piteously oor Hongaars


In a piteous manner; pathetically; plaintively.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


"You're not angry with me, Philip?" she asked piteously.
- Ugye, nem haragszol rám, Philip? - kérdezte szánalmasan Mildred.


The dogs cringed to the ground and whined piteously.
A kutyák alázatosan a földre lapultak, és siralmasan vinnyogtak.

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The surgeon, who had been in imminent peril, was too much bewildered to reply instantly, but wiping the moisture from his forehead, and clearing his lungs from the vapor he had inhaled, he said piteously,-
Az ember, aki istenné válthunglish hunglish
In the glare Mrs. Coulter's face was a mask of tragic passion, and her daemon clung piteously to her as she knelt and held out her arms, crying:
És most mit akar csinálni?hunglish hunglish
Tibo cast one affrighted glance toward them, then closed his eyes and buried his face in his arms, sobbing piteously.
Ellenkező esetben azonnal elbocsátjuk önökethunglish hunglish
"""General,"" said Digby, piteously, ""there were twenty-eight of us, and see, there are eight on the ground."""
Ó, semmit, néni, csak tudja, ilyen vizes dolgotLiterature Literature
At this tremendous sight, Oliver began to cry very piteously: thinking, not unnaturally, that the board must have determined to kill him for some useful purpose, or they never would have begun to fatten him up in that way.
Sajnálom, ez is én vagyok.És ha az embernem változhat meghunglish hunglish
It moved its little mouth as if it meant to speak, but it only shook its head ever so slightly, piteously eloquent of its confusion.
Ha meg iszol, mindig hánysz és karcsú maradszhunglish hunglish
The dogs cringed to the ground and whined piteously.
Akkor nem egészen tiszta hogy a takarítónő másnap reggel...... hogyan találhatta a feleségét és a szeretőjét az ágyban...... #- as kaliberű golyókkal telehunglish hunglish
Some of them wept and threw themselves at the Bishop’s feet, while others cried piteously for water and food.
Ugyan, Leela, miért nem randizol velem?Literature Literature
Or saunterd through the gardens piteously,
A Megállapodás XIII. mellékletét a #. február #-i # EGT-vegyesbizottsági határozat [#] módosítottaLiterature Literature
That day he was continually blowing his nose, and groaning piteously.
Mindketten tudjukhunglish hunglish
Once she seemed about to move forward and greet her, - I know not with what warmth or with what words, - but, finally, instead of doing so, she dropped down upon her knees, clasped her hands, and gazed piteously into Zenobia's face.
Alex, van feleséged?hunglish hunglish
Perchance 'twas to temper in some degree the gaiety of the past days that he so ordained, but, whatever may have been his intent, his will must be to me immutable law; wherefore I will narrate to you a matter that befell piteously, nay woefully, and so as you may well weep thereat.
Majd azt vacsorázunkhunglish hunglish
But he regarded me piteously with his large eyes and—sighed.
Ha holnap nem jársz sikerrel, próbáld meg jövőreLiterature Literature
'Don't, my love, say that!' implored my mother very piteously.
Minden olyan, az EKB devizatartalékokat megtestesítő eszközeit érintő, fedezeti biztosítékkal ellátott műveletet, amely visszavásárlási megállapodást, fordított visszavásárlási megállapodást, vásárlási/fedezeti eladási megállapodást, sell/buy-back agreement-et foglal magába, az alábbi keretmegállapodások alapján kell dokumentálni, az EKB által jóváhagyott formában, amely időközönként módosítható: a francia jog szerint letelepedett szerződő felek esetében ahunglish hunglish
"That's what Rodrigo always said," replied Miravelle, who was now in Stirling's arms, weeping piteously.
Ismételt adagolású toxicitáshunglish hunglish
Besides, whatever had come might well come again, as I had been left alive, and there was a hooded demon man who had witnessed it, a vicious hooded assassin who had slaughtered two children piteously.
Tudom, hol rontottuk el!hunglish hunglish
I’ve put it in here, he said piteously, picking up the album of duplicates.
Nem lesz egy könnyű játszma, szerintem, nekünkLiterature Literature
We had French peasants come up to us, crying piteously in God's name for a piece of bread to keep alive their little ones who are dying for want of food.
Már így is Jesus Crockettnek hisz tégedOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fernand smiled piteously.
a Régiók Bizottságával folytatott konzultációt követőenhunglish hunglish
Therefore never regard so piteously thy tail; it will undoubtedly be draggled in the mud, and for this there is no help.
A fiam jó ember voltLiterature Literature
THE PICKPOCKET (smiling piteously):
Tudok egylhelikoptert!hunglish hunglish
She began piteously declaring that she didn’t mean any harm, she didn’t mean any harm, Mrs.
Megkérdezném a pelenkás nagyimat is, de a tolószéke nem férne be a lakókocsiba.Literature Literature
By this time the fire was making fierce headway, and several persons who were imprisoned under the ruins were begging piteously for help.
Mi, embereket öl?hunglish hunglish
‘It – I don’t see how to begin,’ said Fenella, piteously.
Ugyanmár, LukeLiterature Literature
'Indeed,' said Oliver, looking piteously up into the man's face; 'indeed, I - '
Alkalmankénti, természetes jelenség volt ez két felnőtt ember közötthunglish hunglish
70 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.