seeing as though oor Hongaars

seeing as though

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I just figured they'd be here, you know, seeing as though I just got out.
Azt gondoltam, itt lesznek, tudod, mintha épp szabadultam volna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, seeing as though it's the weekend, the judge won't be here till Monday.
Hát, mivel kemény hétvége volt, a bíró nem lesz itt hétfőig.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, seeing as though I'm still on duty... you better buy me two.
Mivel úgy fest, szolgálatban vagyok, kettőre hívjon meg.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I just figured maybe I can come talk to you...... seeing as though you might need some players
Úgy gondoltam, hogy megkérdezem magától, hogy esetleg kell- e pár játékos?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Well, uh, seeing as though you brought it up, maybe we should get out of this investment.
Ha már így felhoztad, talán a legjobb lenne visszalépni.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Seeing as though you dine with them every night.
Hiszen minden nap a parancsnokkal vacsorázik.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He frowned at the screen - which Luke could not see - as though puzzling over bad news.
Homlokát ráncolva meredt a monitorra – melyet Luke nem láthatott –, mintha rossz hírek okoztak volna fejtörést neki.Literature Literature
Isn't that interesting, seeing as though my name and my clubs are mentioned in several publications.
Nem elég érdekes látni a nevem és hogy megemlítik a klubjaimat számos kiadványban?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Must have been some conversation you two had, seeing as though he did literally the opposite of what we wanted.
Jót beszélgethettetek, ha pont az ellenkezőjét teszi annak, mint, amit elvárunk tőle.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And seeing as though he incinerated three good, proud white people, why don't I tell you what he looked like?
És tudva, hogy 3 jó, büszke fehéret égetett porrá, miért ne mondanám el, hogy nézett ki?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"The robots said ""seeing"" as though it were a word they must not say, so that they had to whisper it."
A „látni” szót a robotok úgy ejtették ki, mintha tilos dologról lenne szó, suttogva.Literature Literature
Which at this point, I think I may no longer need, seeing as though you said no one has been following me.
Ezen a ponton, azt hiszem többé nincs rá szükségem, ahogy te is mondtad, hogy bárki is kövessen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was Holtzmann himself who opened—dressed in an overcoat, she was surprised to see, as though he were just going out.
Holtzmann maga nyitott ajtót – felöltőben, amint Helen meglepetve látta, mintha éppen távozni akarna.Literature Literature
Well, seeing as though I made an absolute fool out of myself, I can't say that I'm entirely sad to see you go.
Hát, azok után, hogy teljesen bolondot csináltam magamból, nem állíthatom, hogy végtelenül szomorú lennék, hogy menni látlak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, I doubt anyone would recognize you as the law seeing as though that your dad seems to like to keep you in the background.
Végülis kétlem, hogy bárki is felismerné, hogy egy rendőrtiszt, mivel úgy tünt, hogy az apja, inkább a háttérben tartotta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One no longer beholds the object which one has before one, and one sees, as though apart from one's self, the figures which one has in one's own mind.
Az ember nem látja a körülötte levő tárgyakat és mintegy önmagából kivetítve tűnnek föl előtte az elméjében nyüzsgő alakzatok.hunglish hunglish
There, and in Paris, I was seeing everything as though it were new.
Ott és Párizsban mindent egészen másnak láttam.Literature Literature
It is forty years or more since I entered the house and yet I can see it as though I had just left it.
Negyven éve nem léptem át a küszöbét, de úgy emlékszem , mintha azóta is ott laknék.Literature Literature
Rebel didn’t see Michael as a brother; hell, sometimes it seemed as though Reb didn’t see him as a human at all.
Rebel nem a testvéreként tekintett Michaelre, néha úgy tűnt, még csak emberszámba sem veszi.Literature Literature
And she sat forward as though seeing it too, and then settled back as if she had lost consciousness, though she had not.
Gabrielle előredőlt, mintha ő is látná, aztán ájulásformán hanyatlott hátra, holott nem veszítette el eszméletét.hunglish hunglish
She was seeing the scene as though it were being repeated in front of her.
Úgy élte át a jelenetet, mintha újra lejátszódna előtte.hunglish hunglish
You see, it seems as though you lazybones have forgotten my edict about residents publishing case reports.
Nos, kérem, úgy tűnik, maguk léhűtők elfelejtették a rendeletem, hogy a rezidenseknek esettanulmányokat kell publikálniuk.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'We see all things as though they were quietly on fire in all their parts.'
Úgy látjuk a dolgokat, mintha parázs izzana bennük.hunglish hunglish
I felt that he could see into me as though I were a part of him.
Azt éreztem, úgy belém lát, mintha az ı része volnék.Literature Literature
Every time she sees me it's as though she wants to take a bite at me.
Amikor csak meglátom, úgy érzem belém akar marni.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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