sectarian oor Hongaars


/sɛkˈtɛriən/, /sɛkˈtɛəriən/ adjektief, naamwoord
Of, or relating to a sect.

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Fighting and sectarian violence have resulted in the displacement of millions of people.
A harcok és a szektariánus erőszak több millió ember lakóhelyelhagyását eredményezte.


This is not a sectarian issue for us but a factual issue.
Ez nem szektás kérdés a számunkra, hanem ténykérdés.


Unfortunately, Shi'ite extremists, inspired and supported by Iran, continue to stoke sectarian tensions and spread propaganda against the government and the king.
Sajnos az Irán által fellelkesített és támogatott síita szélsőségesek továbbra is szektárius feszültséget szítanak, valamint kormány és -uralkodóellenes propagandát terjesztenek.


Your employer is a seditious sectarian bigot who's in league with our foreign enemies.
A munkaadója egy lázító eretnek bigott, aki külső ellenségeinkkel szövetkezik.

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However, we cannot forget that those who have suffered most from the terrorist and sectarian violence in Iraq are, in fact, Muslims, whether they be Shiites, Sunnis or others.
Még azt sem tudjuk máshol mi a helyzetEuroparl8 Europarl8
The actions are based on in-depth analyses of the situations in both countries and the contributing factors to the current crises which include repressive dictatorial rule, armed conflicts, exclusionist and corrupt governance, human rights abuses, sectarian divisions, a sense of disenfranchisement of sections of the Sunni population as well as tensions between regional powers with their negative impact on the internal affairs of Syria and Iraq.
Miben mesterkedik?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Expresses concern at the growing sectarian tensions and deep lack of trust between the Iraqi Government and the opposition, which, if not remedied, may lead to the resumption of violent conflict; expresses great concern at the potential negative spill-over from the Syrian conflict into Iraq, which could exacerbate sectarian tensions in Iraq, and calls on all players in Iraq to behave responsibly and with restraint in order to avoid such a scenario;
Nem használ nekemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Mr. and Mrs. Iyer (2002) was a love story set against the harsh backdrop of Hindu-Muslim sectarian violence in India.
Az meg mi a fene?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Ephesians 2:6, 7) However, the apostle Paul warned that from among such starlike ones would come apostates, sectarians, who would mislead the flock.
A Bizottság meghallgathatja továbbá az érdekelt feleket, amennyiben olyan kérelmet nyújtanak be, amelyből kitűnik, hogy meghallgatásukat különleges okok indokoljákjw2019 jw2019
The symbolic mountain of Jehovah’s pure worship is becoming more prominent, so that meek persons can see how it contrasts with the sectarian “hills” and “mountains” of Satan’s permissive world.
Az Insuman Comb #-öt NEM szabad vénába beadnijw2019 jw2019
Strongly condemns the recent acts of terrorism and heightened sectarian violence, which carries the danger that the country will fall back into sectarian strife and is generating fears of wider sectarian conflict across the region; points out that although violence occurs along sectarian lines, its causes are political rather than religious;
Nagy mennyiségű Clonazepam volt a szervezetébenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(a) The rights of minorities: sectarian violence has been increasing with Christians suffering the brunt of the violence.
Azt akarom, hogy ragadjon el a hévEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(Jude 8-10, 16) In Revelation we read that in the Pergamum and Thyatira congregations, there was sectarianism, idolatry, and immorality.
A személyszállítás tekintetében az #. cikk nem vonatkozik a bármely tagállam által az egy vagy több meghatározott személykategória érdekében előírt szállítási díjakra és feltételekrejw2019 jw2019
whereas Iraq continues to face serious political, security and socioeconomic challenges, and whereas its political scene is extremely fragmented and plagued by violence and sectarian politics, to the severe detriment of the Iraqi people’s legitimate aspirations for peace, prosperity and a genuine transition to democracy; whereas Iraq is facing the most severe wave of violence since 2008;
Miért nézed pedig a szálkát, a mely a te atyádfia szemében van, a gerendát pedig, a mely a te szemedben van, nem veszed észre?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Others he reproved because they had let their love for Jehovah and his Son cool off, or they had lapsed into sexual immorality, idolatry, or apostate sectarianism.
A régi életemet akarom visszakapni, kérem!jw2019 jw2019
I doubt whether this kind of thing pays, even from a sectarian point of view.
Ne nézz így rám!hunglish hunglish
whereas the Syrian population has traditionally been composed of a rich diversity of ethnic and religious communities, respectively including Arabs, Arameans, Armenians, Assyrians, Circassians, Kurds and Turkmens, and Muslims, Christians and Druze, as well as other groups; whereas none of the religious or ethnic communities in Syria has been spared by the three-year old conflict, which is increasingly taking on a sectarian dimension;
A amprenavir AUC és Cmax értékei # %-kal, illetve # %-kal csökkentek, míg a Cmin (C#óra) hasonló volt, amikor egyetlen # mg-os fozamprenavir dózist adtak együtt egyetlen # ml-es antacid szuszpenzió adaggal (megfelel #, # g alumínium-hidroxidnak és #, # g magnézium-hidroxidnakeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Reports of gross, widespread and systematic human rights violations and abuses and sectarian violence are a matter of grave concern.
Vacsora veled és Morgan- nel?Consilium EU Consilium EU
This confusion resulted in the formation of sectarian groups and in what history calls the “Eighteen Schools” of Buddhist thought.
Van itthon valaki?jw2019 jw2019
Emphasizing unity, the leading rabbis stopped calling themselves Pharisees, a term filled with sectarian and partisan implications.
a szóban forgó közbenső fázis egyensúlyi helyzetének φ dőlésszöge nem lépheti túl a #°-otjw2019 jw2019
In a measure ostensibly designed to reduce sectarian violence, political parties were restricted in their activities from 1986.
Felnőtt cynomolgus majmokban a vérlemezkék számának a kiindulási értékhez viszonyított # %-os csökkenéséhez szükséges szérum koncentráció megközelítőleg #-szor magasabb volt a klinikai gyakorlatban várható maximális szérum koncentrációknálWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This violence increasingly involves organised sectarian-based militias and armed groups.
A támogatási program megnevezéseEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The postponement of the elections and the extension of the Parliament's mandate by 17 months risk exposing Lebanon's democratic deficit and widening sectarian polarisation.
Amikor az Unióba irányuló exportértékesítéseket az Unión kívül található kapcsolatban álló kereskedelmi vállalatokon keresztül végzik, akkor az exportárat a termék azon ára alapján állapítják meg, amennyiért a kapcsolatban álló kereskedelmi vállalatok az Unióba, azaz egy független fogyasztó részére értékesítik, összhangban az alaprendelet #. cikkének bekezdésével, a ténylegesen kifizetett vagy fizetendő árak alapjánEurLex-2 EurLex-2
She had her inception shortly after the Flood of Noah’s day, when Nimrod built the original Babylon, which became the cradle of false, sectarian religion.
Peyton nálam aludt, mert az az a fanatikus rajongó srác eltűntjw2019 jw2019
Stresses that a serious prospect of EU membership for the Western Balkan states can act as a catalyst to encourage their population and governments to move away from regressive nationalism, sectarian violence and towards a future of integration with the rest of Europe; moreover, it will improve the relatively weak image of the Western Balkans within the European Union due to the recent wars and political controversies of the last decades, which will in turn stimulate EU companies to increase their business in the region;
Ő az egyetlen szemtanúnot-set not-set
whereas the Government of Burma/Myanmar set up an investigative commission in August 2012, without including a representative of the Rohingya community, to look into the causes of the outbreak of sectarian violence and make proposals on how to put an end to it, but so far its work has been ineffective;
Führerem, beszélhetnénk egy pillanatra?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Regrets the fact that, despite the reference in the Constitution to the rights of Turkmen and other minorities, these minorities continue to be plagued by ethnic and sectarian violence and discrimination;
Hát, ez az alkuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
AMORC presents itself as a worldwide philosophical and humanistic, non sectarian and apolitical fraternal order devoted to "the study of the elusive mysteries of life and the universe."
A piac átláthatóságából eredően megfigyelhető, hogy egyes ajánlati dokumentációk magának a pályázatnak a tényleges kiírása előtt, az ajánlatkérő és a gyártók között folyó véleménycsere eredményeként készülnek elWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under PEACE III, the focus has changed to “reconciliation” which is recognised as the best means to tackle the problems of sectarian division which remain.
Ez több a soknálEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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