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(Greek mythology) a mythical hero of Corinth who performed miracles on the winged horse Pegasus (especially killing the monster Chimera)

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Any of the genus Bellerophon of fossil univalve shells, believed to belong to the Heteropoda, and peculiar to the Paleozoic age.

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Bellerophon' s atmosphere extremely windy. extremely windy
Bellerophon atmosfer sangat berangin. sangat beranginopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
And they certainly have Bellerophon.
Dan mereka pasti memiliki Bellerophon.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That' s how we tracked down Bellerophon in the #' s...... and hundreds of other distant planets
Itulah cara kita melacak Bellerophon pada tahun #......Dan ratusan planet- planet jauh lainnyaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Bellerophon' s atmosphere extremely windy
Bellerophon atmosfer sangat beranginopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He's carrying a virus he created, Chimera, and the cure for that virus, Bellerophon.
Dia membawa virus yang ia ciptakan, Chimera, dan obat untuk virus itu, Bellerophon.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But this one is different from Bellerophon
Tapi satu ini berbeda dari Bellerophonopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Otrera – A daughter of Ares and the first Queen of the Amazons who was originally killed by Bellerophon.
Otrera - Ratu Amazon pertama yang dibunuh oleh Bellerophon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
How was I to know they needed... to be treated with Bellerophon within 20 hours?
Bagaimana saya tahu mereka membutuhkan... harus diperlakukan dengan Bellerophon dalam waktu 20 jam?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
These planets migrate through the disk until through the disk until they find a stable orbit. they find a stable orbit. they find a stable orbit.This is why Bellerophon This is why Bellerophon is so close to its parent
Planet ini bermigrasi melalui disk sampai melalui disk sampai mereka menemukan orbit stabil. mereka menemukan orbit stabil. mereka menemukan orbit stabilopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
By contrast, "Pegasus" may mean "the winged horse of Bellerophon".
"Pegasus" dapat menunjuk kepada "kuda bersayap Bellerophon" (tokoh mitologi Yunani).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bellerophon's adventures are commonplace types, similar to the adventures of Heracles and Theseus.
Petualangan Bellerogon merupakan jenis petualangan yang cukup umum dan mirip dengan petualangan Herakles dan Theseus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I needed Chimera in order to peddle Bellerophon.
Aku butuh Chimera untuk menjajakan Bellerophon.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'll get Bellerophon into your system before then!
Aku akan mendapatkan Bellerophon ke dalam sistem Anda sebelum itu!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hesiod relates how Pegasus was peacefully drinking from a spring when the hero Bellerophon captured him.
Hesiod menggambarkan bahwa Pegasus sedang minum dengan tenang di salah satu mata air ketika Bellerofon menangkapnya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bellerophon (/bəˈlɛrəfən/; Ancient Greek: Βελλεροφῶν) or Bellerophontes (Βελλεροφόντης) is a hero of Greek mythology.
Bellerofon (Βελλεροφῶν) atau Bellerofontes (Βελλεροφόντης) adalah pahlawan dalam mitologi Yunani.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bellerophon roasts in
Bellerophon daging panggang dalamopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Bellerophon roasts in the blazing starlight, the blazing starlight, at temperatures of roughly at temperatures of roughly #, # degrees Fahrenheit. at temperatures of roughly #, # degrees Fahrenheit
Bellerophon daging panggang dalam berkobar cahaya bintang, berkobar cahaya bintang, pada suhu sekitar pada suhu sekitar #. # derajat Fahrenheit. pada suhu sekitar #. # derajat Fahrenheitopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The variations in temperature make in temperature make Bellerophon' s atmosphere
Variasi pada suhu membuat pada suhu membuat Bellerophon atmosferopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Other members of this earliest generation of heroes such as Perseus, Deucalion, Theseus and Bellerophon, have many traits in common with Heracles.
Beberapa pahlawan lainnya yang muncul pada masa-masa awal Zaman Pahlawan, misalnya Perseus, Deukalion, Theseus dan Bellerofon, memiliki banyak kesamaan sifat dengan Herakles.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some of the atmosphere on this planet, Bellerophon...... is being boiled away by its nearby star
Beberapa atmosfer di planet ini, Bellerophon......Sedang direbus pergi oleh bintang terdekat tersebutopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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