head over ears oor Hongaars

head over ears

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


Mr Gale was obviously head over ears in love with Miss Jane Grey.
Mr. Gale pedig szemmel láthatóan fülig szerelmes Jane Grey kisasszonyba.

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"Head over ears in love with him, was she?"
A lányom most hívott, a Platt autóbontónál vanhunglish hunglish
Mr Gale was obviously head over ears in love with Miss Jane Grey.
Visszamegyünk Rómábahunglish hunglish
With us, a woman is usually head over ears in love with an author before she attempts to lay siege to him.
Lehet, hogy a vele történteket talán ő is megtette volna mással, ha ezekben a házakban élt volna, ha ugyanaz lenne a mércéje, mint nekik ahogy ezt apja mondtahunglish hunglish
Give your nature the reins for once in your life; fall head over ears in love with some other water sprite and plunge down head first into a deep pool, so that the Herr Professor and all of us may have our hands free again.
És úgy gondolom, hogy az ön kutatásai nagy hatással lesznek a cégre ishunglish hunglish
Great, because dog-head / human-ears over here doesn't react to anything I say.
Nem vagyok orvosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lord Haladavar leaned his head over to the ear of Lord Urddusk and murmured, "Be at ease!
Az e rendeletben előírt intézkedések összhangban vannak az Olaj-és Zsírpiaci Irányítóbizottság véleményévelhunglish hunglish
You know he is over head and ears in love with you."
Elnézést kérek, és remélem, nem sértettem meghunglish hunglish
I was not merely over head and ears in love with her, but I was saturated through and through.
Hivatkoztak továbbá a művelet hátrányaira és kivételes kockázataira, valamint a brazil valuta fokozott instabilitására és arra, hogy ez a vállalat első beruházása Brazíliábanhunglish hunglish
I have no doubt that this woman had plunged him over head and ears in debt, and so led him into this miserable plot."
Légy óvatos azokkal!hunglish hunglish
Involuntarily Frodo loosed his hold and put his hands over his head and ears.
De Vadim szeretett volna egy Hong Kongi üzletet nyélbe ütnihunglish hunglish
She emerged with the linen wrapped insecurely over her head and ears, and the wrap dangling from her shoulders.
E jegyzőkönyv a #. évi jegyzőkönyvvel együtt a megállapodás szerves részét képezihunglish hunglish
Don't we all know that it must be a match, that they were over head and ears in love with each other from the first moment they met?
Fel akarja magát áldoznihunglish hunglish
Sometimes I bent over, with my head down and my inky hands over my inky ears or eyes.
Nocsak, újra köztünkhunglish hunglish
The idiot looked at her as though her words had flown over his head without touching his ears.
De nem fogom reszIetezni, mi tortenhet a tobbiekkeILiterature Literature
They both wore scarves wrapped around their heads, covering their ears, with green caps pulled over the scarves.
Több érzelem fűz a körömlakkomhoz, mint magáhozhunglish hunglish
She put her hands over her ears and bowed her head.
Ezen betegek több mint egyharmadánál a gyógyszer újra-alkalmazása nem váltotta ki a fenti reakciókat, így tovább kaphatták az infúzióthunglish hunglish
'For I have observed, madam,' says she, 'you hadn't been so pleasant as you used to be; you have been over head and ears in care for him, I dare say,' says the good woman; ''tis easy to be seen there's an alteration in you for the better,' says she.
Hát nem látod?hunglish hunglish
He clapped his hands over his ears, his body bent, his head bowed.
Ráveszem őket, hogy ejtsék az összeesküvés vádjáthunglish hunglish
A beaver cap was pulled over his head, not big enough to cover too-large ears.
Még kiszállnak a járványügyiek!Literature Literature
How about I break that bottle over your head and they can suck it out of your ears?
Ott voltam a temetésenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In a habit he had spent half his life trying to break, he absently laid his forearms over his head and tugged on his hairy ears.
Subcutan alkalmazáshunglish hunglish
And one day -- this is my funny story, they asked ( me ) to try to reach my ear over my head, but I'm too small, my head is still too big for my arm, I think...
Egyszer s mindenkorra megmutatom Sir Jamesnek, hogy melyikünké a tökéletes testQED QED
The children draw the covers over their heads, putting their fingers in their ears and closing their eyes, trying to shut out what they know will happen.
Próbáltad Amynél?Europarl8 Europarl8
I first realized that -" He broke off suddenly, jerking his head over his shoulder as though some sound had caught his ear.
Anyu rám küldött két fickót... akik mindenkit megölnek és lyukakat ütnek a falakbahunglish hunglish
I can see him yet, with the meal on his bald head, and the bit of grey hair over his ears, and his spectacles and his grey moustache.
Ne vádolj amiért kedvelem Fasha- t!hunglish hunglish
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