Birmingham oor Indonesies


/ˈbɝmɪŋˌhæm/, /ˈbɜː(ɹ).mɪŋ.əm/ eienaam, naamwoord
A city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of England.

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A city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands, England.
I think we should go past Birmingham to some place warm.
Aku rasa kita akan melewati Birmingham ke tempat yang lebih hangat.


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My name is angela dalibar, and i'm from birmingham, england, by way of hong kong.
Namaku Angela Dalibar, dan aku berasal dari Birmingham, Inggris lewat Hong Kong.

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Before some of them could play their instruments, Ali Campbell and Brian Travers travelled around Birmingham promoting the band, putting up UB40 posters.
Dibentuk oleh Ali Campbell dan Brian Travers yang berkeliling Birmingham sambil menempelkan poster UB40 di mana-mana.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Listen to Reverend King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail."
Dengarkan "Letter from Birmingham Jail" dari Pastor King.ted2019 ted2019
It lies to the east of the crater Birmingham, and south-southwest of Barrow.
Kawah ini terletak di sebelah timur kawah Birmingham, dan selatan-barat daya dari Barrow.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The tour began on 16 May 2014 in Birmingham, England at the LG Arena and ended on 27 July 2014 in Scarborough, North Yorkshire at the Scarborough Open Air Theatre.
Tur dimulai pada tanggal 16 Mei 2014 di Birmingham, Inggris di LG Arena dan berakhir pada tanggal 27 Juli 2014 di Scarborough, North Yorkshire di Scarborough Teater Open.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In September 2007 five Birmingham hooligans were jailed for up to eight months and one given a suspended sentence for their part in violence at a match in which a steward lost the sight in one eye.
Pada September 2007, lima suporter Birmingham dipenjara selama delapan bulan dan satu diberi hukuman percobaan karena terlibat dalam kekerasan di sebuah pertandingan di mana petugas kehilangan penglihatan di salah satu mata.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the narrow failure to qualify for Euro 2008, McLeish left to join Premier League club Birmingham City.
Setelah nyaris lolos ke Piala Eropa 2008, McLeish kemudian mundur untuk bergabung melatih klub Liga Inggris, Birmingham City.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Your machine parts are here from Birmingham.
Bagian mesinmu sudah datang dari Birmingham.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Small returned from Virginia in 1764 and established his practice in Birmingham in 1765, consistent with this being a meeting in 1767.
Small pulang dari Virginia pada 1764 dan mendirikan praktik di Birmingham pada 1765, konsisten dengan pertemuan pada 1767.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This afternoon authorities raided a Baltimore home and found evidence that they say links the tenant James Thompson to another 1999 bombing of an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama.
Sore ini pihak berwenang menyerbu rumah di Baltimore dan menemukan bukti yang mereka bilang menghubungkan penghuninya James Thompson dengan pengeboman lain 1999 klinik aborsi di Birmingham, Alabama.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was quickly ordained as a priest and continued as an influential religious leader, based in Birmingham.
Tidak lama kemudian ia ditahbiskan sebagai imam Katolik dan tetap menjadi seorang pemimpin religius yang berpengaruh, yang berbasis di Birmingham.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Birstall, the Leeds City Square, and in Birmingham, he is memorialised through statues, and plaques commemorating him have been posted in Birmingham, Calne and Warrington.
Di Birstall, di Leeds City Square, dan di Birmingham, didirikan patung untuk mengenangnya, serta sebuah plaket untuk mengenangnya yang ditempatkan di Birmingham, Calne dan Warrington.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He later signed for Qatari side Al-Sadd in 2007, where he played only six months before transferring on loan to Birmingham City in England.
Dia kemudian menandatangani kontrak dengan pihak Qatar Al-Sadd pada tahun 2008, di mana dia bermain hanya enam bulan sebelum mentransfer dipinjamkan ke Birmingham City di Inggris.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At Hoggart's invitation, he joined the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham University in 1964.
Ia kemudian diundang Hoggart untuk masuk ke Pusat Kajian Budaya Kontemporer di Universitas Birmingham pada tahun 1964.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At a convention in Birmingham the following year, a call went out for 24 volunteers.
Di sebuah kebaktian di Birmingham pada tahun berikutnya, ada panggilan untuk 24 orang relawan.jw2019 jw2019
A new scholarly edition of the Byzantine Text of John's gospel, (funded by the United Bible Societies in response to a request from Eastern Orthodox Scholars), was begun in Birmingham, UK. and in 2007, as a result of these efforts, The Gospel According to John in the Byzantine Tradition was published.
Edisi ilmiah baru Teks Bizantin dari Injil Yohanes, (didanai oleh United Bible Societies dalam merespons permintaan dari Eastern Orthodox Scholars), dimulai di Birmingham, Inggris, dan pada tahun 2007, menghasilkan penerbitan The Gospel According to John dalam tradisi Bizantin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The resident Indian population of Birmingham was recorded at 100.
Warga India di Birmingham tercatat sebanyak 100 orang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So is London a scaled up Birmingham, which is a scaled up Brighton, etc., etc.?
Jadi apakah London adalah perbesaran dari Birmingham, yang merupakan perbesaran dari Brighton, dan sebagainya?QED QED
One November evening in 1974, the city center of Birmingham, England, was rocked by the explosion of two bombs that killed 21 persons.
Pada suatu malam bulan November 1974, pusat kota Birmingham, Inggris, diguncangkan oleh dua ledakan bom yang menewaskan 21 orang.jw2019 jw2019
Burdett has been described as "if not in the centre at least in the penumbra of the Lunar Society of Birmingham".
Burdett juga digambarkn sebagai "if not in the centre at least in the penumbra of the Lunar Society of Birmingham" ("jika tidak berada di pusat setidaknya berada di penumbra dari Lunar Society Birmingham").WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The modern game of tennis originated in Birmingham, England, in the late 19th century as lawn tennis.
Permainan tenis modern berasal dari Birmingham, Inggris pada akhir abad ke-19 sebagai "tenis lapangan rumput".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In February 2006 police were attacked as fighting broke out in Stoke-on-Trent after an FA Cup match between Stoke City and Birmingham City.
Pada bulan Februari 2006, polisi diserang ketika pertempuran pecah di Stoke-on-Trent setelah pertandingan Piala FA antara Stoke City dan Birmingham City.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I think we should go past Birmingham to some place warm.
Aku rasa kita akan melewati Birmingham ke tempat yang lebih hangat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The five appeared as the Moody Blues for the first time in Birmingham in 1964.
Mereka berlima tampil pertama kali sebagai Moody Blues di Birmingham pada tahun 1964.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the same day, West Bromwich Albion and Birmingham City were relegated, joining Sunderland in the Championship for the following season.
Pada hari yang sama, West Bromwich Albion dan Birmingham City terdegradasi, bergabung dengan Sunderland ke Divisi Championship untuk musim berikutnya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In August 2011, British police struggled to contain another form of crime —rioting in Birmingham, Liverpool, London, and other areas.
Pada Agustus 2011, polisi Inggris berjuang mengendalikan bentuk kejahatan lainnya —kerusuhan di Birmingham, Liverpool, London, dan di kawasan lainnya.jw2019 jw2019
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