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To cut off, detach or separate something

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When business ethics prescinds from these two pillars, it inevitably risks losing its distinctive nature and it falls prey to forms of exploitation; more specifically, it risks becoming subservient to existing economic and financial systems rather than correcting their dysfunctional aspects.
Ez az egyetlen ki és bejárat?
This presents us with choices that cannot be postponed concerning nothing less than the destiny of man, who, moreover, cannot prescind from his nature.
Others are inspired by a notion of freedom which prescinds from the actual conditions of its exercise, from its objective reference to the truth about the good, and from its determination through choices of concrete kinds of behaviour.
at megelőzően az igazgatási és ellenőrzési rendszerek alábbi eljárásainak mindegyikét legalább egyszer ellenőrizni kell: programozás, feladatok átruházása, a projektek kiválasztása és odaítélése, figyelemmel kísérése, kifizetés, kiadások hitelesítése, jelentéstétel a Bizottság felé, a lehetséges szabálytalanságok felderítése és kezelése, valamint a programok értékelé
It is true that an accurate historical judgment cannot prescind from careful study of the cultural conditioning of the times, as a result of which many people may have held in good faith that an authentic witness to the truth could include suppressing the opinions of others or at least paying no attention to them.
Tarts ki,
At the basis of the synod's very opportune recommendation is a fundamental presupposition; What is pastoral is not opposed to what is doctrinal. Nor can pastoral action prescind from doctrinal content, from which in fact it draws its substance and real validity.
Emlékezzetek rá
In view of this, the two thousand years which have passed since the Birth of Christ (prescinding from the question of its precise chronology) represent an extraordinarily great Jubilee, not only for Christians but indirectly for the whole of humanity, given the prominent role played by Christianity during these two millennia.
Az Erbitux cseppinfúzió formájában, illetve infúziós-vagy injekciós pumpával adagolva alkalmazható
The conclusion to which this eventually leads is that the properly moral assessment of the person is reserved to his fundamental option, prescinding in whole or in part from his choice of particular actions, of concrete kinds of behaviour.
Ez üres.- Hogy érted, hogy üres?
In the global era, economic activity cannot prescind from gratuitousness, which fosters and disseminates solidarity and responsibility for justice and the common good among the different economic players.
Most az egyszer még
On the other hand, the liturgical action can never be considered generically, prescinding from the mystery of faith.
A figyelembe vett időszak alatt ennek a behozatalnak szinte a # %-a a fő kiviteli országoknak, nevezetesen az Amerikai Egyesült Államoknak (USA) és a Kínai Népköztársaságnak volt tulajdonítható
The hope of building a more just world, a world more worthy of man, cannot prescind from a realization that human effort will be of no avail unless it is accompanied by divine assistance: for “unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain” (Ps 127:1).
Mindezt azért, hogy utána arcon kö
Produced through human creativity as a tool of personal freedom, technology can be understood as a manifestation of absolute freedom, the freedom that seeks to prescind from the limits inherent in things.
Ez tükrözi a vámügyirat-azonosítási adatbázis létrehozását az első pillérhez tartozó eszkö
Going beyond, however, never means prescinding from the conclusions of reason, nor contradicting its results.
Az #/#/EK rendelet a nem emberi fogyasztásra szánt állati melléktermékekre vonatkozóan egészségügyi előírásokat állapít
(105) Theological reflection in this area can never prescind from the sacramental order instituted by Christ himself.
A Centrale Raad van Beroep (Hollandia) által #. augusztus #-én benyújtott előzetes döntéshozatal iránti kérelem- J. A. van Delft és társai kontra College voor
If, as has already been noted, the communications media take into account different aspects of the expression of faith, Christians must take into account the media culture in which they live: from the Liturgy, the fullest and fundamental expression of communication with God and with one another, to Catechesis, which cannot prescind from the fact of being directed to people immersed in the language and the culture of the day.
Én vagyok Tell Vilmos!
There remains, however, an essential difference between theology and religious sciences/studies: theology has the truth of God as its subject and reflects on its subject with faith and in the light of God, while religious sciences/studies have religious phenomena as their subject and approach them with cultural interests, methodologically prescinding from the truth of the Christian faith.
E véleményeknek ezen értesítésnek az Európai Unió Hivatalos Lapjában való közzétételét követő # napon belül be kell érkezniük a BizottsághozParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Henceforth, the doctrine of natural law prescinds from all particular religious revelation, and therefore from all confessional theology.
a letelepedés szabadságára vonatkozóanParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Independence – Our experience shows, that in the development process of high level software the appearance of such a party that is able to prescind, to look at the problems given from a different perspective, think "out-of-the-box", concentrating only on testing is essential.
Paul Wilson hívottParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
35 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.