subshell oor Hongaars


(chemistry),(physics) Atomic orbitals for which the values of the n and l quantum numbers are the same, such as the three 2p or five 3d atomic orbitals.

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atomic orbitals for which the values of the n and l quantum numbers are the same

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Usually, as a particular subshell is filled in a period, atomic radius decreases.
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In forming compounds, the atom loses its two outermost electrons and one of the 4f-electrons, which belongs to an open subshell.
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The probable chemistry of roentgenium has received more interest than that of the two previous elements, meitnerium and darmstadtium, as the valence s-subshells of the group 11 elements are expected to be relativistically contracted most strongly at roentgenium.
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This effect is particularly pronounced in the case of lanthanides, as the 4f subshell which is filled across these elements is not very effective at shielding the outer shell (n=5 and n=6) electrons.
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Columns (groups) are determined by the electron configuration of the atom; elements with the same number of electrons in a particular subshell fall into the same columns (e.g. oxygen and selenium are in the same column because they both have four electrons in the outermost p-subshell).
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The OPTIONS section has more information on how you can control the subshell code.
Megértem, hogy éreznek, deParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When the subshell support is compiled in, you can type C-o at any time and you will be taken back to the Midnight Commander main screen, to return to your application just type C-o.
Ha a járművet mozgatni kell az egyes lépések között, akkor azt tolva kell eljuttatni a következő vizsgálati területre (regeneratív újratöltés nélkülParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Electron shells have one or more electron subshells, or sublevels.
Ezt soha nem veszem le!Túl értékes nekemParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This variable only works if you are not using the subshell support.
A Közösségből származó áruk Szerbiába irányuló kivitele esetén a szóban forgó áruk liberalizált vámtarifák mellett exportálhatók, amennyiben az exportőrök EUR. # szállítási bizonyítványt vagy az érintett áruk közösségi eredetét igazoló számlanyilatkozatot nyújtanak beParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
An extra added feature of using the subshell is that the prompt displayed by the Midnight Commander is the same prompt that you are currently using in your shell.
Több munka, kevesebb munkanélküliParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When the subshell code is used, you can suspend applications at any time with the sequence C-o and jump back to the Midnight Commander, if you interrupt an application, you will not be able to run other external commands until you quit the application you interrupted.
Nem akartam állni és nézni ahogy Taz lealáz minketParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The electrons in the 4f-subshell, which is progressively filled from cerium (Z = 58) to lutetium (Z = 71), are not particularly effective at shielding the increasing nuclear charge from the sub-shells further out.
Sosem kételkedem bennük újraParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The subshell support
A kedvezményezettnek be kell nyújtania a Parlamentnek vagy bármely, a Parlament által felhatalmazott külső szervnek valamennyi kért részletes adatot annak érdekében, hogy azok meg tudjanak bizonyosodni a munkaprogramnak és a támogatási megállapodás rendelkezéseinek megfelelő végrehajtásárólParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you are using bash you can specify startup commands for the subshell in your ~/.mc/bashrc file and special keyboard maps in the ~/.mc/inputrc file.
A drazik jól fizetnek az emberi biztonságiakértParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Specific regions of the periodic table can be referred to as blocks in recognition of the sequence in which the electron shells of the elements are filled. Each block is named according to the subshell in which the "last" electron notionally resides.[26][n 3] The s-block comprises the first two groups (alkali metals and alkaline earth metals) as well as hydrogen and helium.
Nem úgy értetteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Enable use of the concurrent shell support (only makes sense if the Midnight Commander was built with the subshell support set as an optional feature).
Nagyon hideg voltParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
16 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.