with eyes kindled oor Hongaars

with eyes kindled

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Hongaars

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glaring(ly), with eyes blazing/glittering, glowering, staring daggers, with anger in one's eyes
Ilona Meagher

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“And I shall exterminate you, too,” continued Jean, with kindling eyes, “if you do not immediately awaken the countess.”
Hát nem látod?Literature Literature
Now the King discovered Sir Hugh, and spoke out with wrathful voice and kindling eye -
Előadó: Paolo Costa (Ahunglish hunglish
The brow of Harper contracted, and a deeper shade of melancholy crossed his features; his eye kindled with a transient beam of fire, that spoke a latent source of deep feeling.
Helyszíni ellenőrzéshunglish hunglish
"You are right, my friend - you are right," replied poor Dick, his eye kindling with enthusiasm; "why should I shun the name of an - an - (he hesitated for a phrase) - an out-of-doors artist?
ÜdvözöIIek a voIt sittesek éIetszínházában.Tudod, ide Iehet jönni, amikor szabaduIszhunglish hunglish
O'erwhelm'd with shame that her eyes should have kindled So infamous a flame and prompted him To crime so heinous, Phaedra would have died.
Miért büntetnek?hunglish hunglish
Saruman's face grew livid, twisted with rage, and a red light was kindled in his eyes.
Ez nem a repülőtérhunglish hunglish
Then his eyes shone with a green-white light, reflecting the noisome Morgul-sheen perhaps, or kindled by some answering mood within.
A felperes keresete a Bizottság Személyzeti és Igazgatási Igazgatójának #. március #-i, a felperes által #. július #. és #. december #. közötti időszakra vonatkozó szakmai előmeneteli jelentés elkészítése során előterjesztett panaszt elutasító határozata ellen irányulhunglish hunglish
Then his eyes shone with a green-white light, reflecting the noisome Morgul-sheen perhaps, or kindled by some answering mood within.
tekintettel a Kulturális és Oktatási Bizottság második olvasatra irányuló javaslatára (Ahunglish hunglish
'I am looking at the likeness of the face,' interrupted Mr. Peggotty, with a steady but a kindling eye, 'that has looked at me, in my home, at my fireside, in my boat - wheer not? - smiling and friendly, when it was so treacherous, that I go half wild when I think of it.
Megbízunk egymásban és megóvjuk egymást minden vésztőI!hunglish hunglish
For they did not move or speak with mouth, looking from mind to mind; and only their shining eyes stirred and kindled as their thoughts went to and fro.
Henry korteskedett mellettünkhunglish hunglish
Soft, mildly, and cheerfully contemplative, with full, red lips, just on the verge of a smile, which the eyes seemed to herald by a gentle kindling-up of their orbs!
Azok mayai számok!hunglish hunglish
It was not pity that restrained him, for, at the first sound of the enfeebled voice, a red fire kindled in his eyes, and he made a quick pace forward, with something inexpressibly fierce and grim darkening forth, as it were, out of the whole man.
A keresetlevél nyelve: olaszhunglish hunglish
27 And he heard a avoice from heaven, saying: bEnoch, my son, cprophesy unto this people, and say unto them—Repent, for thus saith the Lord: I am dangry with this people, and my fierce anger is kindled against them; for their hearts have waxed ehard, and their fears are dull of hearing, and their eyes gcannot see afar off;
Palmer elnök személyesen akar veled beszélni az eligazítás utánLDS LDS
Catella, as is the wont of the jealous, hearkened to Ricciardo's words without so much as giving a thought to the speaker or his wiles, inclined at once to credit his story, and began to twist certain antecedent matters into accord with it; then, suddenly kindling with wrath, she answered that to the bagnio she would certainly go; 'twould cause her no great inconvenience, and if he should come, she would so shame him that he should never again set eyes on woman but his ears would tingle.
az európai energiapolitika meghatározása (...hunglish hunglish
There was a light in her eyes and a colour in her cheek which had not been kindled for many a day, and which, joined to her great beauty, and the splendour of her dress, occasioned her entrance to be greeted with an universal murmur of applause, in which even the ladies could not refrain from joining.
Csak azt mondom, foglalkozz valami gyakorlatias dologgal is!hunglish hunglish
Suddenly, as his glance swept over the throng, his eye kindled, his face was lighted up, his whole being was stirred with deep emotion.
Emberre vonatkozó potenciális kockázata nem ismertParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Suddenly, as his glance swept over the throng, his eye kindled, his face was lighted up, his whole being was stirred with deep emotion.
megismétli, hogy a kényszer alkalmazásának mérlegelésekor a Biztonsági Tanácsnak mindig számításba kell vennie a törvényesség öt kritériumát: a veszély komolyságát, a megfelelő célt, az utolsó eszközként való bevetést, arányos eszközöket és a következmények egyensúlyát; egyetért azzal, hogy a kényszer alkalmazásához és az arra való felhatalmazáshoz kapcsolódó elveket a Biztonsági Tanács állásfoglalásának kell meghatároznia; javasolja, hogy a Biztonsági Tanács kapjon lehetőséget arra, hogy eseti jelleggel, egy pontosan meghatározott helyzet korlátozott időre szóló vizsgálata céljából hatáskörét az ENSZ Alapokmány VII. fejezete értelmében egy elismert regionális szervezetre ruházza átParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When they were come thither, and had taken their places as they could, the whole place kindled with that savage pastime. But he, closing the passage of his eyes, forbade his mind to range abroad after such evil; and would he had stopped his ears also!
Nem tudom miértParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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