Brigham Young oor Indonesies

Brigham Young

United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith; he led the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah (1801-1877)

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Brigham Young

Brigham Young told an audience of his thoughts about receiving a seer stone.
Brigham Young dia memaparkan kepada hadirin tentang pemikirannya mengenai menerima sebuah batu pelihat.
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President Brigham Young once expressed this truth by relating it to himself.
Presiden Brigham Young pernah menyatakan kebenaran ini dengan membandingkannya dengan dirinya.
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They dated while attending Brigham Young University after his mission.
Mereka berkencan ketika kuliah di Universitas Brigham Young setelah misinya.LDS LDS
* How did hearing the humble man bear his testimony help Brigham Young become truly converted?
* Bagaimana mendengar pria yang rendah hati itu memberikan kesaksiannya membantu Brigham Young menjadi sungguh-sungguh insaf?LDS LDS
She is outside his stewardship” (“Revelation” [Brigham Young University devotional, Sept. 29, 1981], 6,
Dia di luar tugas pengawasannya” (“Revelation” [kebaktian Universitas Brigham Young,29 September 1981], 6, LDS
Brigham Young named it Ensign Peak.1
Brigham Young menamai tempat itu sebagai Puncak Panji.1LDS LDS
How does Brigham Young’s rescue call show his prophetic inspiration?
Bagaimanakah panggilan penyelamatan oleh Brigham Young menunjukkan ilham kenabiannya?LDS LDS
In August 2006 we were called to serve a Church educational service mission at Brigham Young University–Hawaii.
Pada bulan Agustus 2006, kami dipanggil untuk melayani misi layanan pendidikan Gereja di Universitas Brigham Young–Hawaii.LDS LDS
Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, and a handful of their associates hiked from their campground.
Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, dan beberapa rekan mereka menaiki bukit dari perkemahan mereka.LDS LDS
Kathy looked for information about Brigham Young in Church history books and on the Church Web site.
Kathy mencari informasi tentang Brigham Young dalam buku-buku sejarah Gereja dan di situs Jejaring Gereja.LDS LDS
Every good Latter-day Saint in the spirit world is busy, said President Brigham Young (1801–77).
Setiap Orang Suci yang baik di dunia roh sibuk, ujar Presiden Brigham Young (1801–1877).LDS LDS
This devotional address was given at Brigham Young University on February 1, 1977.
Ceramah kebaktian ini diberikan di Universitas Brigham Young pada tanggal 1 Februari 1977.LDS LDS
Brigham Young (1801–77) said it best: “[Our] religion ... prompts [us] to search diligently after knowledge.
Brigham Young (1801–1977) mengungkapkannya dengan paling baik, “Agama [kita] ... menyarankan [kita] untuk meneliti dengan tekun pengetahuan.LDS LDS
Her mother, Bernice Young, was the granddaughter of Joseph Young, the brother of President Brigham Young.
Ibunya, Bernice Young, adalah cucu perempuan Joseph Young, saudara lelaki Presiden Brigham Young.LDS LDS
* Why was Brigham Young’s testimony of the keys of the apostleship important?
* Mengapa kesaksian Brigham Young mengenai kunci-kunci kerasulan penting?LDS LDS
Brigham Young had a unique way in which he referred to the Church:
Brigham young memiliki cara yang unik dimana dia merujuk Gereja:LDS LDS
The vanguard company under the direction of President Brigham Young departed for the West April 1847.
Rombongan garis depan di bawah arahan Presiden Brigham Young berangkat ke Barat pada bulan April 1847.LDS LDS
President Hinckley, like Brigham Young, is a pioneer and a builder.
Presiden Hinckley, sebagaimana Brigham Young, adalah seorang pionir dan pembangun.LDS LDS
After Sidney Rigdon concluded his remarks, Brigham Young (1801–77) said:
Setelah Sidney Rigdon mengakhiri amanatnya, Brigham Young (1801–1877) berkata:LDS LDS
Flipping through the pages of her new history book, Kathy stopped at a picture of Brigham Young.
Membolak-balik halaman-halaman buku sejarahnya yang baru, Kathy berhenti pada gambar Brigham Young.LDS LDS
President Brigham Young once expressed this truth by relating it to himself.
Presiden Brigham Young pernah menyatakan kebenaran ini dengan membandingkannya dengan dirinya.LDS LDS
Ridd Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults • January 11, 2015 • Brigham Young University–Idaho
Ridd Kebaktian Seluruh Dunia untuk Dewasa Muda • 11 Januari 2015 • Brigham Young University–IdahoLDS LDS
“In April of 1847, Brigham Young led the first company of pioneers out of Winter Quarters.
“Di bulan April tahun 1847, Brigham Young memimpin rombongan pionir pertama keluar dari Winter Quarters.LDS LDS
President Brigham Young was ordained as one of the original Twelve Apostles in this dispensation.
Presiden Brigham Young ditahbiskan sebagai salah seorang dari Duabelas Rasul yang pertama pada masa kelegaan ini.LDS LDS
She earned her bachelor’s degree in English from Brigham Young University.
Dia meraih gelar S1 dalam bidang bahasa Inggris dari Universitas Brigham Young.LDS LDS
He later returned to Utah as a college student to play football for Brigham Young University.
Kemudian dia kembali ke Utah sebagai seorang mahasiswa untuk bermain football bagi Universitas Brigham Young.LDS LDS
These two great prophets, President Brigham Young and President Gordon B.
Dua nabi besar ini, Presiden Brigham Young dan Presiden Gordon B.LDS LDS
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