splendour oor Hongaars


(British) Alternative spelling of splendor.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


You don't find it too intimidating in its size and splendour?
Nem találja túl félelmetesnek a méretét és a pompáját?


And of old it was not darksome, but full of light and splendour, as is still remembered in our songs.'
S valamikor régen nem is volt sötét, hanem csupa fény és pompa, s ennek emléke él még a dalainkban.


And he will open the door of the cage... and he will carry you away with pomp and splendour
És ki fogja nyitni a ketrec ajtaját és el fog vinni pompa és ragyogás közepette.




Ilona Meagher

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He organized the premiere of the new show at July 1936, which astonished the audience just as much as the splendour of the renovated building.
A fiával járok iskolábaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Caesar, in your splendour and your glory, the ides of March tell you a story.
mesterfokozat (második ciklus): a második ciklusba tartozó felsőoktatási program, amelynek elvégzésére az első diploma megszerzése vagy azzal egyenértékű képzés elvégzése után kerül sor, és a mesterfokozatot igazoló okmánynak egy felsőoktatási intézmény által történő kibocsátásával végződikOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What is beauty and sea and peacock-splendour to it!
Különösen fontos ez az új terápiák, mint például a génterápia és a kiegészítő sejtterápiák, valamint a xenogén szomatikus terápia megjelenésével összefüggésbenhunglish hunglish
George Smiley, needless to say, had seen nothing of its languorous autumn splendour.
Kizárólag tisztességtelen ügyfelekkelLiterature Literature
By virtue of the splendour emanating from subsistent Being itself, revealed truth offers the fullness of light and will therefore illumine the path of philosophical enquiry.
Az egészségügyi vizsgálattal kapcsolatos kérdéseket a mozambiki jog szabályozzavatican.va vatican.va
Why is the "splendour of truth" so important?
Ne... Ő nem a megfelelő számodravatican.va vatican.va
and let me tell her about my new mare—such a splendour Miss Grey!
Valamit?ReméljükLiterature Literature
Only the Corona, the Zodiacal light, a huge cone-shaped, luminous haze, pointing up towards the splendour of the morning star, warned us of the imminent nearness of the sun.
Ajándék... nekedhunglish hunglish
In them the theology of the Eucharist takes on all the splendour of a lived reality; it becomes “contagious” and, in a manner of speaking, it “warms our hearts”.
Az EK és Albánia közötti, rövid távú tartózkodásra jogosító vízumok *vatican.va vatican.va
And of old it was not darksome, but full of light and splendour, as is still remembered in our songs.'
A Bizottság #/#/EU felhatalmazáson alapuló rendelete (#. szeptember #.) a #/#/EU európai parlamenti és tanácsi irányelvnek a televíziókészülékek energiafogyasztásának címkézése tekintetében történő kiegészítésérőlhunglish hunglish
I staggered and covered my eyes, drenched and scorched and blinded by the unaccustomed splendour of the sun beneath my feet.
Saját magától kéne tartaniahunglish hunglish
And when Sam heard that he laughed aloud for sheer delight, and he stood up and cried: 'O great glory and splendour!
A javaslatok értékelése során a Bizottság vizsgálja különösen azt, hogy azok milyen várható hatást gyakorolnak a kedvezményezett TOT integrációjára abban a régióban, amelyhez tartozikhunglish hunglish
pursuant to Rule 133 of the Rules of Procedure on quantitative easing: 80% of the liquidity issued by the ECB is parked in Frankfurt The European Parliament, – having regard to Rule 133 of its Rules of Procedure, A. whereas, in an article published in today’s Il Sole 24 Ore, the sheer failure of the quantitative easing programme emerges in all its splendour; indeed, the renowned business newspaper reports that ‘liquidity is leaving through the door but returning through the window: 80% of the cash’ pumped into the economy by the ECB through QE is parked in Frankfurt; B. whereas the article in question highlights the fact that ‘the creation of money has been suspended, with the excess reserves stockpiled at the Central Bank not being reduced through increased lending to the economy.
július #-i levelében a Bizottság tájékoztatta Olaszországot azon határozatáról, hogy a #. évi #. számú törvény #. cikkének #a. bekezdésében szereplő intézkedéssel kapcsolatban megindítja a #. cikk bekezdése szerinti hivatalos vizsgálati eljárástnot-set not-set
In his book The Qin Terracotta Army, Zhang Wenli explains that Ch’in’s “mausoleum is a representation of the Qin empire [and was] intended to provide Qin Shi Huangdi [Ch’in Shih Huang Ti] after death with all the splendour and might he enjoyed during life.”
Sétáltam a királlyal!jw2019 jw2019
Moreover, the entire patrimony of good which every generation transmits to posterity, together with the priceless gift of life, forms as it were an immense and many-coloured collection of tesserae that together make up the living mosaic of the Pantocrator, who will manifest himself in his total splendour only at the moment of the Parousia.
Hol talált el?A nyakad?vatican.va vatican.va
The splendour and ceremony surrounding the wedding left a profound imprint in the memory of a public captivated by the beauty of the bride, whose dress, of impressive proportions, (3) was designed by Mrs Emanuel, a fashion designer who, as a result of being entrusted with its creation, gained a prestigious reputation in her business activity.
Hivatkozás okiratokraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Splendour of the Children of Earth, star in the darkness, jewel in the sunset, radiant in the morning!”
Gondoltam elhozom őket, mielőtt a szomszédok teszik megLiterature Literature
And so they were, in effect - at least they could exhibit it from their windows, and did - for a consideration - whenever a returning king or hero gave it a fleeting splendour, for there was no place like it for affording a long, straight, uninterrupted view of marching columns.
Talán a közelgő ünnepek miatt történt.hunglish hunglish
But, as I said, if he tarried one or even two days, the tulip will still be in its full splendour.
Ez az előirányzat a # # # #. jogcímben említett berendezések és felszerelések bérleti és lízingdíjának fedezésére szolgálLiterature Literature
The Catholic Encyclopedia admits: “Some bishops, blinded by the splendour of the court, even went so far as to laud the emperor as an angel of God, as a sacred being, and to prophesy that he would, like the Son of God, reign in heaven.”
A CE-megfelelőségi jelölés a következő írásképű CE betűkből álljw2019 jw2019
To look upon the face of Christ, to recognize its mystery amid the daily events and the sufferings of his human life, and then to grasp the divine splendour definitively revealed in the Risen Lord, seated in glory at the right hand of the Father: this is the task of every follower of Christ and therefore the task of each one of us.
Holnap kezdődikvatican.va vatican.va
I ask all consecrated men and women to show by their eucharistic lives the splendour and the beauty of belonging totally to the Lord.
Még elkap valamit!vatican.va vatican.va
On page 175 of the book ‘Strenna dei Romanisti — Natale di Roma’ [Gift of the Romanists — Foundation of Rome], published in 1983 by the Roma Amor publishing house, there is a paragraph dedicated to ‘Amatriciana Tradizionale’: ‘... the name of this delicious dish, linked to the splendour of Roman cuisine ... a good cook from Amatrice living in Rome conceived a sauce made, among other things, from pork jowl (which as everyone knows is “chewier” than belly pork, giving the sauce its characteristic texture) and tomatoes ... it has a pleasant sweet-and-sour taste which persists even after it is cooked.
A követelmények értelmezésére vonatkozó helyes gyakorlatEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The little window vanished with a click, another beside it snapped open and instantly closed, and then a third, and for a moment I had to close my eyes because of the blinding splendour of the waning moon.
Az Európai Közösségek saját forrásainak rendszeréről szóló, #. szeptember #-i #/#/EK, Euratom tanácsi határozat (HL L #., #.#.#., #. o.) és különösen annak #. cikke bekezdésének a) pontjahunglish hunglish
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