Columbia oor Indonesies


eienaam, naamwoord
(poetic) America; the United States; an appellation given in honor of Columbus, the discoverer.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


Columbia, South Carolina
You said if I revoked their charter, you'd get me into Columbia.
Kau bilang jika aku mencabut izin mereka, kau bisa memasukkan aku ke Columbia.
Open Multilingual Wordnet

Universitas Columbia

This is underneath my alma mater, Columbia University.
Ini ada di bawah universitas saya, Universitas Columbia.
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District of Columbia
Columbia University
Universitas Columbia
columbia university
universitas columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia


Advanced filtering
It is the third-largest city in British Columbia by population, surpassed only by nearby Surrey and Vancouver.
Kota ini merupakan kota terbesar ke-tigapuluh di British Columbia berdasarkan kepadatan penduduknya, melampaui Surrey tetangganya dan Vancouver.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Robinson was intrigued by villains; his studies at Columbia University taught him that some characters are made up of contradictions, leading to the Joker's sense of humor.
Robinson mensandingkannya dengan para penjahat lainnya; studi-studinya di Columbia University mengajarkannya bahwa beberapa karakter dibuat kontradiktif, yang berujung pada esensi humor Joker.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In order to save oxygen, they have taken shelter in the Columbia module and powered down the rest of the station.
Untuk menghemat oksigen, mereka berdiam di modul Columbia dan mematikan semua tenaga di area stasiun lainnya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Despite Columbia's doubts, Cash says that he will perform, and his label can use the tapes if they wish.
Terlepas dari keraguan Columbia Records, Johnny memberitahu bahwa ia akan tampil dan labelnya bisa menggunakan kaset jika mereka mau.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Vancouver Film Critics Circle (VFCC) was founded in 2000 by David Spaner and Ian Caddell in order to help promote Canadian films and the British Columbia Film and Television Industry.
Vancouver Film Critics Circle (VFCC) didirikan pada 2000 oleh David Spaner dan Ian Caddell dalam rangka membantu mempromosikan sinema Kanada dan industri film dan televisi British Columbia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Cessna 400 was originally built by Columbia Aircraft as the Columbia 400.
Cessna 400 ini awalnya dibangun oleh Columbia Aircraft sebagai Columbia 400.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She first flew on Space Shuttle Columbia in 1997 as a mission specialist and primary robotic arm operator.
Dia pertama terbang pada pesawat ulang-alik Columbia pada tahun 1997 sebagai spesialis misi dan Operator lengan robot utama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The idea of vertical farming has spread far beyond Columbia University and has now caught the attention of people around the world.
Ide budidaya vertikal telah menyebar jauh melampaui University of Colombia dan kini telah menangkap perhatian orang di seluruh dunia.QED QED
From Kenya to Columbia, from Iraq to Korea, in slums, in schools, in prisons and in theatres, every day, people gather at TEDx events around the world to hear the best ideas bubbling up in their communities.
Dari Kenya hingga Kolombia, dari Irak hingga Korea, di daerah kumuh, di sekolah- sekolah, di penjara dan di gedung pertunjukan, setiap hari, orang- orang berkumpul di acara TEDx di seluruh dunia untuk mendengar ide- ide terbaik terbentuk di komunitas mereka.QED QED
The Watch Tower of September 15, 1919, page 283, contained the encouraging news that the offices of the Society would, as of October 1, 1919, be moved from Pittsburgh back to Brooklyn Bethel at 124 Columbia Heights.
The Watch Tower 15 September 1919, halaman 283, memuat berita yang membina bahwa kantor Lembaga, sejak tanggal 1 Oktober 1919, akan pindah dari Pittsburgh kembali ke Bethel Brooklyn di Columbia Heights 124.jw2019 jw2019
Just some English guy, standing on my lawn, with a District of Columbia drivers license
Hanya orang Inggris biasa, berdiri di atas halaman rumputku, dengan SIM dari District Columbiaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Released by Columbia Pictures, Ladies of the Chorus features Marilyn Monroe in the first major role of her career.
Dirilis oleh Columbia Pictures, Ladies of the Chorus menampilkan Marilyn Monroe dalam peran besat pertama dari kariernya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At Rabi's instigation, a branch of the Radiation Laboratory was located at Columbia, with Rabi in charge.
Atas permintaan Rabi, sebuah cabang dari Radiation Laboratory didirikan di Columbia, dengan Rabi sebagai ketuanya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He received his undergraduate degree in 1939, and attended Columbia University for graduate school.
Ia menerima gelar sarjana pada tahun 1939, dan melanjutkan studinya di Universitas Columbia untuk sekolah pascasarjana.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Regarding this generally accepted conclusion, Robert Jastrow, professor of astronomy and geology at Columbia University, wrote: “Few astronomers could have anticipated that this event—the sudden birth of the Universe—would become a proven scientific fact, but observations of the heavens through telescopes have forced them to that conclusion.”
Sehubungan dengan kesimpulan yang telah luas diterima ini, Robert Jastrow, profesor astronomi dan geologi di Columbia University, menulis, ”Tidak banyak astronom yang yakin bahwa peristiwa ini —kelahiran Alam Semesta secara tiba-tiba —akan terbukti sebagai suatu fakta ilmiah, tetapi pengamatan langit melalui teleskop telah memaksa mereka menerima kesimpulan itu.”jw2019 jw2019
It was launched in 1999 aboard Columbia during STS-93 into an elliptical high-earth orbit, and was initially named the Advanced X-ray Astronomical Facility (AXAF).
Ini diluncurkan pada tahun 1999 kapal Columbia selama STS-93 dan awalnya bernama Advanced X-ray Fasilitas Astronomical (AXAF).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Columbia Pictures' Screen Gems picked up Hanna-Barbera's product, and the studio soon became the most successful producers of television animation in the world.
Oleh karena itu, Screen Gems milik Columbia Pictures mengambil produk Hanna-Barbera, dan studio segera menjadi produsen paling sukses animasi televisi di dunia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In order to save oxygen, they have taken shelter in the Columbia module and powered down the rest of the station.
Untuk menghemat oksigen, mereka berdiam di modul Columbia dan mematikan daya di bagian stasiun lainnya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If you would like to receive this book or have someone call at your home to discuss what the Bible says about this matter, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, or to the appropriate address on page 5.
Jika Anda ingin menerima buku ini atau ingin agar seseorang mengunjungi Anda di rumah untuk membahas apa yang Alkitab katakan mengenai hal ini, silakan menulis surat ke Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, atau ke alamat yang cocok pada halaman 5.jw2019 jw2019
He continued his studies at Columbia University, where he was awarded his doctorate for a thesis on the magnetic susceptibility of certain crystals.
Ia melanjutkan studinya di Columbia University, dimana ia dianugerahi gelar dokterandes untuk tesisnya tentang suseptibilitas magnetik batuan pada benda kristal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call to conduct a free home Bible study with you, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2.
Jika Saudara senang menerima penjelasan lebih lanjut atau senang dikunjungi seseorang untuk mengadakan pengajaran Alkitab di rumah secara cuma-cuma bersama Saudara, silakan menulis surat ke Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, atau ke salah satu alamat yang tertera di halaman 2.jw2019 jw2019
In 1980, the British Columbia Legislature passed the Transpo 86 Corporation Act, paving the way for the fair.
Pada 1980, Parlemen British Columbia menyetujui Akta Korporasi Transpo 86, yang membuka jalan untuk diselenggarakannya pameran tersebut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hamilton entered King's College (now Columbia) in New York City in the autumn of 1773 "as a private student", and officially matriculated in May 1774.
Hamilton kuliah di King's College, New York City (sekarang Universitas Columbia), pada musim gugur 1773 "sebagai mahasiswa tak terdaftar" dan terdaftar secara resmi pada Mei 1774.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I'm going to veterinary school up at Columbia.
Aku sekolah kedokteran hewan di Columbia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kearney has received critical acclaim and widespread recognition for his Columbia Records debut, Nothing Left to Lose.
Kearney mendapat banyak pujian dan pengakuan atas album debutnya, Nothing Left to Lose, yang dirilis oleh Columbia Records.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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