high explosive shell oor Hongaars

high explosive shell

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If high-explosive shells cannot penetrate his armor is at least 250 mm.
Ezt nem veszem be, RayOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This is a damn three-foot - long, high explosive shell.
A koordinátáinkOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
According to a German report from 1943, even a Tiger was once heavily damaged by SU-122 assault guns firing high-explosive shells.
Gerry Dorsey az eredeti neveWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tell him that if he will indeed let us two return safely, and confine his attack to ground forces, and avoid high-explosive shells, our hostages shall be safe from anything but his own fire."
Legalábbis ezt mondta az a nőhunglish hunglish
The three-inch (76 mm) caliber was chosen by the Russian Imperial Army prior to the trench warfare era for its sufficient shrapnel performance; but high-explosive shells of the caliber contained a relatively small amount of explosives (typically some 600-700 grams) that were only moderately effective against field fortifications.
hangsúlyozza, hogy a mentesítés idei megadását nem lehet figyelembe venni a mentesítés következő években történő megadása során, ha a Tanács nem tesz jelentős előrelépést a #. november #-i parlamenti állásfoglalás bekezdésében hivatkozott problémás területekenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When the fuse was set to high-explosive action, the shell made a crater 1–1.5 m in diameter and 40–60 cm deep in an average soil.
Nézni akarod a focimeccset?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then they learned the shell selection, either "common" high-explosive or VT (for variable-time).
ha Önnek van vagy volt allergiás reakciója a szitagliptinre, metforminra vagy Velmetia-rehunglish hunglish
Two of the shells were common impact-fused high-explosive, and the other ten were VT.
A munkavállalók, azok szervezetei és a tudományos közösség ellenkezése a tiltás feloldásával szemben arra kötelezi a Bizottságot, hogy vizsgálja felül a döntését.hunglish hunglish
The gun could fire a heavy concrete-piercing shell and a lighter high-explosive shell.
Bíró Úr, az ügyfelem, Mr.Ethan Mascarenhas erkölcsi és... jogi felelőssége teljes tudatában kérvényezte az eutanáziátParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The rounds were of all different types-most were standard shells weighing fifty pounds and carrying eight pounds of high-explosives, but some were shells that carried infrared sensors that horned in on heat sources such as vehicles or machine gun nests, incendiary warheads that spattered napalm to set buildings or heavy brush afire, or bomblets that spread out over a wide area to increase the destruction of each shell.
És a rendőrök nem említették, hogy ki hívta ki őket?hunglish hunglish
They had a low trajectory and a very high velocity, so that you heard the cartridge explosion, the whizz, and the shell-burst almost simultaneously.
Szétszóródni és bekeríteni őket!hunglish hunglish
Players can get behind the controls of a tank to smash through obstacles, crush soldiers under their tracks and fire high-explosive shells at enemy emplacements, they can even take control of individual soldiers as they fight.
Jobb is leszParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When set to high-explosive (HE) action, the exploding shell produced a crater about 3.5 meters in diameter and about 1.2 meters deep.
Add ide a hálóinged, a fejére tekerem!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The semi-armor-piercing shells would cut open her tanks through the deck metal as a scalpel opens skin; the starshells would drop in a line of five down the cuts; the high explosive would push the blazing crude oil outward into all the port and starboard holds.
Egy kis időbe fog kerülni.Talán csak pár percbehunglish hunglish
Of course the price for this was a massive step backwards in the protection against high explosive and small caliber AP shells – but WWI and recent testing experience showed that the highest caliber APC shells were the most dangerous in terms of damage inflicted.
Nem ki, hanem miParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Basic Info The features of battery: 1.Safety performance: No explosion, no leakage, no hot, high temperature resistance 2.Battery Pack with shell and BMS are available.
Ha bárki ilyet mondana...... az nem a barátod többé, csak rühes kutyaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Basic Info The features of BN4810AB battery: 1.Safety performance: No explosion, no leakage, no hot, high temperature resistance 2.Battery Pack with shell and BMS are available.
Az a hazug ringyó!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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