Beatrice oor Indonesies


/ˈbɪətrɪs/ eienaam, naamwoord
A female given name.

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Will you be all right to drive yourself home, Beatrice?
Kau yakin tak apa jika pulang kerumah sendirian, Beatrice?
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The other positions were "Anne-Marie" to the northwest, "Beatrice" to the northeast, "Gabrielle" to the north, and "Isabelle" 6 km (3.7 mi) to the south, covering the reserve airstrip.
Titik kuat lainnya adalah "Anne-Marie" di barat laut, "Beatrice" di timur laut, "Gabrielle" di utara dan "Isabelle" empat mil di selatan, menutupi landasan udara cadangan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lady Beatrice Sharpe was murdered in the bathtub.
Lady Beatrice Sharpe dibunuh di dalam bak mandi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Six years later, Beatrice would become my wife.
Enam tahun kemudian, Beatrice menjadi istri saya.jw2019 jw2019
After Andrew's death, his sons, Béla and Coloman, accused his third wife, Beatrice d'Este, of adultery and never considered her son, Stephen, to be a legitimate son of Andrew.
Setelah kematian András, putra-putranya, Béla dan Kálmán, menuduh istrinya yang ketiga, Beatrice d'Este, berzinah dan tidak pernah menganggap putranya, István Velencei, sebagai putra sah András.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 15 October 1273, Beatrice and Philip were married in Foggia.
Pada tanggal 15 Oktober 1273, Beatrice dan Philippe menikah di Foggia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They were the great-great-grandparents of Beatrice, who married Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.
Mereka adalah moyang Beatrice, yang menikah dengan Kaisar Friedrich Barbarossa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was the maternal grandfather of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie of York.
Ia adalah ibu dari Puteri Beatrice dan Puteri Eugenie.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The wedding between Beatrice and Frederick took on 9 June 1156 at Würzburg.
Beatrice dan Friedrich menikah pada tanggal 9 juni 1156 di Würzburg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Andrew's father was born to Beatrice D'Este, the third wife of Andrew II of Hungary, after the king's death.
Ibunda András adalah Beatrice D'Este, istri ketiga András II dari Hongaria, setelah kematian raja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beatrice didn't tell you?
Beatrice tak mengatakan padamu?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Years after his marriage to Gemma he claims to have met Beatrice again; he wrote several sonnets to Beatrice but never mentioned Gemma in any of his poems.
Bertahun-tahun setelah pernikahannya dengan Gemma, ia mengaku telah bertemu lagi dengan Beatice; ia menulis sejumlah soneta yang ditujukan bagi Beatrice tetapi tidak pernah sekali pun menyebutkan Gemma dalam puisi-puisinya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
How are you doing there, Beatrice?
Apa kabar Beatrice?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
So at nine years of age, Beatrice started in first grade -- after all, she'd never been to a lick of school -- with a six year-old.
Jadi pada usia sembilan tahun, Beatrice masuk ke kelas 1 SD -- bagaimanapun juga, dia tidak pernah menginjak kakinya ke sekolah -- dengan anak-anak umur enam tahun.ted2019 ted2019
Beatrice, what have they done with her?
Beatrice, apa yang mereka perbuat padanya?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In 1927 he married Australian Beatrice Claire Lamb, whom he met while travelling in North Africa.
Pada 1927, ia menikahi Beatrice Claire Lamb asal Australia, yang ia temui saat berkunjung ke Afrika Utara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although John I of Castile could call himself king of Portugal, the Spanish and Portuguese parties agreed not to unite the kingdoms of Castile and Portugal, and therefore, Leonor, widow of King Ferdinand, would remain regent of the government of Portugal until Beatrice had a son who upon reaching fourteen years of age would assume the title and office of King of Portugal, and his parents' claim cease.
Meskipun Juan I dari Kastila dapat menyebut dirinya raja Portugal, pihak Spanyol dan Portugis setuju untuk tidak menyatukan kerajaan Kastila dan Portugal, dan karena itu, Leonor, janda Raja Fernando, akan tetap menjadi pemangku takhta pemerintah Portugal sampai Beatrice memiliki seorang putra yang setelah mencapai usia empat belas tahun akan mendapat gelar dan kantor Raja Portugal, dan hak waris orangtuanya berhenti.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beatrice. I'll have the-
Beatrice, aku punya...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Beatrice Melba Hill (born October 29, 1945), known by her stage name, Melba Moore is an American singer, actress, voice actress, and entertainer.
Beatrice Melba Hill (lahir 29 Oktober 1945; umur 73 tahun), yang dikenal dengan nama panggungnya, Melba Moore adalah seorang penyanyi, pemeran, pengisi suara dan entertainer asal Amerika Serikat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1273, married in 1218 to Hartmann IV of Kyburg Avita of Savoy (1215-92) He had illegitimate children too: Aymon, who was Count of Larches, married Beatrice of Grisel Thomas, "the big", who was count of Lioches Giulio Chevalier, J. (1889).
Margherita dari Savoia, † 1273, menikah tahun 1218 dengan Hartmann IV Kyburg Avita dari Savoia (1215-92) Ia memiliki anak haram juga: Aymon, yang adalah Comte Larches, menikahi Beatrice dari Grisel Thomas, "yang besar", yang adalah Comte Lioches Giulio Chevalier, J. (1889).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beatrice accompanied Charles on the seventh crusade in 1248.
Béatrice menemani Charles di Perang Salib Ketujuh pada tahun 1248.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Princesses Louise and Beatrice, Prince Henry of Battenberg, Prime Minister Lord Rosebery, and Secretary of State for India Henry Fowler had all raised concerns about Karim with the Queen, who "refused to listen to what they had to say but was very angry, so as you see the Munshi is a sort of pet, like a dog or cat which the Queen will not willingly give up".
Baik Putri Louise, Putri Beatrice, Pangeran Henry dari Battenberg, Perdana Menteri Lord Rosebery, maupun Sekretaris Negara untuk India Henry Fowler telah menyampaikan keprihatinan mereka perihal Karim kepada Sri Ratu, yang "menolak untuk mendengarkan apa yang hendak mereka sampaikan malah sangat murka, jadi sebagaimana kau lihat sendiri Sang Munsyi adalah semacam peliharaan, seperti anjing atau kucing yang tidak akan dilepas Sri Ratu dengan suka rela".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In November of that year, the army of Charles, composed by 5,000 soldiers and 25,000 infantrymen entered Italy and arrived in Rome in January 1266, where on 6 January both Charles and Beatrice were crowned King and Queen of Sicily by five cardinals sent by the Pope (who was sheltering in Perugia).
Diperlukan hampir enam minggu untuk mereka mencapai Roma, namun ketika baik Charles dan Béatrice di Roma, mereka dimahkotai Raja dan Ratu Sisilia pada tanggal 6 Januari 1266 oleh lima orang kardinal yang dikirim oleh Paus (yang berlindung di Perugia).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The marriage of Beatrice and John II would prove to be useful for Henry III, if only to help Henry recover Poitou.
Pernikahan Beatrice dan Yann II terbukti berguna bagi Henry III, jika hanya untuk membantu Henry memulihkan Poitiers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On January 8, Beatrice Stockly, a woman in her 40s, was taken from her home before dawn by armed men who arrived in four pickup trucks.
Pada 8 Januari lalu, Beatrice Stockly, seorang wanita berusia 40-an diambil dari rumahnya sebelum fajar oleh para pria bersenjata yang datang ke sana dengan menumpang empat pick-up.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
Beatrice's childhood was plagued by tragedy, and the stresses of her father's reign coupled with her mother's unpopularity with the English people.
Masa kecil Beatrice diwarnai oleh tragedi, dan stres pemerintahan ayahandanya digabung dengan ketidak populeran ibundanya di mata bangsa Inggris.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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