porter's lodge oor Hongaars

porter's lodge

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


Inside the lobby, on the left-hand side, was the porters lodge, just as Billy Rice had said.
Az előcsarnok bal oldalán volt a portásfülke, ahogyan Billy Rice is mondta.

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Honey, punch up the occupants of Porter's lodge, will you?
Kubára eddig csak Castro fogadottOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
First the porter's lodge at the Palace was struck by lightning.
Gyilkosságért az ötszörös életfogytiglanját töltihunglish hunglish
The porter's lodge was closed.
Mit szólnál egy másik élethez?hunglish hunglish
We're in the porter's lodge.
Hé, te, szerelmes fiú!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Inside the lobby, on the left-hand side, was the porters lodge, just as Billy Rice had said.
Szerintetek én normálisabb vagyok nálatok?hunglish hunglish
He crossed to the porter’s lodge – ‘How long has that man Higgins been waiting to speak to me?’
Hát betegnek nézek én ki?Literature Literature
Inside the barricades, wine bars and porterslodges were converted into guardhouses.
Most viszik a diliházbaLiterature Literature
In the interior, beyond the barricades, the wine-shops and porters' lodges were converted into guard-houses.
Szeretnék valamit mondanihunglish hunglish
These good people, I see, are at dinner’; said he, closing the door of the porter’s lodge.
Igy, vagy úgy, de visszajöttLiterature Literature
All very incognito but we've got a source in the porter's lodge.
Mi a fenét jelentsen ez?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On the evening of that day the devoted creature was seated in her porter’s lodge, still bewildered and sadly pondering.
Vigyétek, emberek!Literature Literature
It showed a central manorial hall with side wings for stabling, a gate, and a porter’s lodge, which no longer existed.
Tudom, nevetségesLiterature Literature
I penned a long note to Harsnet and took it to the porter's lodge, telling him to have it delivered urgently.
Vagy javaslod, vagy nem, válassz!Literature Literature
Once in the corridor, he relocked the main door and sixty seconds later strolled past the porters lodge and out into the night.
Azt akarom, hogy figyelj rám, Tim Rigginshunglish hunglish
I remembered that eleven was the hour at which Mr. Weston proposed to come to the porter's lodge; and remembering that, I beheld the whole contrivance.
A jogorvoslati kérelmet a jogorvoslati időnbelüla Legfelsőbb Közigazgatási Bíróság iktatóhivatalához kell benyújtanihunglish hunglish
"I have foreseen his refusal, and just now whilst he was talking from the window of the porter's lodge with a dragoon, I took away the key from his bunch."
Módosítás iránti kérelem közzététele a mezőgazdasági termékek és élelmiszerek földrajzi jelzéseinek és eredetmegjelöléseinek oltalmáról szóló #/#/EK tanácsi rendelet #. cikkének bekezdése alapjánhunglish hunglish
The props had got him effortlessly past the commissionaire in the lobby, where he had also noted the exact layout of the entrance hall, the porters lodge, and the way to the stairs.
Azért megkérdezhetem, miért követtél?hunglish hunglish
Richard was about to emerge out on to the street when instead he decided to pay a quick visit to the porter's lodge, which was tucked away inside the great archway entrance into the college.
A fémdarabon, amit kivettek Duane Barry- ből van valami kódhunglish hunglish
Later, Billy had given Jim Rawlings a complete description of the layout of the entrance, porters lodge, location of the stairs and elevators, the corridor to the apartment door, the small hallway behind the door, and what parts of the sitting room he had been able to see.
A véleményt jegyzőkönyvben rögzítikhunglish hunglish
Jean Valjean inhabited the sort of porter's lodge which was situated at the end of the back courtyard, with a mattress on a folding-bed, a white wood table, two straw chairs, an earthenware water-jug, a few old volumes on a shelf, his beloved valise in one corner, and never any fire.
Ezek az olyan szállításkor és rögzítéskor fennáló körülmények, melyek nem a berendezések, készülékek és tartozékaik működése során lépnek felhunglish hunglish
Having saluted us both, he would have passed on, but she detained him; first with observations upon the disagreeable weather, and then with asking if he would be so kind as to come some time to-morrow to see the granddaughter of the old woman who kept the porter's lodge, for the girl was ill of a fever, and wished to see him.
Félek, hogy baja esett abban az épületbenhunglish hunglish
On 8 December 1896, in Verona, she took her vows in the Congregation of the Canossian Sisters and from that time onwards, besides her work in the sacristy and in the porter's lodge at the convent, she made several journeys round Italy in order to promote the missions: the liberation that she had received through her encounter with the God of Jesus Christ, she felt she had to extend, it had to be handed on to others, to the greatest possible number of people.
Haver, mi van veled?vatican.va vatican.va
The porter was standing at the lodge desk, taking the decorations off the little Christmas tree.
Ugyancsak szerepelhet mint Echinocactus és Utahia génuszLiterature Literature
As you pass the lodge, wake the porter, and send him for a surgeon.”
A kedvenc répás muffinodLiterature Literature
As you pass the lodge, wake the porter, and send him for a surgeon.""
Menjünk, és hagyjuk arra a balfékre a számlátLiterature Literature
40 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.