self-centeredness oor Hongaars


concern only for oneself

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A spiritually unhealthy habit, masturbation instills attitudes that foster self-centeredness and corrupt the mind.
Igen, már látom a hasonlóságotjw2019 jw2019
Csupán egy szívességet kérünk egy hozzáértőtőljw2019 jw2019
What takes you to that such big self-centeredness?
Nem fogom megkérdezni még egyszerOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thus, some of the values that need to change include selfishness, greed, ignorance, shortsightedness, and self-centeredness.
Az egyedi tanúsítványszámot a csomagra lehet másolnijw2019 jw2019
It promotes self- centeredness.
Nemzeti nyugdíj a fogyatékkal születettvagy fiatalon fogyatékossá vált személyek részére (nemzeti nyugdíjtörvényjw2019 jw2019
My self-centeredness is as human as your fanaticism."
De érdekes, amikor a védelmed elfogy...... és nem vagy elszigetelvehunglish hunglish
We are made from crooked timber, vulnerable to illusions, self-centeredness and at times astounding stupidity.
Az egyik férfinak úgy szétzúzták a gerincét, hogy úgy nézett ki, mint egy lesodródott vonatted2019 ted2019
Jehovah again lovingly corrected the prophet, who had displayed self-centeredness.
rámutat, hogy a Microsoft felügyeleti mechanizmus finanszírozása kizárólag a fizetésekből és nyugdíjakból elért, az #. fejezetben szereplő megtakarításokból történikjw2019 jw2019
What can create self-centeredness?
Egy havertól... aki sosem bántaná Connie- tjw2019 jw2019
Selflessly serving in a marriage relationship requires patience and persistence in a world that relentlessly encourages self-centeredness and selfishness.
A határozat elfogadásának időpontjaLDS LDS
Furthermore, being entertained by material that features sex can create an improper “sexual appetite” and lead to self-centeredness, making common and crude what should be beautiful.
Továbbá Bulgáriában a klasszikus sertéspestist a vaddisznó állományban és sertéstartó gazdaságokban is kimutatták, és valószínűleg továbbra is endémiás ezekben az állományokbanjw2019 jw2019
It wasn’t easy to replace my impulsive and sentimental character with the spirit of true brotherly love, my self-centeredness with selflessness, and personal comfort with the spirit of sacrifice!
Kimászott egyszerűen a földből (sirbóljw2019 jw2019
And while conditions of depravity are more serious, we also protect children from other detrimental conditions, such as expectations that are too high or too low, overindulgence, over scheduling, and self-centeredness.
A kapitány ritka állatokat tartLDS LDS
But when she considered the kindness, the mellowness, the total lack of young-man self-centeredness and hatefulness in him, the trade-off of age against boundless energy was a perfect bargain indeed.
Fontos felismerni, ahogyan ön is felismeri, hogy Kína elkötelezettsége kérdéseket és bizonyos aggodalmat vet fel még Afrikában is.hunglish hunglish
So many of the problems in the world today spring from selfishness and self-centeredness in which too many make harsh demands of life and others in order to meet their demands.5
A fokozottabb terméktartósságra vonatkozó ismeretek megosztását célzó intézkedésekLDS LDS
And little wonder when we consider who is the god of this world —Satan the Devil, the greatest exponent of self-centeredness, whose pride and rebellious spirit permeate human society! —John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 5:19.
Ha felülbíráljuk a szokásos irányítórendszerét, el tudom irányítani azt a tartányt, oda ahová csak akarjukjw2019 jw2019
This is perfect in that it clearly opposes self- centeredness and selfishness to compassion, the concern for others, and, further, it indicates that those caught in the cycle of self- concern suffer helplessly, while the compassionate are more free and, implicitly, more happy.
Kirándulni?QED QED
This is perfect in that it clearly opposes self-centeredness and selfishness to compassion, the concern for others, and, further, it indicates that those caught in the cycle of self-concern suffer helplessly, while the compassionate are more free and, implicitly, more happy.
Hasonlóképpen, a forgalom nagyságának kiszámítása sok más területen is technikai problémákba ütközhet, például a hitelezés, a pénzügyi szolgáltatások és a biztosítás területén, amelyeket a III. szakasz érintted2019 ted2019
6:19, 20) Jonah’s self-centeredness led him to regard Jehovah’s mercy toward Nineveh as a personal affront; he tried to save face by telling Jehovah that he had known all along that this would be the outcome —so why send him as prophet?
Miért tartott az utolsó pillanatig?jw2019 jw2019
(3) “Pursue the Surpassing Way of Love.” (w92 7/15 27-30) First Corinthians 13:4-8 shows why we patiently put up with the imperfections of others, avoid self-centeredness and competition, do not spread harmful gossip, and remain loyal to God’s organization.
Az iraki hadsereg?jw2019 jw2019
Those familiar with Bible prophecy are not surprised at this widespread self-centeredness, for Jesus Christ warned his listeners: “Broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.”
Ennek van értelmejw2019 jw2019
I should like to reassure Mr Watson that the urgency has not disappeared, we are fully aware of it, similarly, as you said, we must not, particularly as regards the battle against climate change, and also Mrs Doyle who is in the Chamber, sacrifice what are long-term demands, as also highlighted by Mrs Harms, in favour of short-term interests, nor must we give in to the self-centeredness expressed by some instead of showing our solidarity, namely for our Central and Eastern European friends, in particular, Poland, the Baltic States and other States, and this issue will also be discussed at the European Council on 11 and 12 December.
Tudod, azt hiszem a nap kérdése Marv, hogy Joe Kingman meg fogja tudni szerezni az esélyt a végső dicsőségre?Europarl8 Europarl8
May God protect them from self-centeredness, arrogance, haughtiness and from greed for rank and position.
Közvetlenül hozzáférhettem mindenhez, amit szigorúan őriztekParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Negative associations - self-centeredness, a protest.
A korszerűsítés a #. szeptember #-i helyzetet adja visszaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
These are usually attributed to capriciousness, irresponsibility, tearfulness, self-centeredness, and much more
Drágám, Bob Maconel van ittParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
38 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.