ward off a blow oor Hongaars

ward off a blow

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Ilona Meagher

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Taggert had an arm raised to ward off a blow.
És a támadó vajon miért nem a nyitott ajtón jött be?Literature Literature
Several of the Riders cried out, and crouched, holding their arms above their heads, as if to ward off a blow from above: a blind fear and a deadly cold fell on them.
Különösen ki kell emelni, hogy a közszféra/magánszektor közti együttműködés igen hatékonynak bizonyult a helyzetek megoldására a turizmus hanyatlásának, ill. válságainak idején, főleg a klasszikus turisztikai központokban, amelyek veszélyben érezték gazdasági értékteremtő potenciáljukathunglish hunglish
More and more he got the image of a badly hurt woman in a bathroom, holding her hands up uselessly to ward off a blow, and he felt more and more that the woman must be-
Azt a munkaeszközt, amelyen munkavállalók közlekednek, olyan módon kell kialakítani, hogy a rendeltetésszerű használat mellett csökkenjenek a munkaeszköz borulásából eredő kockázatokhunglish hunglish
More and more he got the image of a badly hurt woman in a bathroom, holding her hands up uselessly to ward off a blow, and he felt more and more that the woman must be-- (Jesus, watch out!)
Meg akaraterő, és gógyi!hunglish hunglish
He may ward off blows, restrain the attacker, or even strike a blow to stun or incapacitate him.
Hogy érzi magát?jw2019 jw2019
Picard jumped between the two men, forearm raised to ward off a swinging fist, but the blow never came.
Én nem csináltam semmit semLiterature Literature
A couple of them feebly tried to hold rusty swords up to ward off his ruthless blows, but Sparhawk was a trained swordsman who could alter his point of aim even in mid-swing, and the two fell howling into the road, clutching at the stumps of missing right hands.
Az elnökséget segítő főtitkár/főképviselő az elnökség nevében tárgyalásokat folytathat ilyen megállapodásrólhunglish hunglish
Chain-mail will ward off the blow of sword or axe, but it is no defence against a thrust.
Éjfélkor felváltalakhunglish hunglish
Rufirant was trying to stem the torrent, warding off the blows she was aiming at him, attempting weakly to answer with a placating, "Now, Sura.
Látod, ezt szeretem bennedhunglish hunglish
(Genesis 15:1; Psalm 84:11) Like our faith, God’s trueness is a large protective shield that stops Satan’s burning missiles and wards off enemy blows.
Minden nap kapok egy új visszautasító leveletjw2019 jw2019
Therefore I am going to call down fire and blow up your tower, but it is only fair to give you a chance; now if you think you can break my enchantments and ward off the fires, step to the bat, it's your innings."
Azért jöttem, hogy megmentselek, Rambo!hunglish hunglish
Sparhawk was coming home at last after a decade of being someone else with a different name in a country where it almost never rained, where the sun was a hammer pounding down on a bleached white anvil of sand and rock and hard-baked clay, where the walls of the buildings were thick and white to ward off the blows of the sun, and where graceful women went to the wells in the silvery light of early morning with large clay vessels balanced on their shoulders and black veils across their faces.
Örülök, hogy segítesz ennek a nőnekhunglish hunglish
12 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.