out of humour oor Hongaars

out of humour

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"He is always out of humour."
Azt hiszem, minden, ami nálunk volt, amikor elmozdult a sziget, velünk jötthunglish hunglish
He means Kitty to choose him, depend upon it, and that is why he is so devilish out of humour!
A szállítási bizonyítványokat az importáló államban a vámhatóságokhoz kell benyújtani, az importáló állam által megállapított eljárásoknak megfelelőenLiterature Literature
After a short silence - "I hope, my Catherine, you are not getting out of humour with home because it is not so grand as Northanger.
Persze csak ha ráérszhunglish hunglish
I saw she was out of humour, and I derived a secret gratification from the fact, not that she was vexed, but that she thought she had reason to be so.
Dorothy Graybridgehunglish hunglish
In the eye, prostaglandin increases the drainage of the watery fluid (aqueous humour) out of the eyeball
Depressziós volt mostanában?EMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
'He seemed taken aback at that; but he would fain persuade me 'at the Rector was only in jest; and when that wouldn't do, he says, "Well, Nancy, you shouldn't think so much about it: Mr. Hatfield was a little out of humour just then: you know we're none of us perfect - even Moses spoke unadvisedly with his lips.
Á tiéd mind a ketto!hunglish hunglish
Her keen sense of humour enabled her to get amusement out of every vexatious circumstance.
A srácok az iskolában beszélik, ez az egész dolog, ahogyan mondják...,... az anyám egy prosti...,... úgy értem, én tudom, hogy mi nem mehetünk vissza haza...,... de hiányzikhunglish hunglish
The good humour went out of George's face.
However, at last I put him so out of humour, that he took up a rash and fatal resolution; in short, I should not go to England; and though he had promised me, yet it was an unreasonable thing for me to desire it; that it would be ruinous to his affairs, would unhinge his whole family, and be next to an undoing him in the world; that therefore I ought not to desire it of him, and that no wife in the world that valued her family and her husband's prosperity would insist upon such a thing.
Kimentek a galaxis szélére, a semmibe... és ezzé váltakhunglish hunglish
I had all my meals in the schoolroom with my pupils, at such times as suited their fancy: sometimes they would ring for dinner before it was half cooked; sometimes they would keep it waiting on the table for above an hour, and then be out of humour because the potatoes were cold, and the gravy covered with cakes of solid fat; sometimes they would have tea at four; frequently, they would storm at the servants because it was not in precisely at five; and when these orders were obeyed, by way of encouragement to punctuality, they would keep it on the table till seven or eight.
Mondtam, hogy nem megyek sehováhunglish hunglish
And thus doth it roll stones out of animosity and ill-humour, and taketh revenge on whatever doth not, like it, feel rage and ill-humour.
Ha ez sikerül, meggátolhatjuk, hogy elérjék a városthunglish hunglish
Zhukov was a stocky man with a barrel chest and a good-humoured face out of which jutted a pugnacious lower jaw.
És amikor egy ilyen sérült dimenziórendszerben élünk,...... vajon hogy is lehetne megkülönböztetni...... a képzeletet a valóságtól?Literature Literature
Somebody out there's got a really sick sense of humour.
Ha meg iszol, mindig hánysz és karcsú maradszOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Ironworkers did, but fortunately, out of the blue, Vilmos had grown a sense of humour.
Valami baj van?Literature Literature
The house was in a roaring humour now, and ready to get all the fun out of the occasion that might be in it.
Légy óvatos azokkal!hunglish hunglish
Morrissey's lyrics, while superficially depressing, were often full of mordant humour; John Peel remarked that the Smiths were one of the few bands capable of making him laugh out loud.
Frank egy bunkó volt, a másik kettő közül az egyik fegyelem- felelős, a másik meg kidobóWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A resemblance in good humour and good spirits had recommended her and Lydia to each other, and out of their three months' acquaintance they had been intimate two.
Az orvosa által felírtnál több Neupro alkalmazása mellékhatásokat, például hányingert, hányást, alacsony vérnyomást, hallucinációkat (nem létező dolgok látást vagy hallását), zavartságot és nagyfokú álmosságot okozhathunglish hunglish
The dullard I'd just skewered turned out to be ,distantly related to King Wargun, and our drunken monarch has very little in the way of a sense of humour.
Süsd el az ágyút, lőj ki egy rakétát, okozzunk egy kis kárt!hunglish hunglish
I dare say she will not be in good humour again this month; but I am determined I will not be cross; it is not a little matter that puts me out of temper."
Szóval mikor találkozunk vele, úgy kell tennünk mintha nem tudnánk róla?hunglish hunglish
The physicians opposed this thoughtless humour of the people with all their might, and gave out printed directions, spreading them all over the city and suburbs, advising the people to continue reserved, and to use still the utmost caution in their ordinary conduct, notwithstanding the decrease of the distemper, terrifying them with the danger of bringing a relapse upon the whole city, and telling them how such a relapse might be more fatal and dangerous than the whole visitation that had been already; with many arguments and reasons to explain and prove that part to them, and which are too long to repeat here.
És a kérdés, amit fel akartam tennihunglish hunglish
The new production represents the symptoms of the burn-out syndrome while using the well-known self-irony and humour of the company.
Connor csak egy kilépési engedélyt akart?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A great deal of laughter ensued, and Mrs. Sanders volunteered to humour him, so she took a slight sip out of her glass.
Ez a " fogjam be a szám " ajándékom?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Whilst it does border on obscenity, Matthias' barbed humour is not entirely out of place in the German capital; anti-hipster militants are more and more active here.
biztosítja valamennyi járműtípus kellő számú, az illetékes hatósággal egyeztetett eljárásoknak megfelelő ellenőrzését és vizsgálatátParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
She was very obliging, quiet, and peaceable in the main, but there were some things that put her out of temper: they did not much care for that, to be sure, but still it was better to keep her in tune; as when she was in a good humour she would talk to them, and be very agreeable and amusing sometimes, in her way; which was quite different to mamma's, but still very well for a change.
Viszlát, mama!hunglish hunglish
My occupation of Peggotty's spare-room put a constraint upon me, from which he was free: for, knowing how assiduously she attended on Mr. Barkis all day, I did not like to remain out late at night; whereas Steerforth, lying at the Inn, had nothing to consult but his own humour.
almafélék, csonthéjasok, szőlőhunglish hunglish
41 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.