populace oor Hongaars


/ˈpɒpjʊləs/, /ˈpɑpjələs/ naamwoord
The common people of a nation.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


The populace have never forgotten the president's generosity.
A lakosság soha nem felejtette el az elnök nagylelkűségét.


Before the populace, however, we will not be equal.
S a csőcselék előtt nem akarunk egyenlők lenni.


By 177 C.E., it had a strong Christian community against which the pagan populace rose in fury.
I. sz. 177-re egy erős keresztény közösség alakult ki ott, amely ellen dühöngtek a pogány néptömegek.


But on the other hand, it is deaf deaf as an adder to the clamors of the populace.
De másrészt, nem veszi figyelembe a köznép lármáját sem.

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Yes, Centuri, but I blend with the populace.
És meg fogjuk védeniOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A large proportion of the populace who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses have relatives or acquaintances who are.
április #-i éves ülésén a Bank igazgatósága az engedélyezett tőkeösszeg megduplázásáról határozottjw2019 jw2019
We will bleed their pockets dry until the parched populace is dancing for us like puppets on a string.
A nyilvántartásokat úgy kell tárolni, hogy az biztosítsa a károsodás, a változtatások és a lopás elleni védelmetOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was a peal of joy from the populace outside, greeting the news that he would die on Monday.
Ennek következtében a tisztességes munkát (az ILO definíciója szerint) ésa társadalmi párbeszédet, amely a munkajogok érvényesítésének és védelmének elengedhetetlen feltétele, annak rendje és módja szerint kell elismerni az EIDHR prioritásai közöttLiterature Literature
An early ceasefire with the rebels, which had the backing of much of the northern populace, proved short-lived, and fighting over the prime cocoa-growing areas resumed.
Memóriák többszörösen összetett formában, mint például a D-RAM-köteg és-modulWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Its populace will choke on death.
Ez meg mit... mire akarsz kilyukadni?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And every phase of his speech, eagerly listened to by the populace, called forth enthusiastic cheers for the Prince of Orange, and groans and imprecations of blind fury against the brothers De Witt.
A hintód, nemes hölgyhunglish hunglish
No: on Aurora, or most of the Spacer worlds, ten million would be ten percent of the populace.
The populace undoubtedly would call it a palace.
A merülés után meghívott a bulira az arizonai pompom lány csapathunglish hunglish
Although the Boris I had succeeded in securing an autonomous Church, the higher clergy and theological books were still Greek, which impeded the efforts to convert the populace to the new religion.
Vidd haza a gyerekeketWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Describing how Roman Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for the fire in Rome in 64 C.E., Tacitus wrote: “Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace.
Oké, egy kérdés: örökbe fogadtak?jw2019 jw2019
In the chill morning air the populace of Ampridatvir stood mingled naked together and no man could distinguish Green from Gray.
Üdv barátaim és befektetőim!hunglish hunglish
Well, much of the general populace has a remote nowadays don't they?
Azt a lányt csúnyán és mélyen megbántottákOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""A journalist ought to have his finger on the popular pulse, and this man is one of the leaders of the populace."
Egyes esetekben előfordul, hogy a darabokat tégla alakúra préselikLiterature Literature
He can win the populace.
Beilleszkedési, újrabeilleszkedési és áthelyezési juttatásokhunglish hunglish
As Inspector General, he enforced the laws strictly so that no official dared to receive a bribe or exploit the local populace during this time according to Annals of the Joseon Dynasty.
Biztos talált valahol egy doboz fájdalomcsillapítótWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In one of these risings. the Duc de Beaufort pillaged the house and library of Mazarin, in order to give the populace, as he put it, something to gnaw at.
A #. cikkben szabályozott eljárásnak megfelelően kell elfogadni az I. melléklet módosításaithunglish hunglish
The New World Order that is currently being built revolves around creating a global technopoly ruled by the elite in which they dominate and control a severely reduced populace which they treat as their pets.
Hat év, amennyiben van rá költségvetési fedezetOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Draws attention to the impact of China's economic growth on natural resources and on the local and global environment notably as a result of CO# emissions; calls on the Chinese Government to take all the necessary measures to protect the environment and in particular to ensure supplies of drinking water for the populace and take action in response to atmospheric pollution, and to conserve biodiversity; calls for an intensive dialogue between China and the European Union on natural resources and the environment
Először csak pár emberem, aztán az összesoj4 oj4
Instead of indignation at Lukashenko's actions, many seem to approve of them, as a bold defense against Russia's oligarchs, still much reviled by the populace.
Ellenőrizze a címkét és győződjön meg arról, hogy ez az Önnek felírt Actraphane # NovoLet típusú inzulin-egv2019 gv2019
At Rome the populace was looking forward with excitement to the triumph, which would mean largesse in corn and money and all sorts of good things: but a great disappointment was in store for them.
Nem hívhatják ki az ülés végéighunglish hunglish
By-and-by the gladness in the faces of the populace changed a little, and became touched with a something like solicitude or anxiety: an abatement in the volume of the applause was observable too.
CVS-kimenethunglish hunglish
The populace may seize the opportunity and revolt.
Ezt követően a pénzügyi helyzet javult, különösen #-ben (# %-os nyereségLiterature Literature
Amendment 4 Proposal for a regulation Recital 2 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (2a) Access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable distribution of benefits resulting from their use should provide an answer to the problem of supplying enough food to meet the needs of an expanding world populace.
A Savaseső Bulina Fí Gamma Alfánálnot-set not-set
The Commonwealth's military forces, however, proved to be just as divided as the general populace.
év után a csatorna megszünteti a műsortWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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