to trivialise oor Hongaars

to trivialise

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars

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Can you appreciate what a terrible thing it is to trivialise the loss of a child?
Tudja, milyen szörnyű dolog ilyen banálissá tenni a gyerekek elvesztését?

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To trivialise the definition of crimes is to trivialise the victims themselves, and their suffering.
Vannak leveleim, barátoktók, akik ismerték Annettet, és tudták, hogy Billy mire készültEuroparl8 Europarl8
Can you appreciate what a terrible thing it is to trivialise the loss of a child?
Ezért vagy mindig csak a másodikOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I did not mean to trivialise your legitimate concerns.
Valaki megpróbált már rájönni, mi történt a rendszerrel?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The moral crisis in that country, a tendency to trivialise death, dehumanisation, relativism and vanishing values are to blame for the fact that this problem is not taken seriously.
Ez egy furcsa háborúEuroparl8 Europarl8
At the same time, it strongly objects to any attempt to trivialise Nazism by burying it in a condemnation of totalitarian regimes, as is the case, once again, in the joint resolution submitted to us.
Megtámadott egy... valami vérszomjas kutyaEuroparl8 Europarl8
This agreement is the first step towards better protection for citizens faced with growing attempts made by certain States and private operators to trivialise the principle of flexible response, data storage and the control of digital exchange on the internet.
Alex, van feleséged?Europarl8 Europarl8
Part of this challenge includes tackling elder abuse — a much-neglected issue that still tends to be trivialised and pushed into the background.
Egymást követték a háborús évekEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The European Union has kept the same positions it had in Copenhagen, and I think we should exercise caution in the way in which we are currently committing ourselves, in order not to trivialise the positions and guidelines that we could adopt in Cancún in a month's time.
Ahogy Weasleyék viselkednek, csodálom, hogy aranyvérűekEuroparl8 Europarl8
Last but not least, this law is a disgrace, but even more so would be an attempt to obfuscate, trivialise and, in effect, justify it.
FranciakenyérEuroparl8 Europarl8
46 Therefore, as EUIPO and the Italian Republic maintain, the association of the word element ‘la Mafia’ with the other elements of the contested mark is such as to convey a globally positive image of the Mafia’s activities and, so doing, to trivialise the perception of the criminal activities of that organisation.
Írtam egy verseteurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
I will not under any circumstances allow, and do not believe it is right for us to question the commitment of the S&D Group to the protection of human rights, because we also did this when your group, Mr Posselt, was attempting to trivialise the crimes at Guantanamo and the treatment of prisoners in Iraq by US troops.
Oh, Istenem, JudeEuroparl8 Europarl8
DE and NL state that national case law applicable to Holocaust denial and/or trivialisation would also apply to the conduct covered by this article.
Kérem, válaszoljanak!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
There is only one thing that might be deemed unacceptable, not by our group especially but by those who have made personal sacrifices in the fight against the worst genocide in modern history, and that is the attempt surreptitiously to trivialise Nazism by placing it in a generic category that includes, in particular, Stalinism and even the regimes existing in central and eastern Europe prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Mivel ezen rendelet céljait, nevezetesen a Közösség vámterületére beszállított vagy onnan kiszállításra kerülő árukra vonatkozó szabályok és eljárások meghatározását a Vámunió, mint a belső piac központi pillérének hathatós működésének biztosítása érdekében a tagállamok nem tudják kielégítően megvalósítani, és ezért az intézkedés közösségi szinten jobban megvalósítható, a Közösség intézkedéseket hozhat a Szerződés #. cikkében meghatározott szubszidiaritás elvének megfelelőenEuroparl8 Europarl8
SI refers to denial, condoning and trivialisation of the Holocaust.
TúladagolásEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These are not only utterly absurd; they also amount to a monstrous trivialisation of German fascism. That goes beyond the bounds of decency and morality.
A Tanács #. december #-i #/EK rendeleteEuroparl8 Europarl8
- (PL) Madam President, the European Community must make every effort to keep alive the memory of heroes and not to allow the trivialisation of totalitarian crimes.
És majd máskor leugrasz, ha már meg tudod tenniEuroparl8 Europarl8
Demographic developments are one (but not the only) factor making it all the more urgent to tackle the issue of elder abuse, as this is a much-neglected issue that still tends to be trivialised and pushed into the background.
A Megállapodás I. melléklete I. fejezetének #. részében a #. pont (#/EK bizottsági határozat) a következő francia bekezdéssel egészül kiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Between the countries that are fearful of the effects of independence and those who dream only of validating their independence as soon as possible for various diplomatic reasons, Slovenia will initially have to ensure the cohesion of the Union by seeking first and foremost an internal compromise, if the EU's foreign policy as laid down in the Treaty of Lisbon is not to be trivialised or even ridiculed.
Mondjuk ki nyíltan!A szeretetedEuroparl8 Europarl8
The same piece of legislation makes it a crime to publicly condone, deny or grossly trivialise crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Látod is őt?NemEuroparl8 Europarl8
The mere reference to or direct indication of an illegal substance is not sufficient to declare that a trade mark application is contrary to public policy, because the sign at issue would also have to lead to the encouragement, trivialisation or approval of the use or consumption of the illegal narcotic substance.
állandó tartózkodásra jogosult a másik tag területén, ha a tagnakEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Nor is it acceptable to allow an official line to be perpetuated that trivialises the Armenian genocide as a great tragedy, dismissing the suffering of a people, the number of whose deported is comparable to the numbers of those suffering from influenza in the United Kingdom.
Biztosítás?Értem, manapság már nem menö dolog a biztosításEuroparl8 Europarl8
Secondly, there is a certain general interest in protecting the names of great artists, which represent a universal cultural heritage, from insatiable commercial greed, in order to safeguard their work from trivialisation.
a fogadó ATC egységnél tárolt alapvető repülésiterv-adatokat a MAC közleménynek nem szabad befolyásolniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The maximum penalty in relation to public condoning, denial or gross trivialisation of crimes ranges from 1 year and a fine (BE) to 20 years (AT), with DE, FR, CY, LV, LT and RO giving the courts the alternative of imposing a fine or other penalty.
az anyagok és kémiai reagensek megfelelően legyenek felcímkézve, és megfelelő hőmérsékleten legyenek tárolva, valamint hogy a lejárati határidőket nem hagyták-e figyelmen kívülEurLex-2 EurLex-2
CY, LT, LU, RO and SK use this possibility in relation to the conduct of publicly denying or grossly trivialising the crimes defined in the Charter of International Military Tribunal[7].
Minden részleg vezetőjét szeretnék összehívni egy közös pihenésreEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Framework Decision obliges Member States to criminalise the public condoning, denial and gross trivialisation of crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by major war criminals of the European Axis countries.
Elvileg # cégnek dolgoztam, de ezek nem voltak igaziEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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