoyment of this endless bliss.
Szégyelld magad!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They taught that the coming kingdom was not of this world, that the world was approaching its certain end, and that "a new heaven and a new earth" were to usher in the establishment of the kingdom of God; that this kingdom was to be an everlasting dominion, that sin was to be ended, and that the citizens of the new kingdom were to become immortal in their enjoyment of this endless bliss.
GondolkodtamParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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