factorial prime oor Hongaars

factorial prime

(mathematics) A prime number that is one more or one less than a factorial. For example, 7 is a factorial prime, since 3! + 1 = 7.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


prime numbers of the form n!±1

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The interesting thing about the number 7 is that it's not only a factorial prime-
Tudod, megtapasztalhatsz valami különlegeset a világbólOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Five is the first Wilson prime and the third factorial prime, also an alternating factorial.
Azután kiment a fürdőszobába, és lelőtte az anyát, aki a kisbabájával ott bújt elWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I lay in bed that night, knowing the Factory was primed and ready and waiting for the wasp that crawled and felt its way about the jar that lay by my bedside.
" Találkozzak egy tanárral? "- Hoppáhunglish hunglish
Factorial prime - Wikipedia
hogy a vágást és a darabolást arra a célra jóváhagyott létesítményekben végezték-e elParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I think you went to the factory this morning to agitate with Gibby and have come here primed to agitate some more.
Farfan, szerinted nem gyanús, hogy Noé ilyen könnyen megvált a házától?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Surfaces: Hardened old paint, factory-primed new parts, bare steel sheets, galvanised steel sheets, manually de-rusted surfaces, aluminium, paintable plastics, GFRP parts, wood.
Menj, üdvözöld őket!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We undertake the establishment of all electrical equipment of industrial facilities and factories under prime contracting, as part of general project implementation or even as a "turnkey" alternative.
Nem a te színedParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Force India planning new factory at Silverstone Join prime
A fehérorosz exportáló termelő, a kérelmező közösségi termelők, a közösségi felhasználók és importőrök írásban ismertették álláspontjukatParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ten is the sum of the first three prime numbers, of the four first positive integers (1 + 2 + 3 + 4), of the square of the two first odd numbers and also of the first four factorials (0! + 1! + 2! + 3!).
Azt tegnap ítélte nekem a bíróságWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We make in our factory all preparation works (degreasing, grit blasting, priming).
Nézze meg az arcomParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We make in our factory all preparation works (degreasing, grit blasting, priming). Quality
A #/#/KKBP közös álláspont mellékletét ennek megfelelően ki kell egészíteniParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Opel’s Flex Engine Factory Project was announced in September 2010 by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Reinhald Hoben, Opel/Vauxhall’s then vice president.
Semmi közöd hozzáParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They believed in Hungary’s future, friendship between Germans and Hungarians was important for them, they saw a business opportunity in our country, and built factories and created jobs here, the Prime Minister said.
Akkor tegyen róla, hogy az legyen!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
At the inauguration ceremony of the Apollo Tyres factory in Gyöngyöshalász on Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that Hungary’s goal is to remain Central Europe’s engine of production, with the Indian tyre company being one of the cylinders in this engine.
Át az ablakonParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
think you went to the factory this morning to agitate with Gibby and have come here primed to agitate some more.
Bejelentett összefonódás engedélyezése (Ügyszám COMP/M.# – Posco/Daewoo InternationalParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the inauguration of the isosugar factory of KALL Ingredients Kft.
Fagyjon meg, ha arra vágyikParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the inauguration of the new Samsung factory
ÉS EMLÉKEZTETVE ARRA, HOGYParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the official opening of a new factory for Balogh Tészta Zrt.
Mi volt ez a hülyeség, hogy az én ötletem volt?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at the inauguration of the new Samsung factory – miniszterelnok.hu back
Sten Egil Dahl Párizsba költözött, ahol megírta második regényét. hamarosan visszavonult a közéletbőlParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The famous Mirai botnet, which used factory default passwords to access multiple types of IoT devices, is the prime example of this practice.
Főbb példák erre a cytomegalovírus retinitis, a generalizált és/vagy fokális mycobacterium fertőzések, valamint a Pneumocystis carinii okozta pneumoniaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
1 / 16 Next Prime Minister Orbán spoke in Szombathely at Luk Savaria’s factory expansion event, after which he visited the Football Academy and Király Sports Centre.
A közvetett kutatással kapcsolatos egyéb igazgatási kiadásokParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Speaking in Tatabánya at the inauguration of the new Graboplast factory, which produces luxury-quality vinyl flooring, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that “The Government is supporting Hungarian capital and, bearing in mind the country’s size, the road to success leads through exports”.
A bejelentett szervezet értékeli a minőségbiztosítási rendszert annak meghatározása érdekében, hogy az megfelel-e a #.#. pont követelményeinekParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
40 The appellant submits that the solution adopted by the General Court in that judgment results in the exclusion, in principle, of the possibility for exporting producers of non-market economy countries that do not qualify for MET of requesting adjustments of the normal value on account of such differences under Article 2(7)(a) of the basic regulation, even though — pursuant to the judgments of 10 October 2012, Shanghai Biaowu High-Tensile Fastener and Shanghai Prime Machinery v Council (T‐170/09, not published, EU:T:2012:531, paragraph 123), and of 29 April 2015, Changshu City Standard Parts Factory and Ningbo Jinding Fastener v Council (T‐558/12 and T‐559/12, not published, EU:T:2015:237, paragraph 110) — those exporting producers are already denied the possibility of requesting adjustments on account of those differences on the basis of Article 2(10) of the basic regulation.
Ebben a vizsgálati szakaszban ki kell nyitni a jármű ablakait és csomagtereit (ha ez még nem történt megEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
American manufacturer Jabil Circuit Hungary Ltd. has expanded its Szombathely factory unit with a new 8600 square metre production hall, reported the Prime Minister ́s Office on Monday.
Ne aggódj, Hashimoto lesz a felelősParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
1962 1962 The Machine Station of Tét is transformed to a Machine Reparatory Station, the most important function of which is the renewal of ZETOR prime movers, and to provide exchange engines for the factories of the county.
A kedvezményezettnek be kell nyújtania a Parlamentnek vagy bármely, a Parlament által felhatalmazott külső szervnek valamennyi kért részletes adatot annak érdekében, hogy azok meg tudjanak bizonyosodni a munkaprogramnak és a támogatási megállapodás rendelkezéseinek megfelelő végrehajtásárólParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
44 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.