Central Powers oor Indonesies

Central Powers

eienaam, naamwoord
the countries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (or the Ottoman Empire) and Bulgaria who fought against the Allies in World War I

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Blok Sentral

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The disintegration of central power also led to regionalisation of religiosity, and religious rivalry.
Perpecahan kekuasaan pusat juga mengarah kepada regionalisasi religiositas, serta persaingan religius.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The publication of the Balfour Declaration was met with tactical responses from the Central Powers.
Tak lama setelah publikasi Deklarasi Balfour, ini mendatangkan tanggapan taktikal dari Blok Sentral.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Romania officially made peace with the Central Powers by signing the Treaty of Bucharest on 7 May 1918.
Rumania secara resmi berdamai dengan Blok Sentral dengan menandatangani Perjanjian Bukares tanggal 7 Mei 1918.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The organization of central government was also modified to create a more centralized power structure.
Organisasi pemerintah pusat juga dimodifikasi untuk menciptakan struktur kekuasaan yang lebih terpusat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The situation can occur when a government has no identifiable central power or authority.
Hal ini biasanya merupakan situasi politik yang dapat terjadi jika pemerintah tidak memiliki suatu otoritas sentral yang dapat diidentifikasi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a result of the Battle of Bucharest, the Central Powers occupied Bucharest on 6 December 1916.
Sebagai akibat dari Pertempuran Bukares, Blok Sentral menduduki Bukares tanggal 6 Desember 1916.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Central Powers were thereby denied a quick victory and forced to fight a war on two fronts.
Blok Sentral gagal mendapatkan kemenangan cepat di Prancis dan terpaksa berperang di dua front.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sir, the central power grid is failing!
Tenaga utama melemah.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
During World War I, the German Empire was one of the Central Powers that lost the war.
Selama Perang Dunia I, Kekaisaran Jerman merupakan salah satu Kekuatan utama yang mengalami kekalahan dalam perang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Romanian offensive was initially successful in Transylvania, but a Central Powers counterattack by the drove them back.
Serangan Rumania awalnya sukses, memukul tentara Austria-Hongaria di Transylvania, namun serangan balasan oleh pasukan Blok Sentral memukul kembali pasukan Rusia-Rumania.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to article 177 Austria, along with the other Central Powers, accepted responsibility for starting the war.
Menurut Pasal 177, Austria dan negara-negara Blok Sentral lainnya menerima tanggung jawabnya sebagai pemicu perang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Romania had been allied with the Central Powers since 1882.
Rumania telah bersekutu dengan Blok Sentral sejak 1882.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Ottoman Empire tried to prevent the rise of local beys, which presented a menace to centralized power.
Kekaisaran Utsmaniyah mencoba mencegah kebangkitan para bey lokal, yang menunjukkan ancaman terhadap kekuasaan terpusat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Ottoman Empire entered World War I on the side of the Central Powers and was ultimately defeated.
Kesultanan Utsmaniyah memasuki Perang Dunia I di sisi Blok Sentral dan akhirnya kalah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since military issues were not a government priority, Afonso established the state's administration and centralized power on himself.
Oleh karena masalah militer bukan prioritas pemerintah, Afonso mendirikan administrasi negara dan memusatkan kekuasaan dirinya sendiri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The treaty ceded vast territories, including Finland, the Baltic provinces, parts of Poland and Ukraine to the Central Powers.
Perjanjian ini menyerahkan banyak sekali teritori, termasuk Finlandia, provinsi-provinsi Baltik, sebagian Polandia dan Ukraina ke Blok Sentral.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pope Benedict XV, in spite of Vatican sympathies for the Central Powers, endeavored to maintain an appearance of neutrality.
Meskipun Vatikan bersimpati terhadap blok Negara Sentral, Paus Benedict XV, berupaya mempertahankan penampilan yang netral.jw2019 jw2019
In 180, Gogukcheon married Lady U, the daughter of U So of the Jena-bu, further consolidating central power.
Pada tahun 180, Gogukcheon menikahi Nyonya U, putri U So dari Jena-bu, kemudian mengokohkan kekuatan pusat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At this point, Lenin finally convinced a small majority of the Bolshevik Central Committee to accept the Central Powers' demands.
Pada saat itu, Lenin akhirnya berhasil meyakinkan mayoritas yang tipis di Komite Sentral Bolshevik untuk menerima tawaran Blok Sentral.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In a bid for international recognition, they also declared war against the Central Powers but failed to garner any recognition.
Dalam upaya untuk pengakuan internasional, mereka juga menyatakan perang melawan Blok Sentral tetapi gagal mendapatkan pengakuan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After, morale was helped by victories against Serbia, Greece, Italy, and Russia which made great gains for the Central Powers.
Semangat kembali bergejolak oleh kemenangan melawan Serbia, Yunani, Italia, dan Rusia yang mendapat banyak keuntungan bagi Central Powers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, despite all of this impressive stability, central power began to lose control by the turn of the Common Era.
Meskipun demikian, dengan segala stabilitas yang mengagumkan ini, kekuasaan pusat mulai kehilangan kendali menjelang peralihan dari kurun Sebelum Masehi ke kurun Masehi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the war, the Paris Peace Conference imposed a series of peace treaties on the Central Powers officially ending the war.
Setelah perang, Konferensi Perdamaian Paris memberlakukan beberapa perjanjian damai terhadap Blok Sentral.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The self-sufficient residents of the island have no central power plant, no running water, no stores, and no post office.
Penduduknya yang hidup berswasembada tidak memiliki pembangkit listrik sentral, air leding, toko, dan kantor pos.jw2019 jw2019
Serbia was conquered in a little more than a month, as the Central Powers, now including Bulgaria, sent in 600,000 troops total.
Serbia dikuasai dalam kurun satu bulan lebih sedikit, setelah Blok Sentral, sekarang mencakup Bulgaria, mengirimkan 600.000 tentara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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