synod oor Hongaars


/ˈsɪn.əd/ naamwoord
An ecclesiastic council or meeting to consult on church matters.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


an ecclesiastic council or meeting to consult on church matters
Thirty-four years after his death, a synod in Jerusalem anathematized his beliefs as heresies.
Halála után 34 évvel egy jeruzsálemi zsinat megátkozta hitnézeteit, és eretnekségnek nyilvánította azokat.


an ecclesiastic council or meeting to consult on church matters
I too entrust the spiritual fruitfulness of the Synod to her prayerful intercession.
Most ugyanarra a közbenjárásra bízzuk a szinódus lelki gyümölcseit és termékenységét.


council of a church
Calvinism had triumphed —or so the synod hoped.
A kálvinizmus győzedelmeskedett — legalábbis a zsinat ezt remélte.


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Thus, Farel and several others were invited to the synod.
We should also emphasize the relationship between the recent Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist and the events which have taken place in the Church's life in recent years.
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Yet, as the Synod Fathers made clear, “man cannot live without hope: life would become meaningless and unbearable”.(
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The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia reaffirmed the importance and permanent validity of the distinction between mortal and venial sins, in accordance with the Church's tradition.
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In order to express more clearly the unity and universality of the Church, I wish to endorse the proposal made by the Synod of Bishops, in harmony with the directives of the Second Vatican Council, (182) that, with the exception of the readings, the homily and the prayer of the faithful, it is fitting that such liturgies be celebrated in Latin.
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In the vast area in which the church has the mission of operating through dialogue, the pastoral ministry of penance and reconciliation is directed to the members of the body of the church principally through an adequate catechesis concerning the two distinct and complementary realities to which the synod fathers gave a particular importance and which they emphasized in some of the concluding propositions: These are penance and reconciliation.
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The Synod Fathers have mentioned that the lay faithful can favour the relations which ought to be established with followers of various religions through their example in the situations in which they live and in their activities: "Throughout the world today the Church lives among people of various religions...
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In the same Synod Assembly, however, a critical judgment was voiced along with these positive elements, about a too-indiscriminate use of the word "ministry", the confusion and the equating of the common priesthood and the ministerial priesthood, the lack of observance of ecclesiastical laws and norms, the arbitrary interpretation of the concept of "supply", the tendency towards a "clericalization" of the lay faithful and the risk of creating, in reality, an ecclesial structure of parallel service to that founded on the Sacrament of Orders.
A Trevaclynt négy fő vizsgálatban tanulmányozták, hiperkoleszterinémiában vagy vegyes diszlipidémiában szenvedő betegek részvételé
From its preparatory stage and then in the numerous interventions during the sessions, in the group meetings and in the final propositions, the synod took into account the statement frequently made with varying nuances and emphases, namely: The sacrament of penance is in crisis.
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Unlike elsewhere, however, the congregation did not accept the synod-approved replacement.
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Schisms arose in the sangha; they were resolved during the Fifth Buddhist Synod, held in Mandalay in 1871.
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From this perspective, the Synod Fathers have recalled the meaning that the Sacrament of Matrimony ought to assume in the Church and society in order to illuminate and inspire all the relations between men and women.
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Under this feature heading, London’s Daily Telegraph of November 12, 1987, reported on a motion before the General Synod of the Church of England.
attól az időponttól számított # napra a Romániából származó és onnan érkező, a kombinált nómenklatúra # vámtarifaszáma és a # # alszáma alá tartozó termékek esetébenjw2019 jw2019
The Bishops at the Synod frequently reaffirmed this: "de re nostra agitur", "this is something which concerns us all".
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Unfortunately, this led to the so-called 'Second Synod' of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, despite the Bulgarian Religious Denominations Act.
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The Synod Fathers have stressed the need for this in order to respond to two dangers: on the one hand, certain sectors of the Church seem to have lost sight of the genuine meaning of the sacraments and might trivialize the mysteries being celebrated; while on the other hand, many of the baptized, following customs and traditional practices, continue to have recourse to the Sacraments at significant moments of their life, yet do not live in accordance with the Church's teaching.(
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Well, of course being a bishop means I have to spend a great deal of time within my own diocese as well as attending council of synod meetings, which means I have only limited amount of time to devote to the band.
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From this perspective, I would like here to draw attention to some elements brought up by the Synod Fathers which may help us to grasp the relationship of each of the sacraments to the eucharistic mystery.
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One of the most moving moments of the Synod came when we gathered in Saint Peter's Basilica, together with a great number of the faithful, for eucharistic adoration.
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The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council wished to base dialogue on the communion which already exists, and it draws attention to the noble reality of the Churches of the East: "Therefore, this Sacred Synod urges all, but especially those who plan to devote themselves to the work of restoring the full communion that is desired between the Eastern Churches and the Catholic Church, to give due consideration to these special aspects of the origin and growth of the Churches of the East, and to the character of the relations which obtained between them and the Roman See before the separation, and to form for themselves a correct evaluation of these facts".83
In this Synod a matter not to be overlooked, together with other problems of the region, would be the encounter of Christianity with the most ancient forms of religion, profoundly marked by a monotheistic orientation.
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Seraphim went to the Russian capital city of Saint Petersburg to try to get recognition and further funding from the Russian Holy Synod for the thriving Seraphimite Church.
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In this context, I wish to reiterate the concern expressed by the Synod Fathers about the grave difficulties affecting the mission of those Christian communities in areas where Christians are a minority or where they are denied religious freedom.
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In this regard, I invite Catholics to contribute to the establishment of a code of ethics for those who work in the field of social communications, letting themselves be guided by the criteria which the competent agencies of the Holy See have recently indicated,(115) and which the Bishops in Synod have listed as follows: “respect for the dignity of the human person, for his or her rights, including the right of privacy; service to truth, to justice and to human, cultural and spiritual values; respect for diverse cultures to avoid their disappearance within the majority, protection of minority groups and of the weak; pursuit of the common good, over and above particular interests and the predominance of economic criteria alone”.(
A hatodik keretprogram alapján végzett tevékenységeknek összhangban kell lenniük a Közösség pénzügyi érdekeivel, és védelmezniük kell
Tunstall’s authorization was necessary because the provisions of a 1408 synod at Oxford, known as the Constitutions of Oxford, included a ban on translating or reading the Bible in the vernacular, except by permission of a bishop.
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