untrammeled oor Hongaars


not limited or restricted; unrestrained

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars


Ilona Meagher

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars

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Soortgelyke frases

akadálytalan · korlátlan
untrammeled power
vad erő


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The test surface must be horizontal and untrammelled and free of electromagnetic reflections within a minimum radius of # m, measured from a point mid-way between the vehicle and the antenna (see fig. # in Appendix #, Annex II
Hallottátok?eurlex eurlex
Blind faith in untrammelled markets and competition has failed abysmally, and now is the time for Europe to be more courageous in creating a new social contract between workers and businesses, and indeed for Member States and Europe to build a new social market economy, as provided for in the Treaty of Lisbon.
Egy hurrikán közben megy autóvalEuroparl8 Europarl8
The test surface must be horizontal and untrammelled and free of electromagnetic reflections within a minimum radius of 30 m, measured from a point mid-way between the vehicle and the antenna (see fig. 1 in Appendix 1, Annex II).
Most éppen egy kibaszott buliban van...... valami kibaszott vívóklubban vagy ilyesmiben, Kinnearral, érted?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those Members are deemed to be non-attached, which prejudices the untrammeled exercise by them of their parliamentary mandates.
Gyakrabban számoltak be ilyen tünetekről, ha az alfa-interferont shosaikoto kínai gyógynövénykészítménnyel együtt alkalmazták (lásd #. # pontbanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Once more a wonderful diversity of untrammelled personalities was put forth.
Frank egy bunkó volt, a másik kettő közül az egyik fegyelem- felelős, a másik meg kidobóLiterature Literature
We have had to grit our teeth and acknowledge that for years, the US has been eagerly helping itself to European banking data, and that when we then insisted on European standards of data protection in an agreement and appointed an EU monitoring system, the US was happy to agree to this because it could still have untrammelled access to data via the bilateral back door.
Lássuk csak, az ügyfél, akinek most dolgozom... egy remek cég, úgy hívják, Marquis Jet... megpróbálják a magánrepülők bérlését jövedelmezőbbé tenniEuroparl8 Europarl8
How could you? - with solid pavement under your feet, surrounded by kind neighbors ready to cheer you or to fall on you, stepping delicately between the butcher and the policeman, in the holy terror of scandal and gallows and lunatic asylums - how can you imagine what particular region of the first ages a man's untrammeled feet may take him into by the way of solitude - utter solitude without a policeman - by the way of silence, utter silence, where no warning voice of a kind neighbor can be heard whispering of public opinion?
Remekül fôznek itthunglish hunglish
Her proper setting was the desert - open, untrammeled space.
Nem hinném, hogy... a bowling az ő világahunglish hunglish
The test surface must be horizontal and untrammelled and free of electromagnetic reflective surfaces within a minimum radius of # m, measured from a point mid-way between the vehicle and the antenna (see fig. # in Appendix
Had mondjak valamit, az ő tojásai #- szer finomabbak, mint akármelyik szupermarketből valókeurlex eurlex
(21) In Ergat, it stated that ‘the unconditional right to take up any employment freely chosen by the person concerned, untrammelled, moreover, by any priority for workers of Member States ... would be rendered wholly meaningless if the competent national authorities were able to impose conditions or restrictions of any sort on the application of the specific rights which were conferred on migrant workers by [Decision No 1/80]’.
Mert a mamám nem adta oda a papámnak a könyvétEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“The central issue in that premortal council was: Shall the children of God have untrammeled agency to choose the course they should follow, whether good or evil, or shall they be coerced and forced to be obedient?
Ennek következtében a tisztességes munkát (az ILO definíciója szerint) és a társadalmi párbeszédet, amely a munkajogok érvényesítésének és védelmének elengedhetetlen feltétele, annak rendje és módja szerint kell elismerni az EIDHR prioritásai közöttLDS LDS
As always in the presence of the General Secretary, Philby was impressed, even awed, by the sheer untrammeled power of the man.
Ha el tudnálak kapni benneteket, betyárok, Titeket is megmártogatnálak a Freznarban!hunglish hunglish
He might not go where he would go if he felt himself free and untrammeled.
Messziről ordít rólunkhunglish hunglish
In fact the latter share political affinities connected to the wish to secure for all Members the untrammeled exercise of their mandates.
Csak felismerem a változást, áldassék Isten, és a tojás biztosan egy természetes fejlődés ahhoz képest, amit a majdnem- csikre anya korábban tojt felismerte, hogy az utódja csodás módon különbözött tőleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
They claim that the flexible interpretation of Rule 29 on which the formation of the TDI Group rests enables, as that act does not, the demands associated with the efficient organisation of a parliamentary assembly to be reconciled with securing for all Members the untrammelled exercise of their parliamentary functions.
Nos szerencséje vanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Give them an untrammeled independence and allow an intermingling of philosophies -'
Az egyes további részletek folyósítására akkor kerül sor, ha kielégítően végrehajtják a román kormány új, Románia konvergenciaprogramjába és a nemzeti reformprogramba is beemelendő gazdasági programját, és legfőképpen az egyetértési megállapodásba foglalt különös gazdaságpolitikai feltételeketLiterature Literature
Like sitting in a warm glass cage, hovering untrammeled above the world.
az ezen irányelv végrehajtásától számított legfeljebb hat hónapon belül kötelesek megadni a Bizottságnak az a) pontban említett rendszeres személy- és áruszállító kompjáratok külön jegyzékeit, majd azt követően minden változást, amely e járatokkal kapcsolatban bekövetkezikLiterature Literature
The test surface must be horizontal and untrammelled and free of electromagnetic reflective surfaces within a minimum radius of 30 m, measured from a point mid-way between the vehicle and the antenna (see fig. 1 in Appendix 1).
Embereket, leginkábbEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Above all, the EU must, in principle, renounce completely untrammelled capitalism, and instead protect its citizens from unbridled greed and the negative effects of uncontrolled globalisation.
Csak laikusoknak írt könyvek voltakEuroparl8 Europarl8
- China’s demand for energy and raw materials – China is already the world’s second largest energy consumer – is already significant and will continue to grow; and the environmental cost of untrammelled economic and industrial growth is becoming more and more apparent.
Akkor # hasznos dollár voltEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Thus Rule 29(1) should be interpreted as permitting Members to associate in accordance with their political affinities, whilst not precluding groupings not having such affinities which seek to reconcile the demands associated with the efficient organisation of a parliamentary assembly with securing for their members the untrammeled exercise of their parliamentary functions.
Nem, nem tudok rólaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Partnership for Modernisation must fulfil not only the state-monopoly ideas of the Russian Government, but should create an area for untrammelled industrial and scientific activity, as Mr Fleckenstein said in his analysis here.
A gyártó kérésére azonban a vizsgálat elvégezhető a fenti #.#. bekezdésben meghatározott feltételek mellett isEuroparl8 Europarl8
Contrary to the arguments presented by the United Kingdom at the hearing, the possibility of disagreement between experts on a subject matter does not necessarily imply the existence of subjective judgements or untrammelled discretion in any legally relevant sense.
O ¡ s veled megy?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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