tower like a mountain oor Hongaars

tower like a mountain

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rise like a mountain
Ilona Meagher

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The cliffs rose sheer out of the sea and behind them forested mountains towered like a giant's wall.
Táncolj egy kicsit, csak pár lépést, Spiderhunglish hunglish
(Genesis 8:4, 5) It also seems unlikely that after disembarking, they and the many animals aboard had to climb down from a towering summit like mountaineers.
Már nem érdekel!jw2019 jw2019
As I said when I began my narrative, when that history comes to be written, this occurrence will surely stand out among all other events like a mountain towering among its foothills.
egyetért azzal, hogy amennyiben a cél az átdolgozás hatékonnyá tétele, az Európai Parlamentnek és a Tanácsnak elvi szinten tartózkodnia kell a jogi aktusok kodifikált részeinek módosításától; úgy gondolja, hogy amennyiben az intézmények valóban egyszerűsíteni kívánják a jogszabályokat, és e célból az átdolgozást kívánják alkalmazni, az adott jogi aktus kodifikált részére szabályként a kodifikációról szóló intézményközi megállapodásban megállapított rendelkezések vonatkoznak; elismeri azonban, hogy egyedi eljárással kell lehetővé tenni a kodifikált rész módosítását, amennyiben az a módosított résszel fennálló koherencia vagy az arra való hivatkozás miatt elengedhetetlenhunglish hunglish
The Crag-top house was round like a low gray tower with windows letting sight on the valley and on the mountains.
elismeri az olyan intézkedések meglétét, amelyeket bár a Tanács az elnökségi következtetésekben fogad el, nem nyilvánítanak szankcióvá és egyidejűleg eltérnek a KKBP-eszközként felsorolt más korlátozó intézkedésektőlhunglish hunglish
A great ring-wall of stone, like towering cliffs, stood out from the shelter of the mountain-side, from which it ran and then returned again.
A támogatás alkalmazására mindhárom esetben a Szerződés #. cikke bekezdésének megsértésével került sor, és az nem egyeztethető össze a közös piaccalhunglish hunglish
Then presently it seemed to them that above the ridges of the distant mountains another vast mountain of darkness rose, towering up like a wave that should engulf the world, and about it lightnings flickered; and then a tremor ran through the earth, and they felt the walls of the City quiver.
Egy igazi bajkeverőhunglish hunglish
So there I was, riding steadily by mid-afternoon, trying to keep to the valley roads as I lost sight of our towers, trying not to cry anymore like a child, but being drawn off into the mountainous land over and over again.
Feliratot készített:Barnez(köszönet a bátyámnak, hogy a gépén dolgozhattam, ja és köszönet a tanácsaiért), Kudarmubat (külön köszönet a hatalmas segítségért, tippekérthunglish hunglish
And standing there they surveyed the lands, for the morning was come; and they saw the towers of the City far below them like white pencils touched by the sunlight, and all the Vale of Anduin was like a garden, and the Mountains of Shadow were veiled in a golden mist.
Panaszkodnak, sírnakhunglish hunglish
In addition to CDs and cassette tapes, the stores sold DVDs, electronic gadgets like mp3 players, video games, accessories, and toys, and a few Tower Records locations sold books as well, such as those in Brea, Mountain View, and Sacramento, California, as well as stores in Austin, Boston, Massachusetts, Nashville, New York City, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle.
Épp most jött Amerikából!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If we are skilful enough we can make our opponent feel that we tower above him/her just like a mountain right at this moment.
Nincsenek morális normáidParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Look-out tower Lila Hill 2017 competition architects: Zsófia Kovács, Nóra Debrei The geodetic measurement tower of reinforced concrete on Lila Mountain stands like a lighthouse in the landscape after its conversion into a look-out tower.
Adj neki magas labdát!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Leaning over the rail, the two colleagues, as the engineer had told them, could see distinctly the immense city, the wall which divides it into two parts - the Manchu town, and the Chinese town - the twelve suburbs which surround it, the large boulevards which radiate from its center, the temples with their green and yellow roofs bathed in the rising sun, the grounds surrounding the houses of the mandarins; then in the middle of the Manchu town the eighteen hundred acres of the Yellow town, with its pagodas, its imperial gardens, its artificial lakes, its mountain of coal which towers above the capital; and in the center of the Yellow town, like a square of Chinese puzzle enclosed in another, the Red town, that is the imperial palace, with all the peaks of its outrageous architecture.
Miért sikongatsz?hunglish hunglish
The building practically grows straight up out of the terrain like a block of ice - and the design was also inspired by the natural surroundings just outside the hospital windows: the ice floes that float around in Godthåbsfjord, and the sight of Greenland’s highest mountain, Sermitsiaq, which towers up behind the town of Nuuk.
Egymagad vagyParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
13 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.