graph embedding oor Hongaars

graph embedding

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars



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Their algorithm does this by constructing a graph embedding which they term a "palm tree".
Te jössz, ShaneWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For instance, K6 can be embedded in the projective plane with ten triangular faces as the hemi-icosahedron, whose dual is the Petersen graph embedded as the hemi-dodecahedron.
A homloklebeny sérüléseWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, their theory establishes fundamental connections between graph minors and topological embeddings of graphs.
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Flapan, Naimi & Pommersheim (2001) define a graph embedding to be triple linked if there are three cycles no one of which can be separated from the other two; they show that K9 is not intrinsically triple linked, but K10 is.
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The statement of the theorem is itself long and involved, but in short it establishes that such a graph must have the structure of a clique-sum of smaller graphs that are modified in small ways from graphs embedded on surfaces of bounded genus.
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When all faces are bounded regions surrounded by a cycle of the graph, an infinite planar graph embedding can also be viewed as a tessellation of the plane, a covering of the plane by closed disks (the tiles of the tessellation) whose interiors (the faces of the embedding) are disjoint open disks.
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For instance, in any planar graph, or any embedding of a graph on a fixed topological surface, neither the removal of edges nor the contraction of edges can increase the genus of the embedding; therefore, planar graphs and the graphs embeddable on any fixed surface form minor-closed families.
A linklessly embeddable graph is a graph that has a linkless or flat embedding; these graphs form a three-dimensional analogue of the planar graphs.
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Hassler Whitney showed that if the graph is 3-connected then the embedding, and thus the dual graph, is unique.
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Locally cyclic graphs other than K4 are exactly the underlying graphs of Whitney triangulations, embeddings of graphs on surfaces in such a way that the faces of the embedding are the cliques of the graph (Hartsfeld & Ringel 1991; Larrión, Neumann-Lara & Pizaña 2002; Malnič & Mohar 1992).
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Any finite graph has a finite (though perhaps exponential) number of distinct simple cycles, and if the graph is embedded into three-dimensional space then each of these cycles forms a simple closed curve.
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Because of this characterization by Hamiltonian cycles, graphs that have two-page book embeddings are also known as subhamiltonian graphs.
és újra a történet közepén találjuk magunkatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Instead this set of edges is the union of a dual spanning tree with a small set of extra edges whose number is determined by the genus of the surface on which the graph is embedded.
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Every finite graph has a book embedding onto a book with a large enough number of pages.
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As Sachs (1983) showed, each of the seven graphs of the Petersen family is intrinsically linked: no matter how each of these graphs is embedded in space, they have two cycles that are linked to each other.
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The 2n-vertex crown graph may be embedded into four-dimensional Euclidean space in such a way that all of its edges have unit length.
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Therefore, this graph can be embedded as a Whitney triangulation of a torus, in which every face is a triangle and every triangle is a face.
Az új cardiovascularis eseményeket (elsődleges végpont) a # hónapban # %-os (CIWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In topological graph theory, the graphs whose cellular embeddings are all planar are exactly the subfamily of the cactus graphs with the additional property that each vertex belongs to at most one cycle.
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Because the dual graph depends on a particular embedding, the dual graph of a planar graph is not unique, in the sense that the same planar graph can have non-isomorphic dual graphs.
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Li (2005) explores embeddings of these graphs onto higher genus surfaces.
Quanticóban tájékoztatni akarják a középszintű stratégákatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fáry's theorem (1948) states that every planar graph has this kind of embedding.
In this view, embeddings of graphs into a surface or as subdivisions of other graphs are both instances of topological embedding, homeomorphism of graphs is just the specialization of topological homeomorphism, the notion of a connected graph coincides with topological connectedness, and a connected graph is a tree if and only if its fundamental group is trivial.
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As Atneosen already observed, if edges may instead pass from one page to another across the spine of the book, then every graph may be embedded into a three-page book.
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Any graph may be embedded as a set of points in a sufficiently high dimension; Maehara & Rödl (1990) show that the dimension necessary to embed a graph in this way may be bounded by twice its maximum degree.
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Linkless embeddings were brought to the attention of the graph theory community by Horst Sachs (1983), who posed several related problems including the problem of finding a forbidden graph characterization of the graphs with linkless and flat embeddings; Sachs showed that the seven graphs of the Petersen family (including K6) do not have such embeddings.
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