social gaffe oor Hongaars

social gaffe

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars

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Ilona Meagher

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For well-bred people do not, after all, care to read about the social gaffes of others.
Bérleti számlaLiterature Literature
Realizing he had made a social gaff, Adon quickly added, “Perhaps we could discuss your�er, your�” “Milord?”
Nem fogadhatom el.- Sokat tettél értünkLiterature Literature
" Hari chuckled; Dors seldom made social gaffes, but when she did, she had no idea of how to recover.
Kanada és a tagállamok hatóságai találkozókat szervezhetnek, hogy meghatározott kérdéseket és ügyeket vitassanak meghunglish hunglish
The ship reassured Gurgeh that the little drone would be up to the task of preventing social gaffes and keeping him informed on the finer linguistic points by the time they arrived at the Empire, and - it told Gurgeh later - reassured Flere-Imsaho that the man didn't really despise it.
Csak egy régi cincogós játékot látokhunglish hunglish
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